Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 3: Listening mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 5

Unit 1: home life

Lesson 3 :Listening

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lessons, Ss will be able to:

Listen and pick up specific details.

Listen and understand general ideas

Talk about household chores and family life.

2. Teaching aids:

Realia, handouts, CD player, pictures.

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities






Warm up: Jumbled word

Rearrange the letters to make a meaningful word


Ss will arrange the letters in a suitable order to make a word


Teacher leads to the new lesson

Before – listening

Teacher provides 2 pictures of a wedding party and a family party.

Students ask and answer the questions about the pictures.


Who are they?

Where are the people?

What are they doing?
What are the difference between the two parties?


reserve (v) book smt

reserved (a): Kept for future or special use

coach (n): a comfortable bus

spread out (v): cover a large area

leftover (n):

food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal

Teacher check Ss’s pronunciation and remembrance


Task 1: Before listening to text 1, teacher asks students to guess the answer by ticking in the box with their pencils.

- Ss listen to text 1 and tick what is true (T) or false (F) about them.

- After the first listening, check through the answer and give feedbback after the sencond listening.

Key:               1.F-2.F-3.F-4.T-5.T

Task 2:

Use tapecript to make a gap-fill exercise.

Ask Ss to predict then listen and  fill in the gaps.


Task 3

Listen to the tape again and take notes without looking at the handout.

- Ask Ss to listen again and note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s family.

- Call on some Ss to read their notes and check with the class.


Paul: - His family are not very close.

      - The family often eat the meal the mother cooks at home.


His is a close-knit family.

The family often go out to eat when they get together.

post – Listening

- Arrange Ss to work in groups of four or five

- Ask them to interview one another to get and give information about the members of their family.

( their ages/names/what they do/what are they like/what they are interested in/ how they are similar or different)

Go around the class to give help if necessary.

Call some Ss to report to the class about their parents.

Make correction and comments.


Summarize the main points

Assign homework

Whole class




Whole class


Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 1: Home life - Lesson 3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 5

Unit 1: Home life

Lesson 3: listening

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can listen and get information from the talk between Paul and Andrea about their family life.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ listening skill

3. Attitude: try to get information about the listening task

II. Teaching aids: textbook, cassette

III. Methods: pair work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization:

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to tell about what each member in his/her family often do.

3. Warm-up:  - Ask sts to look at the picture in the book (page 16) and ask some questions:

            + What's happening in this picture?

            + How many people are there? Who are they?

            + How are they feeling? How do they look?

    Suggested answers:

          - A family is having a big meal.

          - 9 people.

          - Very happy.

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-listenning:

* pre teach vocab:

+ reserved (adj): dè dặt, = booked: đã mua trước

+ spread out (v): phát tán ra

+ leftovers (n):  = the food left after a meal

+ excited about = happy with

-checking: rub out and remember

b. While-listening:

Task 1: T/ F statements.

Listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

 - Let sts read and guess true/false

 - Play the tape the first time, ask Ss to listen and decide T/F

 - Lets sts listen the second time, ask Ss to give their answers

 - Let sts listen the last time and stop at the answers for sts to catch.

          Suggested answers:

                   1.F        2.F         3.F        4.T        5.T

Task 2: Listen again and note down two things that are different about Paul's and Andrea's families.

 - Ask sts to listen one more.

- call some Ss to read out their answers.



They are not really a very close-knit family

They are all really close

His family often eat the meal his mother cooks at home.

His family often goes out to eat when they get together.

c. Post-listening:

- ask Ss to tell about his/ her family.

+ How many people are there in your family?Who are they?

+ Do all members of your family live together?

+ Do they often get together on special occasions? Do you have big meals together?

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- study new words

- write a paragraph about your family (50 words)

- see Writing

Go to the board

Whole class

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down

Work in groups

(group 1 + group 2)



V. Evaluation:
