Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future - Lesson 1: Reading mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: life in the future - Lesson 1: reading mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 44

Unit 8:Life in the future

Lesson 1: Reading

I. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to develop their reading skill through

+ Guessingmeaning from the context

+ Deciding on True or False statements

+ Passage comprehension

+ Express their ideas about advantages and disadvantages of using technology.

II. Materials:

Book, handout, pictures….

III. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities






I. Warmer

-T. ask Ss to look at the 2 pictures (Page 84-textbook) to elicit:

+Where are they?

+Do you think life will be better in the future?

-Ask Ss to brainstorm: What might happen in the future?

II. Pre-reading

* Pre-teach vocabulary

+ terrorism(n)

+ to wipe out = destroy

+ optimistic(adj)

* T/F prediction

Give some T/F statements and ask Ss to predict

1.The whole world will experience a period of economic depression

2. According to optimists: In the future people will be living in much cleaner environment and eating healthier foods

3. Robots will do most of the work at home

4. It is not out responsibility to contribute to bettering our own lives

III. While -reading

1.Task 1: Checking T/F statements

Ask Ss to read the text and check whether the predictions are T or F

2. Task 1(text book):Matching

- T. gives handouts to the Ss

- Ask them to read handouts carefully.

- Ask them to work in pairs and match the new words with their meaning.

Hand out:



1.People who always expect bad things to happen

2.People who always expect good things to happen

3.A period when there’s little economic activity and many people are poor or without job

4.The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act

5.Be destroyed or remove completely

6. Spacecraft designed to be used fot travelling between the earth and a space station wiped out

b.economic depression

c.Space shuttle



f. optimists

* Key:


- Check students’ understanding of the words by asking them to give the Vietnamese equivalents

- Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again

- Ask students to do task 2 in groups:

Answer the questions according to the passage.

- Go around to supervise students if necessary.

- Ask representatives of groups to answer the questions. If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers.

What will happen in an economic depression?

Why, according to pessimist, will security of the earth be threatened?

What will life be in the future, according to optimists?

What are the most important factors that will bring about dramatic changes in different aspects of out lives?

- If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers.

- Ask students to do After you read in pairs:

Scan the text to find information to complete the note.

- Go around to supervise them. Note down the serious and common mistakes

- Call some pairs to read their note.

- If students’ answers are right, repeat them, if not, give the right answers

IV. Post reading

- Ask them to close the textbook

- Ask them to look at the diagram and fill the information in it.



- Ask them to work in2 groups

Each member of each group goes to the board and write things will happen in future according to optimists and pesstimisrs.

- T. checks and gives feedback

V. Homework

- Ask them to write a short paragraph about the life in the future

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class



Pair work and Group work

Group work

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: life in the future - Lesson 1: reading mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 44

Unit 8: life in the future

Lesson 1: reading

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to develop their reading skill through

+Guessingmeaning from the context

+Deciding on True or False statements

2. Skill: develop Ss’ reading skill .

3. Attitude: try to think about the life in the future.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



Work arrangement






Ask Ss to look at the 2 pictures(p84-textbook) to elicit:

+Where are they?

+Do you think life will be better in the future?

-Ask Ss to brainstorm: What might happen in the future?



*Pre-teach vocabulary:


To wipe out = destroy


*T/F prediction

Give some T/F statements and ask Ss to predict

1.The whole world will experience a period of economic depression

2. According to optimists: In the future people will be living in much cleaner environment and eating healthier foods

3. Robots will do most of the work at home

4. It is not out responsibility to contribute to bettering our own lives

While -reading

1.Task 1: Checking T/F statements

Ask Ss to read the text and check whether the predictions are T or F

2. Task 1(text book):Matching

T gives handouts to the Ss

Ask them to read handouts carefully.

Ask them to work in pairs and match the new words with their meaning.

Hand out:


1.People who always expect bad things to happen

2.People who always expect good things to happen

3.A period when there’s little economic activity and many people are poor or without job

4.The use of violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act

5.Be destroyed or remove completely

6. Spacecraft designed to be used fot travelling between the earth and a space station

B wiped out

b.economic depression

c.Space shuttle



f. optimists




- Study new words

- Ask them to write a short paragraph about the life in the future.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class



Pair work and group work



Work arrangement





1. Organization:

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to write new words and make a sentence with new words

3. New lesson:

While -reading

Task 2: Answering questions

Get them to read the question and find the new words if necessary

Ask them to work in pairs

T goes around to provide helps if necessary

Call on Ss to read their answers.

T gives corrrection

Answer key:

1.What will happen in an economic depression?

Many large corporations will be wiped out and millions of jobs will be lost

2.Why, according to pessimists, will the security of the earth be threatened?

The security of the earth will be threatened by terrorism as terrorist groups will become more powerful and more dangerous.

3.Will the people be better looked after by a modern medical system?


4.What are the most important factors that will bring about dramatic changes in different aspects of our lives?

They are developments in microtechnology- computer and telecommunication.

Post reading

Ask them to close the textbook

Ask them to look at the diagram and fill the information in it.



Ask them to work in2 groups

Each member of each group goes to the board and write things will happen in future according to optimists and pesstimisrs.

T checks and gives feedback

4. Homework

- Do exercises in Workbook

- See Speaking

Individual work

Whole class



Pair work and group work

V. Evaluation:

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .