Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 14

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 2: speaking

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Practise speaking exactly and appropriately about the ways of socialising, based on the vocabulary and structures that they have learnt in the lesson.

Make dialogues to practise giving and responding to compliments, based on the given information.

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, pictures, handouts and real objects

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

Describing pictures

-Give a picture about a party

- Call some Ss to look at the picture and talk about the people

- Suggestion: Give remark on their clothes, hair style, the body …

+ Lead - in: They are giving the compliments to each other. But what do they reply to the compliments?

- To know more about it, today we study  the speaking in which we practice the compliments and responds.

Whole class

- Answers;

- They are wearing beautiful clothes; they are talking about the beauty; the hair style of some one …….


Pre - speaking:

+ Task 1:  Read these dialogues and pay attention to how people give and respond to the compliments.

- Ask questions:

1- What does Barbara answer?

2- What does Barbara answer?

3- What does Peter remark Cindy's hair style?

4- What about Tony's tennis game?

5- What about Tony's  answer?

- Call on some  Ss to present their answers in front of the class

- Collect the ideas:

a- Compliments: + You really have a beautiful blouse.

+ I've never seen such a perfect thing on you.

+ You've got a terrible hair  style.

+ I thought your tennis game was a lot better today.

b- Responses:

+ Accepting:

- Thank you, that's a nice compliment

- Thanks

+ Rejecting:

- You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.

- Work in pairs.

1- "You really have  a beautiful blouse;


2- "Thank you, that's  a nice compliment"

3- "You've got a terrible hair style"

4- "I thought your tennis game was a lot better today".

5- "You've got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible".


II/ While -speaking:

- Task 2: Practice conservation with the compliments.

- Set the scene: You are going to give compliments to suit the following responses given in the text book.

- Go around and give help

- Call  on some Ss to present their answers in front of the class.

- Collect the ideas and give the sentences.

+ Task 3: Read the open dialogues response to these compliments given in the book.

+ Rejecting: 1- You've got to be kidding! I'm an awful dancer.

2- I hate it, I think  it makes me look 10 years older.

3- No, I don't. My English is worse than you expected.

- Read the conservation in pairs and give the compliments.

Whole class

Pair work


Post - speaking

Task 4: Topic - speaking:  .

- Model: T. Won! I have never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam!

P: Thank you. I'm glad you like it

T: Could you tell me how much you paid for it?

P: Oh, sorry. I don't know. It was a gift from my sister.

- Go around and  give help

- Call on some Ss to present their

conservation in front of the class.

Whole class

Group work


Home work

Work with your friends: Make compliments and responses about something or performances of your friends in class.


speaking English


briefcase/ a new pen/ a nice hat/

-Prepare the next part.


Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 14

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can practise giving and responding to compliments in different situations.

2. Skill: develop Ss’speaking skill.

3. Attitude: try to make dialogues and give compliments.

II. Teaching aids: textbook, word cues.

III. Methods: pairwork, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization.

2. Check the old lesson:

- call a S to write new words and make a sentence.

- call another to answer questions in Task 3.

3. Warm-up:

- give a situation: I know that you have just finished the match. What an interesting game! You really have a good game.

- lead in.

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-speaking:

* Preteach vocab:

+ compliment (n):= good words

   compliment (v) = give good words to somebody.

+ decent (adj): = polite, good: lÞch sù, tao nh·

+ handle (v) = use

+ kid (v) = joke

- checking: rub out and remember

* Task 1: - ask Ss to read these dialogues and then find out compliments and respondings


  + You really  have a beautiful blouse.

+ I have never seen such a perfect thing on you.

+ Your hairstyle is terrific, Cindy!

+ Your game was a lot better today!


+ Accepting: Thank you. That’s a nice compliment.


+ Rejecting:  You’ve got to be kidding. I thought it was terrible.

b. While-speaking:

Task 2: - ask Ss to work in pairs and practise giving compliments to suit the responses.

 David: - You really have a nice dress.

            - Wow! I have never seen such a nice dress.

 Hung: - your motorbike is terrific, Hien.

 Michael: - I thought  your badminton game was a lot better today.

    - Congratulations! You played a great game.

- ask some Ss to give compliments and practise reading the dialogues.

Task 3: - ask Ss to practise responding to the compliments.

  You: Accepting:-Thank you, Phil. That’s a nice compliment.

                            - Thanks. That’s nice of you to say so.

                            - I’m glad you like it.

         Rejecting: -You’ve got to be kidding! I’m an awful dancer.

                      -You’ve got to be kidding! I thought it was terrible.

- call on some Ss to say their respondings and practise reading the dialogues.

c. Post-speaking:

Task 4: - ask Ss to work in 5 groups and each group chooses a topic. Then ask 2 Ss of each group to present their dialogue in front of the class.

- other groups give comments

- give remarks.

Eg: A: Wow! I have never seen such a nice cell phone, Nam!

B: Thank you. I'm glad you like it

A: Could you tell me how much you paid for it?

B: Oh, sorry. I don't know. It was a gift from my sister.

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- make your dialogue with compliments at home.

- do exercises in Workbook.

- see Listening.

Do to the board


Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down





V. Evaluation:
