Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system - Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson 4: Writing - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 23

Unit 4: school education system

Lesson 4: Writing

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to :

Describe school education system.

Write a short passage.

2. Teaching aids:

Pictures, handouts, pieces of paper.

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

* Brain storming (Groupwork)

School education system g  Start school

g  Primary

g  Lower secondary school

Whole class

Group work


Pre- writting

*Pair work

T: gives hand out  with 8 questions  in structions

1. When does a child start school in Vietnam?

2. How many terms are  there in a school year?

3. How lony does  it take to complete primary ,,,,

T: Checks  feedbacks

* Matching, grade in column A with age in column B



1. Nursery

a. 15 – 17

2. Kindergarten

b. 3 - 4

3. Lower secondary

c. 4 – 5

4. Upper secondary

d. 11 - 14

- Ask sts to match.

- Checks and corrects.

Pair work

Group work


While - writing

- T: divide  class in to 3 groups - explains how ... what to ......a paragraph on the formal school education  system in Vietnam

- Sts: Use the informations in the given hand outs to conite about the school education system … be gin as follows.

- There are two levels of ducation in the formal school system in Vietnam - vrimary education and secondary school education …

- T: goes nound and support some vocabulary and structures. Remind them to use the tense of verbs

Group work


Post - writing

- Hang on the groups’ writing on the board

- Ask sts to make correction and comment

- Give feedback

* Suggested answer

              There are 3 levels of education in Vietnam, they are pre-school, secondary school, upper school, primary lasts 5 years, starts school from the age of 6 to 10, lower secondary school lasts 4 years from the age of 11 to 14 and upper secondary is 3 years from the age of 15 to 17. Primary and lower secondary are compulsory education and last 9 years, the academic year has 35 weeks with 9 months from September to May…

Whole class

Individual work



- Rewrite the paragraph carefully

- Prepare for the next lesson.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson 4: Writing - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 23

Unit 4: school education system

Lesson 4: writing

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can write complete sentence basing on words given. Ss can also reorder sentences into paragraghs.

2. Skill: develop Ss’writng skill

3. Attitude:  understand the ways of writing apologies.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities

I/ Warm – up: ( 5.s)

 Brain storming (Groupwork)

School education system ->  Star school

                                        -> Primary

                                        -> Lowen secondary school

II/ Pre- writting (10')

*Pair work

T: gives hand out  with 8 questions  in structions

1. When does a child start school in Vietnam?

2. How many terms are  there in a school year?

3. How lony does  it take to complete primary ,,,,

T: Checks  feedbacks

 III/ While - writing: (20')

T: divide  class in to 3 groups - explains how ,,, what to ,,,, a paragraph on the formal school education  system in Vietnam

sts: Use the informations in the given hand outs to conite about the school education system … be gin as follows.

- There are two levels of ducation in the formal school system in Vietnam - vrimary education and secondary school education …

T: goes nound and support some vocabulary and structures. Remind them to use the tense of verbs

IV/ Post – writing: (10')

-  T: Ask sts to hany their postes

sts: peer correction

T: Gives feedback

V/Summary and  Homework:

- Rewrite the paragraph carefully

E. Evaluation:
