Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 4

Unit 1: Home life

Lesson 2: Speaking

3. Objectives:

By the end of the lessons, Ss will be able to:

talk about household chores

express their idea about family life.

2. Teaching aids:

Cards, handouts, pictures.

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm up: Looking and guessing.

Prepare  pictures of the following actions

going shopping

washing dishes

cleaning floor

watering plants

cooking meals

making the bed

- Ask students to talk about what the people in the pictures are doing.

- Write the phrases on board and ask Ss some questions to introduce the lesson.

- Who often does these things in your family?

- Do you have to do household chores?

- What are they?

Before – speaking

Task 1: Ask each student read and tick the ones in task 1 that apply to her/him and his/her family.

- 1-2 students stand up to talk about his/her family


Task 2: Who works in your family?

- Work in pairs to find out whether your partner’s family life is like yours.

* Write down some expressions on the blackboard:

Could you tell me who…....................?

By the way who in your family….............?

What about your father/mother/brother…?


Ask students to work in pairs to compare their answers.

Call on some students to talk about their family then compare with their partner’s family

For example:

In my family only my father works but both Hong’s parents go to work.

- Members of my family share the household chores but Hong’s father doesn’t do anything.

Task 3: Work with a different partner and ask him or her about his/her family life. Note down the answers in the table.

Make questions for students

who works in your family?

Both parents

who does the household chores?


Your friend’s responsibility in the family?


The interest the family members share closely


the person your friend often shares his/her secrets with


the person your friend talks to before making an important decision


Teacher goes around to help.

Call on some pairs to act out their dialogues.

Make corrections and comments.

post – speaking


- Have Ss work in group of four and act as if they were the mother, father, daughter and son, talking about the duties to their family.

- Go round the class and provide necessary vocabulary when needed.

- Call on one or two groups to act out in front of the class.

- Make correction if needed and make comments.


Summarize the main points

Assign homework

Whole class





whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 4

Unit 1: Home life

Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can carry on dialogues about household chores and family life.

2. Skill: develop Ss’speaking skill

3. Attitude: discuss and share ideas with their friends

II. Teaching aids: Textbook

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization:

2. Check the old lesson:

- call a S to write new words and make a sentence

- cal another to tell what  members in his/her family often do . 

3. Warm-up:

- ask Ss to find out household chores (handouts)

+ cleaning the floor

+ cooking

+ washing clothes

+ doing homework

+ tidying the kitchen

+ going to school

+ repairing things

+ watching TV

+ taking care of the baby

+ taking outthe garbage

- call each group to write on board

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-speaking:

* pre teach vocab:

+ responsibility (n): trách nhiệm

+ share one’s personal secrets: chia sẻ bí mật

+ make a decision = decide: quyết định

- checking: making sentences

* Task 1:

- ask Ss to read the sentences and tick the ones that apply to them and their family.

- call some Ss to read out

b. While-speaking:

Task 2:

- ask Ss to prepare a list of questions to ask another st.

+ Who works in your family?

+ Who does the household chores?

+ What is your responsibility in the family?

+ What interest do your family member share closely?

+ Who does you often share secrets with?

+ Who do you often talk to before making an important decision?

- call on some Ss to say their questions

Task 3: Interviewing

- ask Ss to use the card as in the book and ask their friend to complete the card they have.

Who works in the family


Who does the household chores










c. post-speaking:

* Reporting: - ask Ss to report what they have interviewed their friend.

  eg: I talked to Ha. Both his parents work. His mother often does the household chores. ……..

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- write a paragraph about what your family members do. (50- 70 words)

- do exercises in Workbook

- see Listening

Go to the board


Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down

Individual work



Individual work

V. Evaluation:
