Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising - Lesson 3: Listening mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson 3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 15

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 3: listening

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Develop extensive listening skills.

-   Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks..

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm - up

* Game : A phone call

- Teacher’s activity                                               

- Students’s activity

- Ask students to work in pairs , study the picture and answer the questions (on page 34)

1, What are they doing ?         

-They are talking on the phone

2, What do you think they would say to greet each other ?

-Various answers

3, What do you think they would talk about ?                               

4, How long do you think it would take them to finish their call  and why ?

*Lead in :

- Do you often phone your friends ?`

- What do you often talk to them on the phone ?

- How long ?




a. Pre-teaching vocabulary :

          -Marvelous (a)      =       wonderful

          -Argument (n)       (translation)

          -Install (v)             (translation)

          -Apoplectic (a)      (translation)

          -Startling (v)         (action)

* Checking:

1. We had an ……. With the waiter about the bill .

2. We need some help to  …….  the software        .

3. “Sorry” : She said , with an ….. smile .

Give answers : 1. argument     2. install  3.apologetic     

b. Our lesson today’s , you will hear Linda , a social worker , advise young people own touse to use the telephone in their family :

Activity 1 : Guessing T/F statements

Ask students to work in pairs to do sentences on the page 35 (6 câu)    T/ F

1. The telephone often causes arguments between members of the family .

2. A reasonable length of time for a call is the main problem .

3 . ………………



While - listening

* Activity 2:

- Teacher : play the cassetle player twice

- Students’ answers

- Call students’ answer                                                     

àFeedback                                                                                    1.T      2.F      3.T      4.F      5.F        6.T                                                            

* Activity 3 : Listen to part of Ms Linda talk again and write the missing words .

- Ask students to use the given words to fill in the gap  (group works )                                

g agreed     particular     to avoid     to stick

    waking    heart              kindness    adults

- Ask students to listen to the tape once and fill in the gap individually .

- Check and correct

- Answer : .....




- Arrange students to work in groups of 6

- To summarize Ms Linda Cupple’s talk

                           Give feedback :   Length of time

                                                       Time for calling

                                                       Calling late at night

                                                       Calling at weekend



Home work

     Ask students to give some of their own pieces of advice on how to use the telephone in the family .


Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson 3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 15

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 3: listening

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can hear and get information from the talk about rules of using telephone in family.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ listening skill.

3. Attitude:try to listen and give opinions about rules of using telephone

II. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette

III. Methods: pairwork, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization.

2. Check the old lesson:

- ask a S to write new word and make a sentence

- call on another to give a compliment and accepting to that compliment.

3. Warm-up:

- ask Ss to look at the two pictures in the book and answer the questions:

 + What are they doing?

 + What do you think each of them would say to greet each other?


4. New lesson:

a. Pre-listening:

* Pre-teach vocab:

+ marvellous (adj) = wonderful: kì diệu, tuyệt vời

+ argument (n) = disagreement: sự bất đồng, sự tranh luận

+ regulation (n): quy định, quy tắc

+ maximum : = max : tối đa

+ object to + Ving : phản đối

+ install (v):  lắp đặt, cài đặt  , installation

+ startling (adj): đáng chú ý, làm sửng sốt

- checking: Rub out and remember

b. While-listening:

* You are going to listen to Linda Cupple, a social worker, who advises young people to use the telephone in their family.

Task 1: T/ F statements.

- let Ss to read through the statements in Task 1 to make sure that Ss can understand the meaning.

- explain words or phrases if necessary.

- play the tape once or twice for Ss to get information.

- then ask Ss to listen again and stop at the key to check

 1. T  2. F    3. T   4. F   5. F    6. T

Task 2: Fill in the missing words.

- ask Ss to listen to part of Linda’s talk again and write the missing words.

- play the tape the first time , and ask Ss to write words.

- ask Ss to listen again and stop at missing words to check.

  1. agreed    2. to avoid    3. particular    4. adults

  5. waking   6. heart         7. kindness     8. to stick

c. Post-listening:

* Discussion:

+ What should you do and shouldn’t do when using telephone at home?

 - to work out a reasonable length of time for a call.

 - we shouldn’t make a phone call or talk on the phone during meals.

 - we should avoid calling too early in the morning or too late at night.

 - ………

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points.

6. Homework:

- learn by heart new words.

- write 50 words about rules using telephone at home.

Go to the board

Look at the pictures and answer freely.

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down

Individual work and pairwork (peer corection)



V. Evaluation:
