Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising - Lesson1: Reading mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 13

Unit 3: ways of socializing

Lesson 1: Reading

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson. Sts will be able to guess the meaning in context. understand the passage about ways of socializing.

2. Structures:

Use verbal and non verbal communication to attract some one's attention.

- waving, nodding, jumping,….

3. Vocabularies: 

Verbal, nonverbal, nod, informal, rude,…

4. Teaching aids:

Text book, handouts.

5. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

T comes into classroom, claps his/her hands and ask.

- What have I just done to draw your attention?

- What will you do if you want to draw the teacher's attention?

-> Lead to the lesson.

Whole class


Pre- reading

- Teaching vocab: verbal, non - verbal, nod, informal …

*Pre teaching vocabulary

+ Communicate (v) – Communication (n) ( explanation )

+ Informality (n) (translation )

+ Nod (v) (n)                     

+ Whistle (v) (n)

+ Point at sth/ smb (v)       action

+ Catch one’s eyes

- Checking vocab: (using task 1 - page 32)

- T's correction 

Whole class

Individual work


While - reading

* Task 2 . (page 32): Group work 

- Ask sts to read the text  then decide which of the options is the best tithe for the passage.

- sts  answer

- T gives correction

* Task 3 (page 32): Group work

- Ask Ss to read the text again and write down the answers to the following questions (Using game: Lucky number)

- T. moves around class to give help.

- Call on some pairs to present their answers in front of the class

-  T. feed back and give correction 

Group work

Whole class


Post – reading

 * Discuss in pairs

- Ask sts to discuss the meaning of the words "whistling, hand clapping " in Vietnamese culture

- T's suggestion

Ask question: When? When do people/ Whistle? / clap hands?

- T's help and correct

Pair work

Whole class


Summary and  Homework

-  Ask sts to find the different meaning of some gestures nodding, shaking head,…….

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 13

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 1: reading

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can read and understand how to use non-verbal forms of communication to attract one’s attention through some social situations.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ reading skill

3. Attitude: try to read and understand the passage, see the use of non-verbal forms of communication in everydaylife.

II. Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, handouts

III. Methods: whole class, pairwork, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities









1. Organization:

2. Warm-up:

* Matching:

- show the three pictures with phrases and ask Ss to match

 +  waving and saying goodbye

 + clapping hands

 + shaking hands and saying greetings

Picture 1: shaking hands and saying greetings

Picture 2: waving and saying goodbye

Picture 3: clapping hands

- Lead-in: these are ways of attracting one’s attention.

3. New lesson:

a. Pre-reading:

* Preteach vocab:

+ attract one’s attention (v):

+ wave (v, n):

+ nod (v, n):

+ rude (adj) = impolite:

+ whistle (v):

+ clap one’s hands (v):

- checking: Gap-filling

 1. It is ..............or impolite if you ask about age, mariage and income in America.

2. You can .............. your head to say that you agree with someone.

3. You often ...............if you are happy.

4. If the film is interesting, people the end.

5. You can ...................................with everyone by nodding, waving, whistling or clapping your hands.

6. You can ............your hands to say goodbye to someone.

- call some Ss to give the missing words.

b. While-reading:

Task 1: (do at home)

Task 2 : T/ F statements.

1. The most common way of attracting someone’s attention is by raising hands.

2. When you are excited, you might jump up and down and wave as hard as you can to attract one’s attention.

3. If you want to attract the attention of a waiter, you can whistle or clap your hands.

4. If you are walking across the schoolyard and see your teacher approaching you, you can use a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention.

5. Pointing at someone is usually considered polite.

- call some Ss to say their choices.

Key: 1. F     2. T     3. F      4. T       5. F

Task 3: Answering the questions.

- divide the class into three groups: Group 1 does Q1 and Q2, Group 2 does Q 3, and Group 3 does Q4 and Q5.

- ask Ss to do the task in 5 ms.

- call each group to say their answers and give proof for each answer.

- ask other groups to give comments.

 1. When we want to attract someone’s attention, we can use either verbal or non-verbal communication.

 2. They are strong actions that can easily be seen.

 3. If we want to attract the waiter’s attention, we can wait until he passes near us, catch his eyes, and nod slightly to let him know we would like him to come to our table. Or we can raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance.

 4. If you are walking across the school yard and see your teacher approaching you, you can use a small friendly wave to attract his or her attention.

 5. Because pointing at someone is usaully considered rude.

c. Post-reading:

* Discussion: When do you often whistle or clap your hands?

You whistle when…

You often clap your hands when…











   - you are happy .                              

   - you watch a football match.        

   - you welcome a famous person.

   - you show disgreement.

   - you think that something is good or interesting.

   - you want someone to see you.

   -  a singer starts singing.

- give possible keys.

4. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points.

5. Homework:

- learn by heart new words.

- do Task 1

- translate the reading text into Vietnamese.

- do exercises in Workbook.

- see Speaking.

Whole class

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down


Individual work


Work in groups of one table.

V. Evaluation:
