Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 bài Introduction and Revision mới nhất

Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 bài Introduction and Revision - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 1,2

Introduction and Revision

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

Review all of the knowledge of grade 11

Know how to study and learn English 12

2. Teaching aids:

- Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape

3. Anticipated problems:

- Method: mainly communicative

4. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


Greeting, introduce, get acquaintance with the students


-elicit all of the knowledge and language skills of grade 11

1.Verbs tenses ( present simple, past simple, past progressive, past perfect……….)

I. HIỆN TẠI ĐƠN (Simple Present)

Cách dùng

1. Diễn tả một thói quen hoặc một việc thường xuyên xảy ra ở hiện tại.

Ex:  - We come to school on time everyday. (Chúng tôi đi học đúng giờ mỗi ngày)

      - My mother always gets up early. (Mẹ tôi luôn thức dậy sớm)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

a. Cách dùng này thường có các trạng từ chỉ sự thường xuyên:

• rarely: ít khi               • usually: thường thường

• sometimes: đôi khi     • seldom: hiếm khi

• never: không bao giờ • always: luôn luôn

• often: thường      • occasionally: thỉnh thoảng

• hardly ever: hiếm khi   • everyday: hàng ngày

b. Các kết cấu đi với every như:

• every week: hàng tuần   • every month: hàng tháng

2. Diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên, một chân lý

Ex:  - The Sun rises in the East. (Mặt trời mọc ở phương đông)

           - The Earth moves around the sun. (Trái đất xoay quanh mặt trời)     

3. Diễn tả sự thật tương đối bền vững

Ex: - Your sister speaks English well. (Chị của bạn nói tiếng Anh giỏi)

          - Dick writes novel. (Dick viết tiểu thuyết)

          - Children need love and affection. (Trẻ em cần tình yêu và sự ấp ủ)

II. HIỆN TẠI TIẾP DIỄN (Present Continuous)

Hình thức     Subject + am / is / are + V-ing

Cách dùng

1. Chỉ một sự việc đang xảy ra ở hiện tại, lúc ta đang nói

Ex:  - The farmers are working in the fields now. (Các nông dân đang làm việc ngoài đồng)

          - My mother is cooking in the kitchen at the moment. (Vào lúc này mẹ tôi đang nấu ăn trong nhà bếp)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

a. Trong câu thường có các phó từ:

• now: bây giờ     

• at the moment: vào lúc này

• at present: vào lúc này

b. Trong câu bắt đầu bằng những từ gợi sự chú ý như:

• Look! Coi kìa    

• Listen! Nghe kìa

• Hurry up! Nhanh lên

Ex:  - Look! The boys are fighting. (Coi kìa, bọn trẻ đang đánh nhau)

          - Listen! They are speaking English. (Nghe kìa! Họ đang nói tiếng Anh)

          - Hurry up! The bus is coming. (Nhanh lên! Xe buýt đang tới rồi kìa)

c. Trong câu có cụm chủ vị có từ WHILE (Trong lúc)

Ex:  - I’ll think it over while I’m having my lunch. (Tôi sẽ suy nghĩ kỹ vấn đề này trong lúc tôi ăn trưa)

2. Diễn tả một việc được xếp đặt xảy ra trong tương lai.

Ex: - What are you doing this evening? (Chiều tối nay bạn định làm gì)

          - We are going to Paris on Friday. (Chúng tôi định đi Pari vào thứ Sáu)

III. HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH (Present Perfect)

Hình thức :  Subject + Has / Have + Past Participle

Cách dùng

1. Để diễn tả một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ mà thời gian không xác định rõ.

Ex:  - He has lived in England before. (Trước đây, anh ấy sống ở Anh quốc)

          - We have gone to Dalat several times. (Chúng tôi đã đi Dalat vài lần)

          - She has already seen that film. (Cô ta đã xem phim đó rồi)

          - He’s never been there. (Anh ta chưa từng ở đó)

          - They haven’t finished their work yet. (Họ chưa làm xong việc)

          - Have you ever spoken Russian before? (Trước đây có bao giờ bạn từng nói tiếng Nga chưa?)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

Trong câu thường có

• already: rồi, đã rồi    • several times: vài lần

• never: chưa bao giờ • never ... before: trước đây chưa bao giờ

• yet: chưa                  • ever: đã bao giờ

• ever ... before: trước đây đã bao giờ

2. Để chỉ một việc đã bắt đầu xảy ra trong quá khứ và hiện đang còn xảy ra.

Ex:   - So far he has had no trouble. (Cho đến nay, anh ấy chưa gặp rắc rối gì)

          - He has lived here for five years. (Anh ta sống ở đây được năm năm rồi)

          - His father has been ill during the last two week. (Bố anh ấy đã bệnh suốt hai tuần vừa qua)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

Trong câu thường có các trạng từ chỉ thời gian:

• so far: cho đến nay       • up to now: cho đến nay

• up to the present: cho đến lúc này

• since then: kể từ lúc đó

• since: kể từ khi   • for: trong (khoảng thời gian)

• in / during the last + 1 khoảng thời gian   

3. Để  diễn tả một hành động mà thời gian nó chưa kết thúc.

Ex:   - He has smoked ten cigarettes today. (Hôm nay anh ấy hút 10 điếu thuốc)

          - I haven’t seen her this week. (Tuần này tôi không gặp cô ấy)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

Trong câu thường có các phó từ như:

• today: hôm nay

• this week: tuần này

• this month: tháng này

• this term: học kỳ này

• this year: năm nay

4. Để chỉ một sự việc vừa mới xảy ra so với hiện tại

Ex:  - I have seen him lately. (Gần đây tôi có gặp anh ấy)

          - She’s just gone out. (Cô ta vừa mới đi khỏi)

■  Dấu hiệu thì:

Cách dùng này thường có các từ như:

• just: vừa mới

• recently: gần đây

IV. simple past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. Duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as : for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc .

E.g: I live in Brazil for years

10. The Simple Past can also be used to describe a habit which stopped in the past. It can have the same meaning as “used to ”. To make it clear that we are talking about a habit, we often add expressions such as: always , often, usually, never, when I was a chid, when I was youger etc.

E.g : They never went to school . They always skipped their classes

11 . The Simple Past can also be used to describe past facts or generalizations which are no longer true . As in USE 4 above , this use of the Simple Past is quite similar to the expression “used to ”

E .g : She was shy as a child , but now she is very outgoing

V.Past continuous :

+ Form : Was / were + V-ing

+ Meaning : Past time

+ Use :

* Use the past Continuous to indicate that a longer actoin in the past was interrupted . The interrupted is a shorter action in the Simple Past or a specific time . Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time .

E. g : I was watching TV when she called .

Last at 6 PM , I was eating dinner

* When you use the Past Continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening in the same time. The actions are parallel.

E.g: I was studying while he was making dinner.

VI.Past perfect


   * The Past Perfect expresses the idea that something occurred before another action expressed in the Past Simple. It can also show that something happened before a specific time in the past.

e.g :had never seen such a beautiful beach before I went to Hanoi.

2.infinitive and gerund

T reviews the verbs that are followed by an infinitive, a gerund and both. (in handouts

Infinitive only

Agree Arrange Ask Choose Decide Demand Deserve expect

Fail Hesitate Hope Intend Learn Manage Offer Plan Refuse

Seem Wait

Gerund only

Admit Avoid Deny Enjoy Keep

Verbs that are followed by prepositions


Begin Start Continue Stop Love Like Hate Remember Forget Try Regret

3.reported speech

reviews reported speech with infinitives:

+ Form: Verb + O + bare-infinitive

+ meaning and use: We usually use an infinitive structure to report orders, requests, advice, suggestions, threats, warning, promises, (dis)agreements, and so on. We don’t use “say” in this structure.

E.g:  I told the kids to be quite. The policeman told me not to park here.

Note: T might want to remind Ss that time and place references often have to change in reported speech. E.g:


T elicits the from and use of coditional sentences (type 1, 2 and 3 ) from Ss . If necessary T may give Ss the following handout

Type 1.If + simple present will future

In these sentences , the times is the present or future and the situation is real . They refer to a possible condition and its probable result

Example :

+ If find her address , I’ll send her an invitation

Type2 If + simple past , would + infinitive

Like type 1 , type 2 refers to the present of future , and the past tense in the if – clause is not a true past but a subjuntive , which indicates unreality or improbability .

Example :

+ If I were 18 again I would go on a round – the –world – tour . (I’m not 18 , in fact I’m 45 )

+ If I studied , I would pass the exams 

Type 3 If +pat prefect , would have + P2

The time is past , and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in the if – clause didn’t happen .

Example :

+ If I had found her address last week , I would have sent her an invitation .

+ If I had studied , I would have passed the exams

5.Relative clauses

-Ask ss to retell Relative clause

+ Defining clause

+ Now- defining clause

-Ask ss to give examples then retell their functions

Eg:- I met Jane’s father, who works at the U..

     - I met the man who helpead me yesterday

+ she is the woman about whom I told you

* Relative pronouns with prepositions

Reduce relative clauses

6.Cleft sentences

-Give 3 examples of 3ex 1,2,3 to introduce ss the new grammar points

( Left sentences)

Ex1: The man gave her the book


->It was the man who gave him the book

           ( focusing on subject)

Ex2: The boy hit the dog in the grander

->It was the dog that the boy hit in the

         ( focusing on subject)


Ex3:She bought him a present at the shop

-> It was at the shop that she bought him

( focusing on subject)

 a present

-Through the examples, ask ss to give the way to use ceft sentences them selves

-Give other examples then ask ss to practise

Home work

-give exercise by handouts

B. Introduce the Englisn 12 to students.

+ Introduce the Englisn 12 to students.:

- Guide students about the new book.

- Giude them:

 + How to learn each lesson

+ How to learn each section of the lesson.

+ How to study at the class

+ How to prepare the lesson at home…

Demand students to master:      1. The grammar of the test.

2. The main content of the English 12.

3. Master the learning methods.

Take notes



- T. asks sts to prepare for Unit 1


Giáo án môn Tiếng anh lớp 12 bài Introduction and Revision - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Introduction and Revision

I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim: Students know about English book in grade 12

2. Knowledge:

Students know: - How to learn English in grade 12

- How to do English tests

- How to use student’s book and workbook

3. Skill: - Reading

- Speaking

- Listening

- Writing

- Doing English tests

II. Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, some test papers, tape, cassette player, etc.

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm-up :(7 minutes)

- Introduce to students about the teacher

- Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc.

Guiding: (80 minutes)

1. Guiding student’s book and workbook:

* Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook

* Introduce to students how to learn reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus in their books and how to do the exercises in their books

2. Guiding English tests in grade 12:

* Introduce to students about oral tests, 15 minute tests, 45 minute tests, etc. and how to do them

* The tests in grade 12 include:

reading : 25%

listening: 25%

writing: 25%

language focus: 25%

3. Guiding other books and tape, disc, etc.

Homework: 3 minutes

- Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things for learning and prepare lesson reading - Unit 1

- Listen to the teacher

- Answer the teacher’s questions

- put the student’s book and workbook on the table

- listen to the teacher and look through the books

- Listen to the teacher

- listen to the teacher and write down the things which will be prepared at home