Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: life in the future - Lesson 3: Listening mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: Life in the future - Lesson 3: Listening mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 46


Lesson 3 - Listening

I. Aims : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to :

- improve their listening skills by doing T / F exercises and answering questions

- enlarge their vo. about healthy life

II. Teaching aids :

  Textbook , cassette player , pictures

III. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm up: (whole class)

- Give a picture of Vo Nguyen Giap and ask Ss :

Who is he ? Is he still alive?

How old do you think Mr Giap is now?

Which of the following factors do you think might help him live till now?

2. Pre-listening

* New words:

+ Incredible(a)

+ Fatal(a)

+ Centenarian(n)   

+ Life expectancy(np)

+ Eternal life(n)

-Predict information in task 1(group work)


* Task 1: Listen and check the information in Task 1.

1. F      2. F      3. F      4. T     5. T

-Feed back

* Task 2: Listen and gap filling

The factors that help people live longer are looking after themselves, eating more healthily(1)................... on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes but the most important factor is(2)................. because(3)........... form old age, just from(4)...............that affect people when they get older. In ten year’s time Aids will also(5)....................

Feed back

4. Post-listening

- Ask Ss to discuss the advantage and disadvantage of having a long life.

- Check

5. Homework.

- Write a short paragraph about the advantage and disadvantage of having a long life.

- Listen

- Repeat

-Write down

- Check: What and where






2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T


2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T


2. T

3. F

4. F

5. T


2. F

3. F

4. T

5. T

Asks Ss to listen and fill in the gaps.

cutting down

development in medical science.

Nobody dies.


be brought under control



- do many thing they want

- take care children

- too weak to do things and often ill.

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 8: life in the future  Lesson 3: listening mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 46

Unit 8: life in the future

Lesson 3: listening

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Listen for specific information and decide on true/false statements

2. Skill: develop Ss’ listening skill .

3. Attitude: try to get the information about the listening.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts, pictures, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm-up (4’)

 - Show some pictures of the activities that the old do to have a long life

- Ask ss to answer the question ‘ What are they doing?’

- Lead Ss to the lesson: They are doing these things to have a long life.

II. New lesson (35’)


* Vocabulary

- Introduce some vocabulary

+ incredible (a):

+ centenarian(n):

+ eradicated (a):

+ fatal(a):

- Help Ss to read the words

- Set the scene: We are going to listen to an interview about people’s life expectancy in the future.


* Task 1: T/F statements

- Ask students to read all the statements to make sure that they understand all of them

- Have them predict which are true/ false

- Play the tape for the first time

- Play the tape for the second time

- Play the tape and stop to check

*Task 2: Gap-fill

- Ask Ss to look at the sentences first and decide the word forms to put into the blanks

- Have them listen to the tape and fill in the gaps with missing words

1. The factors that help people have longer life expectancy are eating more healthily, ........ ......... on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes.

2. ..........  ........... in science  is the most important because nobody dies from the age, just from .......... that affect people when they get older.

3. In ten years time, AIDS will be brought under .............. .

- Play the tape again and stop to check


 *Task 3: Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of having a long life

- Divide the class into 4 groups

- Ask them to choose to talk about advantages and disadvantages only

- Ask Ss to work in groups to prepare

- Go around to offer help

- Have 3 Ss to present in front of the class

- Give comments

III. Homework (3’)

- Assign homework and give suggestions

- The whole class look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s question

+ They are doing exercises.

+ They are walking in the park.

+ They are telling stories for their grandchildren.


- Listen to the teacher

- Look at the board and take notes

- Practise reading the words in chorus

- Read individually

- Some stand up and read the words

- Listen to the teacher’s introduction about the listening text

- Read all the statements to understand all of the questions

- Predict if the statements are true or false

- Listen to the tape for the first time

- Listen for the sencond time

- Listen and check

- Look at the sentences first and decide the word forms to put into the blanks

- Listen to the tape and fill into the blanks

1. The factors that help people have longer life expectancy are eating more healthily, cutting down on things like butter, alcohol and cigarettes.

2. The development in science  is the most important because nobody dies from the age, just from diseases that affect people when they get older.

3. In ten years time, AIDS will be brought under control .

- Listen again and check their answers

- Work in groups to talk about advantages and disadvantages only

* Advantages: see their children and grand cchildren, help their children and grand children....

* Disadvantages: too weak to do things and often ill, feel lonely...

- Stand up and present their ideas in front of the class

- Give feedback

- Write about about the advantages and disadvantages of having a long life

V. Evaluation:
