Bài tập đọc hiểu

Kỳ thi ĐGTD ĐH Bách Khoa

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 21 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The Human Heart

The human heart is an amazing organ of the human body. The heart is an organ which pumps life-giving blood throughout the body. It works together with blood and blood vessels to supply all of the needs of the cells.

The heart is located in the middle of the chest and slightly to the left. It is divided into two halves and has two hollow spaces or chambers. The blood enters the atria, which is the upper chamber and is then pumped to the ventricles, two lower chambers. Blood from the ventricles goes to the lungs and to every cell in the body. [A]

An artery is a blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart. A main artery may be as thick as a thumb. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Plasma is a liquid and can easily pass through small blood vessels into cells and makes up over one-half of the blood. The plasma carries nutrients (food) from the stomach to be used as fuel for energy. Plasma also helps keep the body warm.

The blood then returns to the heart through blood vessels called veins. The veins on the skin, may look blue, especially on the hands and arms. The walls of a vein are much thinner than those of an artery. Two large veins bring the blood back to the heart. One comes from the brain and the chest. The other comes from the stomach and lower body. [B]

Blood doesn't flow at the same speed through all of the body. As it gets farther away from the heart, it slows down. It goes slowly when the red blood cells carrying the food and oxygen squeeze through into the cells. [C]

The heart beats or pumps every second of the day or night. It beats or pumps 100,000 times a day, every day of a person's life. Every time a heart beats or pumps out a stream of blood, this beat, called a pulse, can be felt on the inside of the wrist. The pulse rate in an adult is between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Children's pulse rates range from ninety to one hundred twenty beats per minute. [D]

In summary, the circulatory system which includes the heart, blood vessels and blood, work together to supply the cells with all the food and oxygen a body needs to maintain life. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry the blood back to the heart. The heart beats thousands of times a day, every day. It beats much faster in children. The human heart is an amazing organ which is part of a system of many veins, arteries, and vessels which moves blood throughout the body keeping humans alive.

Which can be inferred from the passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Điều nào có thể được suy ra từ đoạn văn?

A. Máu không thể làm ấm cơ thể.

B. Tim của trẻ em đập nhanh hơn tim của người lớn.

C. Một trong những tĩnh mạch lớn xuất phát từ phần trên cơ thể.

D. Tim người có thể hoạt động độc lập trong hệ tuần hoàn.

Thông tin: The pulse rate in an adult is between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Children's pulse rates range from ninety to one hundred twenty beats per minute.

Tạm dịch: Nhịp tim ở người lớn là từ sáu mươi đến một trăm nhịp mỗi phút. Nhịp tim của trẻ em dao động từ chín mươi đến một trăm hai mươi nhịp mỗi phút.

Câu 22 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The Human Heart

The human heart is an amazing organ of the human body. The heart is an organ which pumps life-giving blood throughout the body. It works together with blood and blood vessels to supply all of the needs of the cells.

The heart is located in the middle of the chest and slightly to the left. It is divided into two halves and has two hollow spaces or chambers. The blood enters the atria, which is the upper chamber and is then pumped to the ventricles, two lower chambers. Blood from the ventricles goes to the lungs and to every cell in the body. [A]

An artery is a blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart. A main artery may be as thick as a thumb. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Plasma is a liquid and can easily pass through small blood vessels into cells and makes up over one-half of the blood. The plasma carries nutrients (food) from the stomach to be used as fuel for energy. Plasma also helps keep the body warm.

The blood then returns to the heart through blood vessels called veins. The veins on the skin, may look blue, especially on the hands and arms. The walls of a vein are much thinner than those of an artery. Two large veins bring the blood back to the heart. One comes from the brain and the chest. The other comes from the stomach and lower body. [B]

Blood doesn't flow at the same speed through all of the body. As it gets farther away from the heart, it slows down. It goes slowly when the red blood cells carrying the food and oxygen squeeze through into the cells. [C]

The heart beats or pumps every second of the day or night. It beats or pumps 100,000 times a day, every day of a person's life. Every time a heart beats or pumps out a stream of blood, this beat, called a pulse, can be felt on the inside of the wrist. The pulse rate in an adult is between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Children's pulse rates range from ninety to one hundred twenty beats per minute. [D]

In summary, the circulatory system which includes the heart, blood vessels and blood, work together to supply the cells with all the food and oxygen a body needs to maintain life. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry the blood back to the heart. The heart beats thousands of times a day, every day. It beats much faster in children. The human heart is an amazing organ which is part of a system of many veins, arteries, and vessels which moves blood throughout the body keeping humans alive.

The sentence “A valve in each ventricle stops the blood from flowing backwards.” can best fit which of the numbered spaces in the passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Thông tin: “A valve in each ventricle stops the blood from flowing backwards.”

Tạm dịch: Một van trong mỗi tâm thất ngăn máu chảy ngược.

Trong câu có từ khóa “valve” và “ventricle” chỉ xuất hiện trong đoạn B nên câu văn này phù hợp nhất với đoạn B

Câu 23 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The Human Heart

The human heart is an amazing organ of the human body. The heart is an organ which pumps life-giving blood throughout the body. It works together with blood and blood vessels to supply all of the needs of the cells.

The heart is located in the middle of the chest and slightly to the left. It is divided into two halves and has two hollow spaces or chambers. The blood enters the atria, which is the upper chamber and is then pumped to the ventricles, two lower chambers. Blood from the ventricles goes to the lungs and to every cell in the body. [A]

An artery is a blood vessel which carries blood away from the heart. A main artery may be as thick as a thumb. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Plasma is a liquid and can easily pass through small blood vessels into cells and makes up over one-half of the blood. The plasma carries nutrients (food) from the stomach to be used as fuel for energy. Plasma also helps keep the body warm.

The blood then returns to the heart through blood vessels called veins. The veins on the skin, may look blue, especially on the hands and arms. The walls of a vein are much thinner than those of an artery. Two large veins bring the blood back to the heart. One comes from the brain and the chest. The other comes from the stomach and lower body. [B]

Blood doesn't flow at the same speed through all of the body. As it gets farther away from the heart, it slows down. It goes slowly when the red blood cells carrying the food and oxygen squeeze through into the cells. [C]

The heart beats or pumps every second of the day or night. It beats or pumps 100,000 times a day, every day of a person's life. Every time a heart beats or pumps out a stream of blood, this beat, called a pulse, can be felt on the inside of the wrist. The pulse rate in an adult is between sixty and one hundred beats per minute. Children's pulse rates range from ninety to one hundred twenty beats per minute. [D]

In summary, the circulatory system which includes the heart, blood vessels and blood, work together to supply the cells with all the food and oxygen a body needs to maintain life. Blood is made up of red cells, white cells and platelets floating in a fluid called plasma. Arteries carry blood away from the heart, and veins carry the blood back to the heart. The heart beats thousands of times a day, every day. It beats much faster in children. The human heart is an amazing organ which is part of a system of many veins, arteries, and vessels which moves blood throughout the body keeping humans alive.

What is the main idea of the passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Ý chính của đoạn văn là gì?

A. Tim người là cơ quan quan trọng nhất.

B. Tim người và chức năng của nó

C. Làm thế nào để có một trái tim khỏe mạnh

D. Hệ tuần hoàn chỉ có tim ở người

Ta thấy đoạn văn nói về tim và chức năng của tim khi kết hợp với máu và mạch máu

Câu 24 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

Which of the following senses is most helpful for reading, traveling, and moving from place to place?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Giác quan nào sau đây hữu ích nhất cho việc đọc sách, du lịch và di chuyển từ nơi này sang nơi khác?

A. Thính giác

B. Khứu giác

C. Thị giác

D. Vị giác

Thông tin: Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day.

Tạm dịch: Tất nhiên, thị giác cũng hữu ích cho việc đọc sách, đi lại, lái xe và di chuyển từ nơi này sang nơi khác mỗi ngày.

Câu 25 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

If a person can see up close, but may need glasses to see far away, which of the following conditions to they have?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Nếu một người có thể nhìn gần, nhưng có thể phải đeo kính để nhìn xa, thì họ phải có điều kiện nào sau đây?

A. Gần mắt

B. Cận thị

C. Viễn thị

D. Chữ nổi

Thông tin:  Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted.

Tạm dịch:

Câu 26 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

What does the word “them” in paragraph 3 refer to?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Thông tin: The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding.

Tạm dịch: Tai trong bao gồm các ống và các đoạn truyền âm thanh rung động và gửi chúng đến não của bạn để hiểu.

Câu 27 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

Which word is CLOSEST meaning to “filtering”?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

A. clarifying (v) phân loại

B. purifying (v) lọc

C. distinguishing (v) phân biệt

D. processing (v) xử lí

=> filtering = purifying

Câu 28 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

Which of the following best explains how cilia works with the sense of smell?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Điều nào sau đây giải thích tốt nhất cách hoạt động của lông mao đối với khứu giác?

A. Giúp tạo ra hương vị thức ăn

B. Giúp lọc thực phẩm mà một người ăn

C. Giúp lọc không khí mà một người thở ra

D. Giúp lọc không khí mà một người hít vào

Thông tin: Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose.

Tạm dịch:Bên trong mũi có những sợi lông nhỏ gọi là lông mao, chúng hoạt động như một chất tẩy rửa giúp giữ cho các chất trong không khí xâm nhập vào cơ thể người bệnh qua mũi.

Câu 29 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

Which can be inferred from the fifth passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Điều nào có thể được suy ra từ đoạn 5?

A. Xúc giác hoạt động cả bên ngoài và bên trong cơ thể.

B. Con người nếm các mùi vị khác nhau bằng mũi và lưỡi.

C. Mỗi giác quan hoạt động riêng rẽ.

D. Người ta chỉ có cảm giác qua da.

Thông tin: The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin... In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body.

Tạm dịch: Các giác quan, cảm giác hoặc xúc giác tiếp theo có thể được trải nghiệm trên toàn bộ cơ thể thông qua da của một người ... Ngoài ra, khi một người bị đau bụng hoặc cảm thấy các loại đau khác, xúc giác đang hoạt động từ bên trong cơ thể.

Câu 30 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

The sentence “The five senses work together to help you live, protect yourself, learn, and enjoy the world around you.” can best fit which of the numbered spaces in the passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Thông tin: “The five senses work together to help you live, protect yourself, learn, and enjoy the world around you.”

Tạm dịch: Năm giác quan hoạt động cùng nhau để giúp bạn sống, bảo vệ bản thân, học hỏi và tận hưởng thế giới xung quanh

Ta thấy các đoạn A, B, C phân tích từng giác quan. Đáp án D tổng hợp lại 5 giác quan nên câu văn phù hợp với đáp án D nhất

Câu 31 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

The five senses of the body include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Human beings and most other animals use the five senses to help them live and experience the world around them. The senses also help people to learn, protect themselves, and to enjoy the differences between foods, sounds, and other experiences a person has in life. The senses also work together to give you a clear picture of the activities around you.

The first sense is sight, which depends on the eyes. People use their eyes to see the people, objects, and other items around them. Of course, the sense of sight is also helpful for reading, traveling, driving, and moving from place to place each day. Inside the eye there are special lenses that take in light to help people see things. If it is too dark, a person will have trouble seeing. The eyes can also adjust to the amount of light available. Many people, though, young and old, may also need glasses to help them see clearly. Some people may be able to see things up close, but not far away, which means they are nearsighted. If a person can see far away but not up close, they are farsighted. If a person is blind, there are special books written in braille which helps them feel the raised letters. Some blind people also have special dogs to help guide them from place to place in their home and when they go places.

The second sense, hearing, depends on the ears. There are actually three parts of the ear, the outer ear, middle ear, and the inner ear. The outer ear is the part other people can see. The outer ear catches the sound waves as they travel to the person and then sends them into the ear. The outer ear acts like a funnel collecting the different sounds a person experiences. The middle ear contains the eardrum and several bones which transfers sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The inner ear consists of tubes and passages that takes the sound vibrations and sends them to your brain for understanding. [A]

The third sense, smell, depends on your nose. Inside the nose there is a substance that takes the fumes of an odor and then sends it to the brain. If a person gets a cold the sense of smell may not be as strong. The nose also helps clean the air a person breathes by filtering it. Inside the nose there are tiny hairs, called cilia, which act as cleaners to help keep substances in the air from entering a person's body through the nose. In addition, the nose affects the way a person speaks. If a person holds their nose while speaking, their voice will sound different. Smell also helps with the sense of taste. As a person tastes the food in their mouth, the aroma of the food enters a person's nose. [B]

The next sense, feeling, or touch, can be experienced throughout the entire body through a person's skin. Some parts of the body are more sensitive to touch than other parts. The skin has parts in it that collect information and sends it the brain. Most of a person's feeling is done by the hands. In addition, when a person has a stomach ache or feel other kinds of pain, the sense of touch is working from inside the body. [C]

The final sense, taste, comes from the taste buds on a person's tongue. As stated earlier, the sense of smell also affects the sense of taste. The tongue tastes four different flavors: salty, sweet, sour, and bitter. Many foods a person eats may be a combination of the four main flavors. The tongue can also feel whether something in a person's mouth is hot, cold, creamy, crunchy, or dry.

In summary, the five senses are sight, hearing, smell, feeling, and taste. [D]

What is the title of the text?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Tiêu đề của bài đọc là gì?

A. Cách thức hoạt động của 5 giác quan của cơ thể

B. Các giác quan luôn nhạy cảm

C. Các giác quan ảnh hưởng lẫn nhau

D. Con người không thể sống nếu thiếu 5 giác quan của cơ thể.

Bài đọc giới thiệu về 5 giác quan và cách thức các giác quan hoạt động, giúp con người cảm nhận cuộc sống

Câu 32 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

Which of the following bones protect the heart?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Bộ xương nào sau đây bảo vệ tim?

A. Đốt sống

B. Các gân

C. Dây chằng

D. Xương sườn

Thông tin: In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury.

Tạm dịch: Ở phía trước của cơ thể, khung xương sườn bao phủ ngực. Bên dưới là tim và phổi. Sườn là xương bảo vệ tim, phổi và dạ dày trong trường hợp bị thương.

Câu 33 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

When do bones lose minerals?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Khi nào xương mất chất khoáng?

A. Khi xương hình thành quá nhiều hồng cầu và bạch cầu mới.

B. Khi cơ phát triển mạnh hơn.

C. Khi người ta trở lên già đi.

D. Khi mọi người không hoạt động.

Thông tin: When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Tạm dịch: Khi một người già đi nhiều, xương bắt đầu yếu đi. Các khoáng chất bắt đầu biến mất khỏi xương.

Câu 34 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

Where is the location of a disk in a body?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Vị trí của đĩa đệm trong cơ thể là ở đâu?

A. giữa bộ xương và hộp sọ

B. giữa đốt sống và xương

C. giữa mỗi dây thần kinh

D. giữa mỗi đốt sống

Thông tin: Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk.

Tạm dịch: Giữa mỗi đốt sống là một đệm nhỏ gọi là đĩa đệm.

Câu 35 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

Which of the following is NOT true?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Điều nào sau đây KHÔNG đúng?

A. Phần trên của chân là xương đùi.

B. Xương có thể tự lành nhiều lần.

C. Cơ thể chỉ có 1 loại xương.

D. Đĩa đệm phủ lên các đốt sống.

Thông tin: Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. 

Tạm dịch: Đầu gối, bàn tay, bàn chân và chân đều có nhiều loại xương khác nhau.

Câu 36 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

What does the word “It” in paragraph 6 refer to?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Thông tin: Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee.

Tạm dịch: Xương chân được gắn vào cột sống ở phía trên bởi nhóm xương được gọi là xương chậu. Phần trên của chân là xương đùi. Nó tạo thành một phần của đầu gối.

Câu 37 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

Which can infer from the 7th passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Điều nào có thể suy ra từ đoạn văn thứ 7?

A. Trẻ em có nhiều xương hơn người lớn.

B. Xương ngừng phát triển trước khi một người trưởng thành.

C. Xương là tế bào không sống.

D. Các xương không thể liên kết với nhau khi một người già đi.

Thông tin: A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

Tạm dịch: Một người được sinh ra với ba trăm chiếc xương. Một số xương này có thể liên kết với nhau. Khi một người trưởng thành, anh ta sẽ chỉ còn khoảng hai trăm lẻ sáu chiếc xương.

Câu 38 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

Which word is CLOSEST meaning to “hollow” in the 5th passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

A. full (adj) dâyd

B. empty (adj) trống rỗng

C. flat (adj) phẳng

D. thin (adj) mỏng

=> hollow = empty

Câu 39 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bones support the human body. They are the structure on which the skin hangs. Without bones the body would collapse. A person could not walk or run. Bones provide both support and protection for parts of the body.

In the front of the body the bony rib cage covers the chest. Underneath are the heart and lungs. The ribs are bones which protect the heart, lungs and stomach in case of injury. The skull protects the brain. The bones in the back (or spine) protect the nerves of the spinal column. [A]

The bones store minerals needed by other parts of the body. When the minerals are needed, they will be released into the blood. They also form new red and white blood cells each day. New bone is still made until a person reaches the age of thirty-five. When a person gets much older, the bones start to weaken. The minerals begin to disappear from the bones.

Besides storing minerals and forming blood cells, the bones work with muscles and joints. They allow movement in the body. The place where two bones come together is called a joint. The knee joint is the biggest and strongest joint in the body. Ligaments link bones together at the joints. They are very strong and can stretch. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons. The muscles and tendons together allow the bones move. [B]

The whole bone structure of the body is called the skeleton. The skull protects the brain, eyes, face, jaw and ears. Vertebrae make up the column of bones running down the back. Between each vertebra is a small cushion called a disk. The vertebrae are hollow. Nerves run down through the hollow parts to the whole body.

Knees, hands, feet and legs all have different kinds of bones. Some of these bones can move freely. Some are bound tightly together. Arm bones are connected at the top to the collarbone and shoulder bone. They are connected at the bottom to the hand. Leg bones are attached to the spine at the top by the group of bones called the pelvis. The upper part of the leg is the thigh bone. It forms part of the knee. The lower part of the leg is made up of two bones. They are attached to the foot at the bottom. [C]

Bones are actually living cells. The bones grow and change over time. A person is born with three hundred bones. Some of these bones can join together. By the time a person becomes an adult, he will have only about two hundred and six bones.

In summary, bones are a necessary part of the body. They provide protection and support for the vital organs, like the heart, brain and lungs. The bones are strong and can handle heavy weights. They allow a person to walk. They work with muscles to help the body move and stretch. [D]

The sentence “The 206 bones of the body include the ribs, skull, spine, vertebrae, thigh bone, and many more.” can best fit which of the numbered spaces in the passage?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Thông tin: The 206 bones of the body include the ribs, skull, spine, vertebrae, thigh bone, and many more.

Tạm dịch: 206 chiếc xương của cơ thể bao gồm xương sườn, hộp sọ, xương sống, đốt sống, xương đùi và nhiều xương khác.

Đây là câu tổng hợp lại các loại xương trên cơ thể nên vị trí của câu thường ở cuối bài trong đoạn kết bài

=> Chỉ có đáp án D phù hợp nhất

Câu 40 Trắc nghiệm

Read the text and choose the best.

Bacteria are the second smallest living things on Earth with only viruses being smaller. They are very small organisms which usually consist of only a single cell. They do not have chlorophyll that is found in plants which allow for the production of food. If one million of the tiny bacteria were laid end-to-end, they would only measure about two inches. The word bacteria is plural, and bacterium describes a single organism.

An amateur scientist named Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see bacteria and other tiny organisms under a microscope. Though tiny, they are found everywhere. Bacteria is found in the air, soil, and water, as well as inside and outside of the human body. They reproduce quickly if the conditions are right. Millions of the tiny organisms can form in a space as small as a drop of water.

[A] Bacteria are usually placed in three categories depending on their shapes. The can be described a spherical (like a football), rod-like, or shaped like a spiral or corkscrew. There are also some bacteria shaped like a comma used in writing, but much smaller. There is helpful bacteria and harmful bacteria. Some can improve human life, but others can cause diseases. In addition, there are many more that simply have no effect on humans.

[B] The helpful bacteria assist with the digestion of foods in several kinds of animals including cows, deer, sheep and others. The bacteria help break down some of the foods the animals eat. In humans, a bacteria called E. coli also occur in the digestive system breaking down many kinds of foods. It is responsible for producing vitamin K and certain b vitamins.

[C] Other bacteria are decomposers in the food chain, which attack dead animals and break them down. They are then used as nutrients by plants. Bacteria is also part of the production of many foods eaten by people. Bacteria causes milk to become sour which helps in the production of buttermilk, cottage cheese, and yogurt. Bacteria is involved in the production of sauerkraut and vinegar too.

[D] It can directly attack the tissues in a plant or animal. Sometimes fruits or vegetables become discolored due the attack by bacteria. Bacteria can also cause harm organisms by releasing chemicals that are poisonous to plants and animals. One type is responsible for a disease known as tetanus, which can paralyze the muscles of a person. The condition when this occurs is called lockjaw. Finally, the worst type of food poisoning is caused by a bacterium releasing a toxin. This type of food poisoning is called botulism.

There are also harmful bacteria living on the skin, but are not dangerous unless they enter the bloodstream through a cut in the skin. If E. coli, though helpful with digestion, enters the bloodstream it can cause cramping, diarrhea and maybe even death.

Methods to destroy bacteria include freezing and drying during food preservation or through pasteurization, which is the process of heating food to a specific temperature for a period of time. This is how bacteria are killed during the processing of milk.

In summary, bacteria are everywhere and can be harmful or helpful to humans and other organisms.

Which of the following best describes Anton van Leeuwenhoek?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Điều nào sau đây mô tả đúng nhất về Anton van Leeuwenhoek?

A. Người phát minh ra vi khuẩn

B. Phát hiện vi khuẩn trên cơ thể

C. Người đầu tiên nhìn thấy vi rút dưới kính hiển vi

D. Người đầu tiên nhìn thấy vi khuẩn dưới kính hiển vi

Thông tin: An amateur scientist named Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see bacteria and other tiny organisms under a microscope.

Tạm dịch: Một nhà khoa học nghiệp dư tên là Anton van Leeuwenhoek là người đầu tiên nhìn thấy vi khuẩn và các sinh vật nhỏ bé khác dưới kính hiển vi.