Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS Lesson 1: Reading mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS  Lesson 1: Reading mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 38


Lesson 1: Reading

I. Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to:

- read for specific information

- express their ideas about chances in Vietnam since Doi Moi

II. Teachingaids: pictures, textbook, posters..

III. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities








- Show 2 pictures of the schools on page 77 – textbook


1. What are two pictures about?

2. What the changes can you see in the pictures?

- Lead in the topic by asking question:

? What have people done to achieve these changes?


- Teaching vocab.

renovation ( n) :

dominate( v ):





government subsidies:

government commitment:

- Checking vo. by matching the new words with their meanings


* Task 1: Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions

1. When and by whom was Doi Moi officially initiated?

2. What was the aims of Doi Moi?

3. What do we believe?

- T. checks

Suggested answers:

1. It was officially initiated in 1986 by our Vietnamese Communist Party.

2. Its aim was to restructure the national economy and to raise the living standard of the people.

3. We believe that with the strong commitment of the Party and government to Doi Moi, we will greater achievements and build a better life for ourpeople.

* Task 2: Fill in the table :

- T. divides class into 3 Gs . Ask each group to find information from the text to fill in the table on poster

G1 : before DM

G2 : G's renovation measures

G3 : After DM

Before DM

G's renovation measures

After DM

Economy :....

country and people : ...

production :

shortages :

financial problem:






export :

farmers :

workers :

children :

- Ask Ss to hang their posters on board

- T. corrects

* Expected answers :

G1 : Economy : underdeveloped , and dominated by Traditionalagriculture

country and people : poor

production : stagnant

shortages : schools and hospitals

financial problem : inflation

G2 :

- eliminating G subsides

- shifting economic priority from heavy industry to 3 major economic programs : production of food , production of consumer goods and production of exports

- opening trade relations with all countries in the world

- reducing the state's intervention in business

- encouraging foreign and domestic private investment


export : productivities and agricultural have increased

farmers : have enjoyed land use right , had greater

choice to use their agricultural land

workers : have worked harder

children : particularly those from ethnic minorities have had more opportunities to enjoy education and training

IV – Post reading

- Each group depends on the information in task 2 to present

V – Homework :

Rewrite the G' renovation measures and the achievements

Whole class

suggested – answers :

1. About schools

2. In picture 2 , the school is bigger with tall buildings and a large playground...

Whole class

Whole class

Group work

Group work

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS  Lesson 1: Reading mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 38

Unit 7: economic reforms

Lesson 1: Reading

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of request to apply for an undergraduate programme in a university in England.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude:try to use vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:








I.Warm up:

The picture on page 74.

The questions on page 74.

Some more questions if possible.

Lead to the new lesson.


*New words:

-Books closed.

Task 1 on page 76.

Check by matching.


+ National Congress (n) : Quốc hội.

+ renovation (n): đổi mới.

+ under-developed (adj) : kém phát triển.

+ dominate (v) : chi phối.

+ stagnant (adj) : trì trệ.

+ inflation (n) : lạm phát.

+ government sudsidies (n) : sự bao cấp của chính phủ.

+ commitment (n) : cam kết.

+ dissolve (v) : làm tan rã.

+ sudstantial (adj): lớn lao, đáng kể.

*Decide whether the statements are true or false:

-Books closed.

Task 2 in the book.

-Check by while-reading.

V.Homework: vocabularies, the answers, speaking on page78.



-ask and elicit the answers.

-show the pictures .

-introduce the new lesson.

-explain and ask .

-check .

-write the new words on the board.

-Put poster of task 2 on the board .

-run through the statements.

-ask students to guess if they are true or false.

-ask students to open the books to read the passage silently to check these statements.

-check the answers and give help if possible.

-divide class into 4 groups to write the answers on posters together.

-run through the questions on task 3.

-give time.

-go around the class.

-check and announce the winners.


-ask students to ask and answer.

-check the pronunciation.

-ask students to close their books.

-put the poster on the board.

-choose 2 groups.

-explain the activities.

-give time.

-cheer up.

-check and congratulate the winners.

-ask students to study the lesson at home and prepare the next part of the lesson.

-discuss and answer what teacher asks.

-listen and give the new words if possible.

-go to the board and match the words with the meanings.

-look at the poster .

-discuss and say if they are true or false.

-open the books .

-read the lesson quickly and silently.

-state the reasons of the answers.

-work in groups.

-put the posters on the board as quickly as possible.

-look at the board.

-check the answers with the teacher.

-congratulate the winners.

-work in pairs.

-do the activity.

-check with teacher and congratulate the winners.

-study the new words and some new information at home.

-prepare the next part of the lesson.









*Check task 2 . Keys :

1- F (p1 :Economic reform is just oneof the most important economic reforms ).

2-F ( p1:by the Vietnamese Communist Party ).

3- T ( p2 : inflation could be seen in every sector of the economy ).

4- F( p2 : our Government introduced a number of renovation measures).

5-T ( p3 : These have laid legal…………… and foreign private investment ).

*Answer the following questions :


1-in December 1986 by the Vietnamese Communist Party.

2-to restructure the economy of Vietnam and to raise the living standards of the people.

3- Some renovation mesures:

-eliminating government sudsidies.

-shifting economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes.

-reducing state intervention in business.

-opening trade relations with all countries in the world.

-encouraging foreign and domestic private investment.


5-we will gain greater achivements and build a better life for our people.


Books closed.

Prepare poster.

Put the details in the right colum.

Colum 1 : Vietnam before Doi Moi.

Colum 2 : The Government’s renovation measures.

Colum 3 : Vietnam since Doi Moi.

Details :

-poor life, under-developed, lack of schools and hospitals, work harder, enjoy education and training, enjoy land rights, increase productivity and agricultural exports, reduce state intervention in business, open trade relations with all countries in the world, encourage foreign and domestic private investment, shift economic priority from heavy industry to three major economic programmes.

V.Homework: vocabularies, the answers, speaking on page78.



-ask and elicit the answers.

-show the pictures .

-introduce the new lesson.

-explain and ask .

-check .

-write the new words on the board.

-Put poster of task 2 on the board .

-run through the statements.

-ask students to guess if they are true or false.

-ask students to open the books to read the passage silently to check these statements.

-check the answers and give help if possible.

-divide class into 4 groups to write the answers on posters together.

-run through the questions on task 3.

-give time.

-go around the class.

-check and announce the winners.


-ask students to ask and answer.

-check the pronunciation.

-ask students to close their books.

-put the poster on the board.

-choose 2 groups.

-explain the activities.

-give time.

-cheer up.

-check and congratulate the winners.

-ask students to study the lesson at home and prepare the next part of the lesson.

-discuss and answer what teacher asks.

-listen and give the new words if possible.

-go to the board and match the words with the meanings.

-look at the poster .

-discuss and say if they are true or false.

-open the books .

-read the lesson quickly and silently.

-state the reasons of the answers.

-work in groups.

-put the posters on the board as quickly as possible.

-look at the board.

-check the answers with the teacher.

-congratulate the winners.

-work in pairs.

-do the activity.

-check with teacher and congratulate the winners.

-study the new words and some new information at home.

-prepare the next part of the lesson.

V. Evaluation:
