Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 45


Lesson 2: Speaking

I - Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about life in the future.

II - Materials: Textbook , handouts

III- Procedure


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


I/ Warmer

Ask and answer

- T. gives some questions and ask Sts to answer

1. Do you think we have car running on sea water?

2. Will we have a holiday resort on Jupiter?

- Lead in the lesson

Today we will talk about life in the future.

Listen and answer T’s Qs


II/ Pre- speaking

Present some new words in the lesson

+ be declare open:

+ a cure for:

+ fatal diseases:

+ will havePII

Check vocab: Making sentences

Listen and repeat all the words

Use new words to make sentences



III/While- writing

Task 1

- Ask Ss to read all the newspaper and say what will have happened bythe end of the 21st century.

- Asks to work in pairs to do the task1one ask the other answer

- T. models first

+ what do you think will have happenedby the end of the 21stcentury?

+ By the end of the 21st century new moon city open.

- T. Calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class.

Task 2.

- T. gives Ss handouts and asks them to tick and give the reason.





1.New moon city open


3. car on sea water

4. the cold war ends

5. holiday resort on Jupiter

6.Chinese astronauts land on Mars


- too far

- development in science and technology

- no water

-living standards improved

- more diseases

- cures for fatal

diseases found

- too cold /hot

-thin atmosphere

- too costly

- just impossible

- Asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task

- T. checks and comments.

- Ask Ss to use the information above , talk as example in the book.

- Calls on some Ss to present in front of the class

Work in pairs

Practise speaking

Work in pairs tick and find out the reason.

Give at least two reasons for each.



IV/ Post- speaking

- Ask Ss make their own prediction about their life in ten years

V/ Homework

- Write a paragraph about your prediction (100words)

Work in groups to do the task

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: life in the future - Lesson 2: speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 45

Unit 8: life in the future

Lesson 2: speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about life in the future.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ speaking skill .

3. Attitude: try to think about the life in the future.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:

Aim :

Materials: Textbook , handouts



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


I/ Warmer

Ask and answer

T gives some questions and ask Sts to answer

1. Do you think we have car running on sea water?

2. Will we have a holiday resort on Jupiter?

Lead in the lesson

Today we will talk about life in the future.

Listen and answer T’s Qs


II/ Pre- speaking

Present some new words in the lesson

+ be declare open:

+ a cure for:

+ fatal diseases:

+ will havePII

Check vocab: Making sentences

Listen and repeat all the words

Use new words to make sentences



III/While- writing

Task 1

Ask Ss to read all the newspaper and say what will have happened bythe end of the 21st century.

Asks to work in pairs to do the task1one ask the other answer

T models first

+ what do you think will have happenedby the end of the 21stcentury?

+ By the end of the 21st century new moon city open.

T Calls on some pairs to practice in front of the class.

Task 2.

T gives Ss handouts and asks them to tick and give the reason.





1.New moon city open


3. car on sea water

4. the cold war ends

5. holiday resort on Jupiter

6. Chinese astronauts land on Mars


- too far

- development in science and technology

- no water

- living standards improved

- more diseases

- cures for fatal

diseases found

- too cold /hot

- thin atmosphere

- too costly

- just impossible

Asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task

T checks

Ask Ss to use the information above , talk as example in the book.

Calls on some Ss to present in front of the class

Work in pairs

Practise speaking

Work in pairs tick and find out the reason.

Give at least two reasons for each.



IV/ Post- speaking

Ask Ss make their own prediction about their life in ten years

V/ Homework

Write a paragraph about your prediction ( 100words)

Work in groups to do the task

V. Evaluation:

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .