Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5 : Higher education - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5 : Higher education - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 27

Unit 5 : Higher education

Lesson 2: Speaking

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :

- Express their interests in tertiary study

- Talk about the application process to tertiary institutions in Vietnam.

2. Teachingaids:

Textbooks, cards

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities







Warm up

- Divide the class into 2 groupsand ask Ss to do the following exercise

Rearrange the following letters to make words.


g Lead in the lesson: Today we are talking about things we have to do before entering a university.

Pre- speaking

1. Vocabulary:

- reference letter:

- a copy of the originals of school certificate:

- scores of the required entrance examination:

2. Task 1:

-T asksSts to do task 1 (page 55)

- T gives feedback

While- speaking

1. Activity 1: Task 2

- T divides the class into 2 groups

- T gives cards to Sts in each group

- T asks Sts to discuss and make questions for each gap.

- T gives a model

+ When do you . . . ?

+ What do you do in . . . ?

* Group 1

What to doWhen to do

1. fill in the application form1. . .

2. . . .2. In March

3. take the GCSE examination3. . . .

4. . . . .4. In June

5. take the entrance examination5. In July

6. get the entrance examination results6. In August

7. get a letter of acceptance from the university 7. . . .

* Group 2

What to do

When to do

1. fill in the application form

1. In March

2. send the application form

2. In March

3. take the GCSE examination

3. In May

4. get the GSCE result

4. In June

5. . . . .

5. In July

6. get the entrance examination

6. . . .

7. . . .

7. Late August-

early September

2. Activity 2: Ask and answer

Group 1 ask questions and group 2 answer

Group 2ask questions and group 2 answer

- Sts in each group have to listen and take note to fill in the gaps

Post- speaking

- Sts work in groups of 4 or 6 to discuss the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam

- T. moves around the class to give help when needed

- T. asks the groups to report to the class

- T. gives feedback and makes comments


- Ask Sts to write about the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam

Group work

The whole class

Group work

Group work

Pair work

Group work

The whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5 : Higher education - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 27

Unit 5: higher education

Lesson 2: speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of request to apply for an undergraduate programme in a university in England.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude:try to use vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



Teacher’s act.

Students’ act.






I. Warm up: Ask and answer the questions

T: When do the children in Vietnam go to secondary school?

St: When ……………………………………………

T: How long does the secondary education last?

St: …… year(s)

II. Pre speaking:

Pre teach voc

- certificate/sə'tifikit/giấy chứng nhận; chứng chỉ; văn bằng

- application form / ,æpli'kei∫n/(n)đơnxin việc

- entrance examination / 'entrəns/ kì thi vào

- GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education

Chứng chỉ giáo dục phổ thông trung học

III. While speaking:

1.Task1: tick (√) those which are obligatory for you to be admitted to a university in Vietnam.

Suggested answer

.√.. an application form

.√.. an identity card

. ... a reference letter

.√.. a copy of the originals of your schoolcertificate

.√.. a birth certificate

.√.. a copy of the record of your performance at school

.√.. scores of the required entrance examination

2.Task2: Ask and answer the questions about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam.


-What do you do in March?

-I fill in the application form in March.


- When do you fill in the application form?

- In March

IV. Post speaking:

Discuss the process of applying to a tertiary instruction in Vietnam.

V. Home work:

- Study all the new words

- Practice speaking at home

- Prepare listening for the next class

Ask one or two sts


Give the task and run through the meaning of the admission requirements(Vietnamese meaning if necessary)

Correcting ( mistake – pronunciation – intonation)

Give handout to sts

Give direction and help sts to work

Give homework

Listen and answer the questions

Listen and practice



Practice in pairs

Compare one another

Practice in pairs

Two or three sts talk about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam.

Work in pairs and then individual

Listen and copy down

Do the exercise

E. Evaluation:
