Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future Lesson 5 : Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future  Lesson 5 : Language focus  mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 48

Unit 8: Life in the future

Lesson 5 : Language focus

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to

- understand and pronounce correctly the contracted forms of auxilaries

- understand and practise the use of prepositions and articles

II. Materials : Textbook and posters

III. Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities



*Presentation 1

- Listen and repeat

I have = I’veHe has = He’s

You have = You’veShe has = She’s

It has = It’sHe has not = He hasn’t

I have not= I haven’tShe has not = She has

You have not = You haven’tIt has not= It hasn’t


- Underline the contracted form of auxilaries

- Practise readingsentences in textbook

Individual work

Pair work








*Presentation 2 :Prepositions

- a poster containing some structures with preposition

- on time-at the end of …- warn about

- in time- believe in- on business

- die of- famous for- get married to

Ask ss to find out

V + preposition

Adj + prep.

Prep. + N

Feedback and check


EX 1: Choosing the appropriate preposition

Answer keys

1. in2. of3. on4. at5. to

6. in7. about8. for9. between10. opposite

-Feedback and check

*Presentation 3 : Articles

Question :

1.Tell me articles you’ve learnt?

2.What do you call articles “an , a, and the”?

3.Can you tell the uses of them?

* Note

Indefinite articles: a, an

- a ,an +N(singular)

- anđi với danh từ bắt đâu bằng nguyên âm

- a đi với danh từ bắt đầu bằng phụ âm

Definite article : the

-Dùng với cấp so sánh nhất : the tallest

- Dùng với số thứ tựthe first , the second,….

- Dùng với những vật thể là duy nhất : The moon , the Atlantic…


EX 2: Filling in each gap with a suitable article

Ask ss to work in pair

Check and give correct answers

1.f2.f / f/f/3. f/the/the4.the / f

5. the / f6. the /f7. the /f8. an /the/the

9. f/ the10. a/a


- T. gives ss a handout

Multipple choice

1.At ….home, I often help my mother … the housework

A.the/ fB. with /theC. f/ withD. f/ at

2. That wasn’t an accident. You did it …..purpose

A. onB. forC. InD. with

3.This morning ,I bought …..newspaper and……magazine

A.a/ anB. a/theC.a/aD. the/ a

4.He got married ……………a very young girl

A. withB. toC. forD.of

- Check and give correct answers


Make sentences with the prepositions :of, to, about, for,at

Whole class

Pair work

Pair work

Whole class

Pair work

Individual work

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future  Lesson 5 : Language focus  mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 48

UNIT 8: Life in the future


I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim:

- Contracted form of auxiliaries (cotinued).

- Prepositions

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Combining the sentences.

- Language: Know how to use in, on, at, of, by, about, among, to, with….

- New words: Words related to the exercises

3. Skills:

_ To practise students’ pronunciation and writing skills.

_ To help students to be able pronounce the full forms and the contracted forms of auxiliaries and introduce to them the use of some prepositions and articles.

II. Method:

- Intergrated, mainly communicative.

III. Teaching aids:

- Board, tape, cassetteplayer, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure:


Students’ activities

PRONUNCIATION: full form and contracted form of auxiliaries(15mins)

Full forms

Contracted forms

I have

You have

He has

She has

It has

I have not

You have not

He has not

She has not

It has not

I’ve / aIv /

You’ve / ju:v /

He’s / hi:z /

She’s /∫i:z /

It’s / Its /

I haven’t / aI’hævnt /

You haven’t / ju:’hævnt /

He hasn’t / hi:’hæznt /

She hasn’t / ∫i:’hæznt /

It hasn’t / It ’hæznt /

ØT reads the full forms of the auxiliaries and Ss repeat.

- T introduces the pronunciation of each contraction

- T reads the sentences on page 91 (textbook) and asks Ss to repeat.

- Call on some Ss to read the sentences again.

- T corrects Ss’mistakes if necessary

GRAMMAR: Prepositions (15mins)

1. Prepositions:

ØT presents the use of some prepositions and ask Ss to write it down their notebooks.

Some common expressions with prepositions

vPreposition + noun

- in time (to do /for early enough for sth/to do sth (I want to be home in time for tea.)

- on time: punctual, not late

- on business:for the purpose of doing business, not on holiday(John is away on business.)

- at the end of sth: at the last point of sth

- in the end: at last, finally

- among

- between

- across the bridge / the street: from one side to the other

- opposite sth: on the otherside of …, facing sth

vVerb + preposition

- die of an illness / hunger:She is dying of cancer.

- to die by the sword / to die by one's own hand / to die by violence

- believe in s.o/sth: trust s.o / sth: (Do you believe in God?)

- warn s.b about/against - get married to s.b = mary s.b: He’s married to my older sister.

vAdjective + preposition

- famous for sth:

ØT asks Ss to close their notebooks and to do Exercise 1 in the book.(7mins)

- T ask Ss to do the exercisesindividually.

- T goes around to control.

- T asks Ss to open their notebooks and check the exercise.

- T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud.


II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct option to fill each of the following blanks(8mins)

6. Hurry up! We have only _________ little time.

A. aB. anC. the D. any

7. Ken is a faster runner than others.

A. No one can run as fast as Ken.

B. No one can run faster as Ken.

C. No one can run faster than Ken.

D. No one can run fastest as Ken.

8. We’ll have to hurry if we want to be _________ time for the show.

A. onB. inC. at D. for

9. The phone rings. The person calling says “ Hello. Who’s that?”

Alex says “_________”.

A. I’m AlexB. Here is Alex

C. It’s AlexD. That is Alex

10. Shall we get a taxi or shall we go _________ foot.

A. inB. by C. withD. on

11. Someone who is _________ is hopeful about the future or the success of something in particular.

A. optimistB. optimistic

C. pessimistD. pessimistic

12. Who’s the girl standing _________ Alice and Mary?

A. nextB. between

C. amongD. by

Ss work individually and Whole class

Ss work individually

Exercise 1:







Ss work individually

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1.Check-up: ( 5 minutes)

Øwrite prepositions down ontheir notebooks.

2. Review prepositions(10mins)

Exercixe1 :

I. Choose the correct answer among A, B, C or D :

1. Mary doesn’t mind living____________ her own.

A. withB. byC. onD. at

2. It is of great importance to create a good impression _______ your interviewer.

A. on B. aboutC. for D. at

3. When are you leaving_________ Hanoi?

A. towardB. forward C. forD. to

4. The children are excited________ going to the circus.

A. forB. aboutC. withD. of

5. While studying, he was financially dependent________ his parents.

A. toB. ofC. onD. from

6. This town is famous_________ its hand-woven carpets.

A. forB. withC. atD. on

7. He may be quick ________understanding, but he is not capable _____remembering anything.

A. at/forB. of/ forC. at/ ofD. in/ of

8. He is__________ a lot of study pressure to win a place at university.

A. forB. underC. inD. with

9. The flood was responsible__________ damaging the crop.

A. ofB. withC. aboutD. for

10. You should concentrate _________what the interviewer is saying and make a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks.

A. onB. inC. atD. for

3.the articles(15mins)

ØT asks Ss to do Exercise 2

- T goes around to control.

- T calls on some Ss to read their answer aloud and explain it.

4. Exercise 3(12mins)

Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to complete each sentences below

1. I would like to live by _____ sea.

A. theB. aC. anD. Ø

2.Harry is a sailor. He spends most of his life at _____ sea.

A. aB. anC. theD. Ø

3.There are billions of stars in _____ space

A. aB. anC. ØD. the

4.He tried to park his car but ____space wasn't big enough.

A. theB. aC. anD. Ø

5.We often watch _____ television.

A. theB. aC. anD. Ø

6.Can you turn off _____ television, please?

A. theB. aC. anD. Ø

7.We had_____ dinner in a restaurant.

A. aB. anC. ØD. the

8.We had _____ meal in a restaurant.

A. aB. anC. theD. Ø

9.Thank you. That was _____ very nice lunch.

A. aB. anC. theD. Ø

10.Where can_____ people buy everything they need?

A. theB. aC. anD. Ø

4. Homework: (3minutes)

- Ask students to revise the strong form and weak form of auxiliaries, the use of prepositions and articles, redo all the exercises and prepare Test yourself C at home.

- Listen to the teacher.

_ listen to the teacher’s explanation.

_ work in pairs. Do the exercise

_ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves.

_ discuss the answers with their friends.

_ some of the students to do the exercise orally.

1. at/ with2. to

3. on4. in5. to

6. of7. On

8. up9. to10. as

10. on

_ other studentsgive comments.

_ take notes of the suggested answers.

_ notice the teacher’s explanation.

_ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks.

_ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves.


1.Ø, 2.Ø, Ø, Ø, 3. Ø. The. the, 4.the. Ø, 5. the. Ø, 6.the. Ø, 7.the. Ø,, 9 Ø.the, 10. Ø,a.

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework to do at home

Keys: 1A 2D 3C 4A 5D 6A 7C 8C 9A 10D