Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS - Lesson 2. Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: economic reforms - Lesson 2. Speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 39

Unit 7: economic reforms

Lesson 2. Speaking

I. Aims.

After this period Ss can talk about changes the new economic reform has brought about

II. Method: integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teachingaids: textbook

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm-up (4’):

- Show two pairs of pictures of schools and hospitalsask Ss to tell the differences between the two pictures

- Lead Ss to the lesson: Thanks to the economic reform, the school has changed a lot. Today we’re going to learn how to talk about the changes that economic reforms has brought about

II. New lesson (35’)


* Vocabulary

- Introduce some vocabulary

+ curriculum (n):

+ facility (n):

+ insurance (n):

+ irrigation (n):

+ drainage (n):

- Model the exchange:

What has the Government done to improve our education?

The Government has built more schools in mountainous areas.

- Tell them to use the present perfect in those sentences


* Task 2:

- Ask students to discuss in groups to suggest what the Government and the people of Fantasia have done to improve ....

- Call two good Ss to do as an example

- Go around and offer help

*Task 3:

- Ask Ss to report what they’ve discussed in their groups

- Give feedback


*Task 3:Talk about the changes that the economic reform has brought to your village

- Give some cues and ask them to give examples

+ roads

+ houses

+ play grounds

+ ...

- Ask Ss to work in groups to prepare

- Go around to offer help

- Have 3 Ss to present in front of the class

- Give comments

III. Homework (3’)

- Assign homework and give suggestions

- Look at the pictures and tell the differences between them

+ The class rooms were small and bad-equiped in the past but now they are larger and well-equiped.

+ The school gate are now higher and bigger than that in the past


- Listen to the teacher

- Look at the board and take notes

- Practise reading the words

- Practise reading the model in pairs

- Two pairs stand up and read the exchange

- Pay attention to the present perfect tense

- Work in groups to discuss the things the Government and the people of Fantasia have done to improve education/ health care/ agriculture.

- The representative of each group reports what his/her group have discussed

- Work in groups to talk aboutabout the changes that the economic reform has brought to your village

E.g: The roads to the town has been widened.

The houses in our villages bigger and has more sets of televisions, radios and mortobikes.

- Stand up and present their ideas in front of the class

- Give feedback

- Write about the changes in your village since the economic reform

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: economic reforms - Lesson 2. Speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 39

Unit 7: economic reforms

Lesson 2: speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of request to apply for an undergraduate programme in a university in England.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude:try to use vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


I. Warm up:


1_educationa.schools, teachers

2-health careb.hospitals, doctors

3- agriculturec.plants, rice, land

4- economyd.doing business

5- industrye.metals,factory

Introduce the game

Give instruction

Check for students’ understanding

Divide class into 2 groups, let them play the game

Check and dicide the winner

Listen to teacher

Play the game in two groups


II. Pre-speaking

1. Pre-teach vocabulary:

-scholarship (n):hoc bong

-sensitivity (n):

-achieve (v)dat duoc

-policy (n):chinh sach

-dyke (n):de

-improve (v) cai tien

-encourage (v) khuyen khich

2. Checking vocabulary: R & R

3. Task 1: (page 78)

1. What does each pair of pictures tell you?

2. What changes can you see in each pair of pictures?

3. What do you think people have done to achieve these changes?

Introduce new vocabulary

Ask students for word’s meaning, stress

Let students read the word chorally and individually

Erase the words without their meanings

Ask students to rewrite the words

Check with the whole class

Ask students to look at task 1 in textbooks

Give instruction

Let students work in pairs

Ask volunteer pairs for answers

Check answers with class

Listen to teacher

Guess the new word

Give word’s meaning, stress

Repeat after teacher

Rewrite the words

Check with teacher

Look at task 1

Listen to teacher’s instruction and do the task in pairs

Give out the answers, then check with teacher


III. While-speaking

Task 2: In groups, suggest what the Government and the people of Fantasia have done to improve their economy in these sectors. Use the cues in textbooks (page 78)

Ask students to read task 2 in their textbooks, then give instruction

Give an example

Ask students to work in groups of four

Monitor class

Call some volunteers to present their ideas

Read the task, listen to teacher’s instruction and discuss in groups of 4

Present ideas


IV. Post-speaking_ Homework:

In groups of three, discuss what you will do if you are able to manager your school.

Homework: at home, students review the lesson, learn new vocabulary and prepare for the next period.

Write the topic on the board

Give instruction and one model

Divide class into groups of three

Monitor class

Call some volunteers for their groups’ ideas

After students’ presentation, give some comments

Research the topic

Listen to the instruction

Work in groups, thake notes the ideas


V. Evaluation:
