Review 1: Listening

Câu 1 Tự luận

You are going to hear a man introducing about the volunteer program in Galapagos Islands Farm Ecuador. Listen to the first part of the talk and decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

1. Volunteers of this campaign will do the same thing every day. 

2. There is more than one main job to do there. 

3. There is no machine to support volunteers when they do farming. 

4. Half of the schools there are old.

5. The school maintenance work is as important as the farm work.

Câu hỏi tự luận
Bạn chưa làm câu này

1. Volunteers of this campaign will do the same thing every day. 

2. There is more than one main job to do there. 

3. There is no machine to support volunteers when they do farming. 

4. Half of the schools there are old.

5. The school maintenance work is as important as the farm work.

Audio transcript:

Welcome everyone to the Volunteer program in Galapagos Islands Farm Ecuador. It is a meaningful job because the poor farmers here really need your helping hands. There are a lot for you to do when you take part in the campaign, so every day is different. However, there are two main jobs. The first one is to help farmers during the harvest time. You have to do something by hands, but of course, we have machines to help you out with heavy tasks. The second job is to do maintenance work in the school. Most of the schools here are very old and poorly – equipped. A lot of things need to be fixed to make sure that children are safe in their classroom. Both jobs are equally important to the people here.

Giải thích:

1. Volunteers of this campaign will do the same thing every day. (Các tình nguyện viên của chiến dịch này sẽ làm điều tương tự mỗi ngày.)

Thông tin: There are a lot for you to do when you take part in the campaign, so every day is different. (Có rất nhiều việc để bạn làm khi tham gia vào chiến dịch, nên mỗi ngày mỗi khác.)


 2. There is more than one main job to do there. (Có nhiều hơn một công việc chính để làm ở đó.)

Thông tin: there are two main jobs. (có hai công việc chính.)


3. There is no machine to support volunteers when they do farming. (Không có máy móc hỗ trợ tình nguyện viên khi họ làm nông nghiệp.)

Thông tin: You have to do something by hands, but of course, we have machines to help you out with heavy tasks. (Bạn phải làm việc gì đó bằng tay, nhưng tất nhiên, chúng tôi có máy móc để giúp bạn làm những công việc nặng nhọc.)



4. Half of the schools there are old. (Một nửa số trường ở đó là cũ.)

Thông tin: Most of the schools here are very old and poorly – equipped.( Hầu hết các trường học ở đây đều rất cũ và trang thiết bị kém.)


5. The school maintenance work is as important as the farm work. (Công việc bảo trì trường học cũng quan trọng như công việc trang trại.)

Thông tin: Both jobs are equally important to the people here. (Cả hai công việc đều quan trọng như nhau đối với người dân ở đây.)


Câu 2 Tự luận

Listen to a man calling for people’s attention to volunteer activities. Then decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F)

1. Being a volunteer is a way to avoid wasting time.

2. Only a few volunteer organizations need new volunteers.

3. Many people are lazy and don’t want to do something new

4. Being a volunteer can be boring sometimes.

5. Sometimes volunteers can be sad about what the government do to people

Câu hỏi tự luận
Bạn chưa làm câu này

1. Being a volunteer is a way to avoid wasting time.

2. Only a few volunteer organizations need new volunteers.

3. Many people are lazy and don’t want to do something new

4. Being a volunteer can be boring sometimes.

5. Sometimes volunteers can be sad about what the government do to people

Audio transcript:

Being a volunteer is one of the best things you can do with your life. It’s a great way to help other people. It’s also very satisfying to know that you are not wasting your time and are helping people who need help. Many of us could and should be out there doing voluntary activities of some kind. So many volunteer organizations need extra hands. It really is easy. Just pick up the phone and offer your services. I think too many of us settle into a lazy lifestyle. We just want to come home and watch TV. Life is much more interesting when you’re a volunteer. I’ve found it really opens your eyes to how some people live. It’s sometimes sad to see how the government lets people down, but at least I’m doing my bit.

Giải thích chi tiết:

1. Being a volunteer is a way to avoid wasting time. (Làm tình nguyện viên là một cách để tránh lãng phí thời gian.)

Thông tin: It’s also very satisfying to know that you are not wasting your time (Thật hài lòng khi biết rằng bạn không lãng phí thời gian của mình)


2. Only a few volunteer organizations need new volunteers. (Chỉ một số tổ chức tình nguyện cần tình nguyện viên mới.)

Thông tin: So many volunteer organizations need extra hands. (Vì vậy, rất nhiều tổ chức tình nguyện cần thêm những cánh tay)


3. Many people are lazy and don’t want to do something new. (Nhiều người lười biếng và không muốn làm điều gì đó mới.)

Thông tin: I think too many of us settle into a lazy lifestyle. We just want to come home and watch TV. (Tôi nghĩ rằng có quá nhiều người trong chúng ta sống theo lối sống lười biếng. Chúng tôi chỉ muốn về nhà và xem TV.)


4. Being a volunteer can be boring. (Làm tình nguyện viên có thể nhàm chán.)

Thông tin: Life is much more interesting when you’re a volunteer. (Cuộc sống thú vị hơn nhiều khi bạn là một tình nguyện viên.)


5. Sometimes volunteers can be sad about what the government do to people. (Đôi khi các tình nguyện viên có thể buồn về những gì chính phủ làm với người dân.)

Thông tin: It’s sometimes sad to see how the government lets people down (Đôi khi, thật buồn khi thấy cách chính phủ khiến người dân thất vọng)