Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 7


Lesson 5 – Language focus

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

          - Recognise the differences in pronunciation of the ending “s”

          - Revise the use of tenses ( simple past, past  continous, present perfect)

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, whiteboard makers,......

Pictures of friends or diaries recording sweet memories with friends.

3. Procedure:



Work arrangement




Warm up

- Give some pictures, s look at them and guess the words in these pictures


- Teacher reads aloud and Ss repeat.

- Ss distinguish the different between these sounds.






/f/, /k/, /p/, /t/, /θ/




/the rest/


/∫/, /t∫/, .......

- Ask  Ss to compare with the word in text book.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to put the word in the right colunm.


- Ss read in chorus then individually.

- Corrections.

Optional activity:

Let Ss practise with the following sentences.

How many times have you played these games?

Do you get any letters from you sister and brother?

Those are my wife’s handkerchiefs.

Ruth is recording the birds and deaths in this city.

Mr. Ives and Mr Cleaves have been friends all their life.


1. Grammar presenting.

- Teacher sets situation and Ask Ss to give comments on the use of the simple past, past continuos and past perfect.

Situation 1.

- Give 2 pictures: one of a dirty pairs of shoes, the other is of the same shoes but they are cleaner.

+ How did the shoes look a few minutes ago?

+ Look at them now, they are clean, why is that?

Suggestion: They were dirty

                     He has just cleaned them.

- Ask Ss what tense is used in the sentence

- Elicit the differences between Past Simple and Present perfect form from Ss.

* Notes: Simple Past: the use....

           Present perfect: the use......

2. Practice 1:

- Choosing the right tense.

- Ask Ss to do the task individually

- Go around and help.

- Call on some students to give the answer.

- Give feedback.


have you seen

Has written

has asked

did you give-saw

didn’t listen

 have you two met

Did you meet

3.  Practice 2: Multiple choice.

- Put ss to work in pair

- Ask student to do the task

- Go over the answers with the whole class.

* Keys:
















Whole class


peer- correction

Whole class

Whole class

Pair work




Correct mistakes

Give the Ss a passage which contains some mistakes and ask them to correct these mistakes.

Dear John,

Well, I have arrived here in Liverpool last week. So I have been here since about nine days now. I have already seen a lot of things but fortunately, I havent gone to London yet. last night, I have seen a very interseting film. It has been about life in scotland. I enjoyed it very much. I have learnt so much in short time. i am writing to you tonight as I cant go out because i’m waiting for a phone call which didn’t come yet, Well, it seems along  time since I saw you, I hope you havent missed  me too much!

With very best wishes!


* Key:


Summarize the main points

Assign homework

Whole class


Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 7

Unit 1: Home life

Lesson 5: language focus

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: - Ss can pronounce the sound ‘s’ at the end of words.

                                      - Ss can review Simple past, past progressive and present perfect

2. Skill: develop Ss’ pronunciation and use of language

3. Attitude: try to read ‘s’ exactly and recall the previous knowkedge.

II. Teaching aids: textbook

III. Methods: individual work, pairwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities









1. Organization:

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to tell about his/ her family rules

- call on another to make sentences with let , allow, permit

3. Warm-up:

 - pick some pieces of paper on which  there are some words  ending in "s" (books, months, peas, beds, bags, speaks, days, bats)




-  check the answers with the class

-  lead in the new lesson

4. New lesson:

I. Pronunciation: /s/  - /z/

- demonstrate the ways to pronounce the sound "s" & "z"

-  explain the pronunciation of the - s ending sound

+ -s is pronounced /s/ when the words ended with the sounds /f/, /k/, /p/, /t/

+ - s is  pronounced /z/ when the word end with other sounds /¦/, /t¦/, /dg/, /s/, /z/,/m/, /n/,…and vowels.

* Practice

-  read the words and ask Ss to repeat in chorus and individually – correction.

-  divide the class into 4 groups to practise reading the sentences     (group 1: sentence 1+2                g3: 3+4

         g2: sentence 2+3                g4: 4+5

-  call on some sts to read aloud in front  of the class

- peer - correction / feed back

II. Grammar:

1/ Presentation :

- give 3 sentences and asks them to write the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I (go) to her party yesterday

2. Laura(work) here for 5 years

3. Peter(watch)TV when I came

-  correct and ask sts to retell the  use of past wimple, past progressive present perfect .

2/ Practice :

 Ex 1 (p.18) 

-  ask sts to work in pairs and underline the most suitable tense form.

-  ask sts to read aloud the answers

-  correct and gives feedback

 Ex 2 (P.19) 

-  divide the class into 3 groups, to do ex 2

- Each group will choose the lest answer for a paragraph of the letter (G1: para 1, G2 : para 2, G3 : para 3) 

-  check with the whole class

3/ Production:

- hang a poster on which there is an exercise find and correct the mistake in each following sentence

1. I have met Mary last week

2. Peter has watched an interesting film at 9 p.m yesterday

3. Did you ever go to England.

4. Sorry, but  I haven't listened to you.

-  ask sts to do this exercise individually first then in pairs

-  check with the whole class

* Suggested answers:

   1. have met - > met

   2. has watched -> was watching

   3. Have you ever been ...?

   4. haven't listened -> didn't listen

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- do exercises in Workbook

- see Reading/ Unit 2

Go to the board

Whole class


Individual work



Individual work

V. Evaluation:
