Kĩ năng đọc hiểu - Artificial Intelligence

Câu 21 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

What do optimists predict technology will allow?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Những người lạc quan dự đoán công nghệ sẽ cho phép điều gì?

A. nơi làm việc trở nên thư giãn hơn 

B. cuộc sống tận hưởng hơn

C. giờ làm việc linh hoạt 

D. sản phẩm công nghệ cao

Thông tin: Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way, claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation….

Tạm dịch: Một số dự báo đưa ra tương lai theo cách không tưởng, tuyên bố rằng robot sẽ đảm nhận công việc nặng nhọc tẻ nhạt, do đó giải phóng thời gian và tiềm năng của con người, cho phép nhiều sáng tạo và đổi mới hơn….

Câu 22 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

What can be inferred from the comments made by Bill Gates?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Có thể rút ra điều gì từ những nhận xét của Bill Gates?

A. Những thay đổi sẽ xảy ra trong nhiều thập kỷ.

B. Số lượng lao động phổ thông ngày càng tăng.

C. Công nhân có tay nghề cao ít phải lo lắng hơn.

D. Công nghệ sẽ có ảnh hưởng tiêu cực ở nơi làm việc.

Thông tin: Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20 years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of the scale in terms of skills.

Tạm dịch: Cựu chủ tịch Microsoft, Bill Gates, tuyên bố rằng trong 20 năm nữa, robot có thể có mặt trong một số hạng mục công việc, đặc biệt là những công việc ở cấp độ thấp hơn về kỹ năng.

Câu 23 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

Why is the example of the Industrial Revolution given?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Tại sao lại đưa ra ví dụ về cuộc Cách mạng Công nghiệp?

A. Đó cũng là thời điểm có nhiều thay đổi ở nơi làm việc.

B. Nó có ít ảnh hưởng hơn so với Cách mạng Kỹ thuật số.

C. Dẫn đến tình trạng thất nghiệp tràn lan trên thế giới.

D. Nó dẫn đến một xã hội bạo lực hơn.

Thông tin: The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. 

Tạm dịch: Điểm mấu chốt là mặc dù tương lai luôn không chắc chắn, nhưng robot là một vật cố định của xã hội chúng ta, sẽ không biến mất. Cũng như cuộc Cách mạng Công nghiệp, nơi máy móc được sử dụng trong nhiều nhiệm vụ thay cho lao động chân tay và biến động xã hội kéo theo, cuộc Cách mạng Kỹ thuật số có khả năng đưa robot vào nhiều công việc khác nhau. Mặc dù vậy, nhiều công việc ngày nay không tồn tại trước Cách mạng Công nghiệp, chẳng hạn như công việc của các lập trình viên, kỹ sư và nhà khoa học dữ liệu.

Câu 24 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

5. What is the modern-day view of the Luddites?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Quan điểm hiện đại của Luddites là gì?

A. Họ đã quản lý để bảo vệ công việc của họ.

B. Việc họ không chịu thích nghi với sự thay đổi được nhìn nhận theo hướng tiêu cực.

C. Việc thích nghi với công nghệ mới đã tiết kiệm được công việc của họ.

D. Hành động của họ đang truyền cảm hứng cho rất nhiều người lao động ngày nay.

Thông tin: This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Tạm dịch: Điều này khiến các chuyên gia khác chỉ trích cách tiếp cận của những người theo chủ nghĩa báo động về sự biến đổi nỗi sợ hãi của robot, luôn luôn được so sánh với "Luddites" của thế kỷ 19. Nhóm này là những công nhân dệt may, những người sợ bị máy móc di dời và dùng đến bạo lực, đốt phá nhà máy và phá hủy thiết bị công nghiệp - sự từ chối tiến bộ tất yếu của họ trở thành biểu tượng của sự ngu dốt vô tâm.

Câu 25 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

According to the article, which quality will technology never be able to replace?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Theo bài viết, chất lượng công nghệ nào sẽ không bao giờ có thể thay thế được?

A. tinh thần đồng đội B. sự nhiệt thành của con người

C. mong muốn sản xuất hàng hoá D. trí thông minh của con người

Thông tin: the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftsmanship, are likely to increase considerably.

Tạm dịch: nhu cầu về các kỹ năng trong những công việc mà con người vượt qua máy tính, chẳng hạn như những kỹ năng liên quan đến sự tận tâm, sáng tạo và tay nghề cao, có thể sẽ tăng lên đáng kể.

Câu 26 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and choose among A, B, C or D the correct answer to each of the questions.

There has been much debate over the past few decades concerning fears that nation will

lead to robots replacing human workers on a massive scale.

The increasing use of robotics, computers and artificial intelligence is a reality, but its full

implications are far from cut and dried. Some forecasts present the future in a utopian way,

claiming that robots will take over the tedious heavy work thus freeing up human time and

potential, allowing for more creativity and innovation,  the other end of spectrum are those who

foresee an employment apocalypse, predicting that almost fifty percent of all American jobs

could vanish within the next few decades. Former Microsoft chairman Bill Gates states that in 20

years robots could be in place in a number of job categories, particularly those at lower end of

the scale in terms of skills. The bottom line is that while the future is always uncertain, robots are a fixture of our society, which is not going to disappear. As with the Industrial Revolution, where machines were utilized in many tasks in place of manual laborers and social upheaval followed, the Digital Revolution is likely to place robots in various jobs. In spite of that, many of today's jobs were not in existence before the Industrial Revolution, such as those of programmers, engineers and data scientists. This leads other experts to criticize this alarmist approach of robot scare-mongering, which is invariably compared to the 19th -century "Luddites". This group was textile workers who feared being displaced by machines and resorted to violence, burning down factories and destroying industrial equipment - their rejection of inevitable progress has come to symbolize mindless ignorance.

Needless to say, exactly what new kinds of jobs might exist in the future is difficult to envision at present. Therefore, the crux of the issue is not whether jobs will be lost, but whether the creation of new vacancies will outpace the ever-increasing number of losses and what skills will be required in the future.


It is clearly not all doom and gloom, as demand for employees with skills in data analysis, coding, computer science, artificial intelligence and human-machine interface is rising and will continue to do so. Furthermore, the demand for skills in Jobs where humans surpass computers, such as those involving care, creativity and innovative craftmanship, are likely to increase considerably. Ultimately, the key lies in the adaptation of the workforces, through appropriate education and training, to keep pace with our world's technological progress.

What is the main idea of this article?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Ý chính của bài viết này là gì?

A. Có rất ít hậu quả tiêu cực đối với Cách mạng Kỹ thuật số.

B. Học hỏi về công nghệ là một phần tự nhiên của sự phát triển của con người.

C. Người lao động sẽ cần phải thích ứng với những thay đổi công nghệ.

D. Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp sẽ tăng mạnh khi công nghệ tiến bộ.

Ta thấy đáp án A, B, D chỉ là ý chính trong các đoạn văn ngắn trong bài đọc. Đáp án C mang ý nghĩa bao trùm, mở rộng và kết luận lại toàn bộ bài đọc

=> chọn C