Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Bài Correction Test (No 2) mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Bài Correction Test (No 2) mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 43

Correction Test (No 2)

Time: 45 minutes

1. Objectives:

- After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done, and have to know how to try their best for the next test.

2. Teachingaids:

- Tape, posters and papers

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities



- Greeting

- Ask students some questions on the previous test

- Tell the aim of the period: correct the test

- Greeting

- Listen and understand the task


I. Phonetics

- Repeat the question

- Get students to read the passage again carefully

- Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not.

Choose the word with the different pronunciation of the underlined part.

* Keys: Part 1:





* Keys: Park 2

Choose the word with the different stress pattern.





II. Choose the best answer

- Repeat the question

- Get students to read the passage again carefully












- Look at their paper

- Compare the resutls with the others

- Get the correct answers from the keys

- Look at their paper

- Compare the results with the others


III. Reading

- Repeat the question

- Get students to read the passage again carefully








8. b

9. c


- Get the correct answers from the keys


IV.Writing: Turn into reported speech (2 p.)

- Repeat the question

- Get students to read the writing again carefully

- Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

1. When I(walk) was walking to school, I saw him

2. We (not meet) haven’t met James since she moved to London.

3. If she (not play) didn’t play badly she would win her friend.

4. Had he spoken clearly he (pass) would have passed the exam.

- Look at the writing again and compare it with the others

- Correct the wrong sentences base on the key


V.Listen to a woman's suggestions of summer domestic chores for kids. T / F statements (2 p.)

- Repeat the question

- Show the listening script on the board or read the passage again several times

- Get students toread the passage again carefully

- Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

- Listen to the teacher’s reading carefully

- Try to get the correct answers

- Compare with the other classmates

- Compare with the keys


Summary andHomework:

- Prepare for the next Unit.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Bài Correction Test (No 2) mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 43

Correcting test 45’

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can evaluate what they have gained and realize the good points and poor points.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ self-correction .

3. Attitude: take notes to the test.

II. Teaching aids: Testing papers.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work.

IV. Procedure:

Teachers activity


Students activity


- T checks the presence of students in the class and asks Ss to make some class-arrangement.

2 . New lesson

+ T shows sts the mistakes which most sts make in their tests.

Eg: - Sts don’t know how to tell the difference when pronounce some vowels, consonants and clusters they learnt.

- Sts make mistakes in the use of tense: sts use “took” instead of “taken” or “gone” instead of “went” in the past simple tense.

- Sts misuse gerunds instead of the infinitive: “She agrees going with me.”instead of “she agrees togo with me.”

- Sts don’t know when to use gerunds and when to use infinitives in reported speech with some certain verbs.

- Sts don’tknow how to change a direct sentence into reported one with infinitives and gerunds.

- Sts don’t know how to answer the questions based on the given passage: “Instead of answering the time, sts answer the place.”

- Sts don’t know to use thepreposition with some certain verbs. For example, Sts use “for” with the verb “congratulate” or “with” with the verb “thank” …………..

- T gives sts some extra exercises

- T calls some sts to write on boardand then correct them.

3. Consolidation

- T asks sts to say what mistakes they need to remember so that they never make.

4. Homework

- T asks sts to prepare unit 4 at home



40 mins

3 mins

- The monitor reports the number of students in his/her class to the teacher.

- listen and take notes.

- take note

- take note

- copy down and do

- write on the board.

- listen

- listen

V. Evaluation:
