Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : School education system - Lesson1: Reading mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 20

Unit 4: school education system

Lesson 1: Reading

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

guess the meaning in context.

scan for specific information.

know about school education system in English.

2. Teaching aids:

Textbooks, pictures, handouts.

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

- T. gives  questions (yes, no) from the fact about school in Vietnam

a. Do children start grade 1 when they are 6 years old?

b. Is schooling compulsory from the age of 6 to 16?

c. Does the school year generally begin in September and end in late May? ….

- T check the answers, gives the  summaries

- T leads sts into new lesson

Whole class


Pre- reading

* Vocabulary:

- compulsory ( adj ):

- certificate (n)

- curriculum (n)

- tuition fees (n)

- state school (n)

- Ask Ss to decide if the statements are T or F (according to the sentences at the pages of 44).

Expected answers:  1-T   2-F   3-F

4-F  5-T

Feedback and comments.

Whole class

Individual work


While - reading

a, Activity 1: Questions and answer ( Task 2 – page 46)

- Ss read the passage and answer the questions.

- Asks Ss to compare the answer with the partners.

- Call on some Ss to write the answers on the board.

* Expected answers:

1. From the age of 5.

2. 3 terms.

3. The state school and the “independent” or “ public” school systems.

4. Yes, they do

5. There are 3 core subjects( English, Math and Science).

- Teacher checks and corrects.

b, Activity 2: Gap- filling:

    School is (1)__________ for all English children from the age of 5 to 16. The academic year in England runs from (2)____________ to July and is (3)________ into 3 terms.(4)__________ term is from the beginning of September to mid- December. Spring term is from the beginning of January to mid- March and (5)_________ term from early April to mid- July. Each term is separated by one week (6)_________ called half term.

- Delivers handouts and puts Ss to work in pairs.

- Asks them fill in and speak out the answers.

* Gives feedback.

Keys: 1, compulsory                       4, Autumn

          2, September                         5, summer

          3, divided                              6, break

Group work

Pair work

Group work


Post - reading.

* Stop and correct:

- Ask Ss to read the 2nd paragraph carefully for 5 minutes and then close their books.

- Ss listen and shout “Stop” when they realize the wrong information.

- Ask Ss to correct the wrong information.

- Tell Ss to open their books and check the answers.

There are (1)________ paralled school system in England. The first is the (2)___________ school system, which is free to all students, paid for by the (3)__________ . The second  category is the “independent” or (4)___________ school system, which is (5)_________ by students. The state school system which educates (6)____________ of the pupils in England can (7)__________ into two levels of education: primary education and (8)___________ education.

* Mistake correction:

1- two

2- state            

3- state

4- private    

5- fee paying       

6- 93%

7- divided       

8- secondary

Whole class




- Ask Ss to write a short paragraph about the most difficult school subjects and solutions to the better study of the subjects.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số

Period: 20

Unit 4: school education system

Lesson 1: reading

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can write complete sentence basing on words given. Ss can also reorder sentences into paragraghs.

2. Skill: develop Ss’writng skill

3. Attitude:  understand the ways of writing apologies.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities

I/ Warm – up: ( 5m.s)

- I gives  questions (yes, no) from the fact about school in Vietnam

a. Do children start grade 1 when they are b years old?

b. Is schooling compulsory from the age of 6 to 16?

c. Does the school year generally begin in September and end in late May? ….

- T check the answers, gives the  summaries

- T leads sts into new lesson

III- New lesson

1. Pre-reading:

T introduces vocabulary

- Using matching:

1. Compulsory

a. Chứng chỉ

2. Curriculum

b. chính, chủ yếu

3. core

c. bắt buộc

4. tuition

d. chương trình giáo dục

5. Certificate

e. học phí

 - T gives T/F predictions

1. Schooling  is compulsory for all English children from the age of 6 to 19.

2. In England there are 2 parallel school system

3. The National curriculum is set by the government

III/ While - reading

* Activity 1. T asks sts to read the passage and  correct  J/F statements  1 - F   /2-T/  3-T. 

- T checks

* Activity 2: Task1

- T asks sts to work in groups to find words and  phrases

- T asks sts to write answer on board

1. State school

2. primary school

3. Secondary education

- T checks and gives feedback

- Activity 3

- T gives handouts, Using Multiple choice

1. When do children in England start their compulsory education school?

a. From the age of 5 b. from the age of 6 c. from  the age of 7

2. How many terms are there in a school year in England?

a. 2 terms            b. 3 terms         c. 4 terms

- T asks sts to choose the best answer

- Sts: peer - correction

- T checks and corrects

IV/ Post – reading: 

- Tell the differences between Education system in England and Vietnam

V/Summary and  Homework:

-  Write the differences

- Present before class

V. Evaluation:
