Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future - Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future -  Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 47

Unit 8: Life in the future

Lesson 4: Writing.

I. Aims

By the end of the lesson,

- Students can write about the ideal world in which they would like to live in the year 2020.

II. Teachingaids

- English textbook for students

- English textbook for teachers

- Handouts

III. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Pre- writing

( 10 min.)

Task 1:

While- writing

( 20 min.)

Task 2

Post- writing

( 15 min.)

- Write on the board the title of the lesson: Unit 8: Life in the future.

Part D. Writing

- Introduce some new words and expressions

+ Under the threat of terrorism: dưới sự đe dọa của khủng bố

+ Live in harmony:sống hòa thuận

+ Live in clean healthy environment: sống trong môi trường trong sạch, lành mạnh

+ My main desire is …:mong ước, khát vọng chính của tôi là

+ Materialistic (a): nặng về vật chất

- Let the whole class read the new words twice or three times.

- Call 2-3 students to read new words again.

- Ask students to read the passage to analyze it.

- Ask students to discuss the answers to the questions in pairs.

- Go around to supervise students if necessary.

- Call some students to give the answers. If their answers are right, repeat the answers, if they are wrong, give them the answers:

1.What are the student’s concerns about?

World peace?


The environment?

The people ?

2. Are your concerns similar to those?

3. Do you have other concerns? What are they?

- Ask students to do Task 2 individually.

- Write about the ideal world in which you would like to live in the year 2020 using the ideas you have discussed in Task 1

- Try to use the expression like: my main desire is to…., I would also wish…

- Go around to supervise them. Note down serious and common mistakes.

- Show and correct some common mistakes

- Ask students to exchange their work to check

- Ask students to revise their description

- Ask students to hand in their work to mark

- Write down in the notebooks the title.

-Listen to the teacher

- Read the words

- Read the passage to analyze it.

- Discuss the answers to the questions in pairs.

- Answer the questions, and correct the wrong answers.

- World peace: peaceful world, no war, no conflicts, no threat of terrorism, people love in harmony

- Employment: everyone has a job.

- Environment: clean and healthy, less noise, less pollution, larger parks, wildlife is protected.

- People: less materialistic, less selfish, less violent, and more loving.

Yes, they are.

Yes, I wish people can do the job that they like, and they no longer suffer from fatal diseases.

- Do Task 2 individually

- Write the description

- Listen to the teacher and correct the mistakes

- Exchange the writing

- Revise their description.



- Rewrite the passage carefully about life in the future

- Using all the ideas above to write.


Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future -  Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 47

Unit 8: life in the future

Lesson 4: writing

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can describe the world they would like to live in the future.

2. Skill: developSs’writing skill .

3. Attitude: try to think about how they would live in the future.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, peer correction

IV. Procedure:





1. Warmer

( future)


What would our life be like in the future ? ( your dream..)

- no pollution

- no war

- .........

T gives a picture and introducesthe topic of the lesson.

t : introduces the way of doing.

Ss work in group then go write their ideas on board.


2. Pre-writing


terrorisms (n)

threat (n)

live in harmony

Activity 1.

Read the passage and underline the structures used.


- My world would be a peaceful one.

- People won't have to live under the threat of terrorisms.

Activity 2. Work in groups.


G1: World peace

- live in a peaceful world

- no terrorisms

- no war

-no conflict

G2. Environment

clean / fresh

no pollution

more trees

G3. People

live longer

more friendly

less violent

G4. Employment

- everyone has jobs

- can use robots


T. asks SS to work individually.

T divides the class into 4 groups.

Ss work together and give their outlines.

Ss hang their posters .

T checks and gives more information.


3. While – writing

Activity 1.

Ss choose one of the ideas above and write a short passage.( 50-70 ws)

Activity 2.

Ss share their writing and check for their friend's writing.

- Ss work individually

- pair work


4. Post-writing

T correctsone or two passage(s)

Ss listen and take note.


5. Homework

- Rewrite the passage carefully about life in the future, using all the ideas above to write.


V. Evaluation:

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