Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity - Lesson3: Listening mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 10

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 3: listening

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

- Listen  and understand the conversation about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam.

- Listen and fill the missing information  in the gaps

- Listen and answer the questions about the wedding ceremony in Vietnam

- Know some more new words about wedding ceremony.

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, pictures, cassette, tape, handouts and real objects

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

* Competition Game - Net work.

- Instruction: Find out words relating to the key word "Wedding"

- The group which write more words and earlier will win the game .

- Lead - in: The wedding ceremony

- Ask some  more questions :

1 - Have you ever attended a wedding ceremony?

2- What do the bride and the groom usually do at the wedding ceremony?

+ To know more about it, today we listen to a conservation about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam.

Whole class


Before you listen

- Ask Ss to open the book.

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 24 and discuss what is happening in each one.

- Gives some guide questions:

1. What do you see in the pictures?

2. Who are they?

3. What are they doing?

- Check correct answers

- T. introduces the new lesson: You will hear two people talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen and do some listening tasks.

* Vocabulary: Listen and Repeat

- T. teach some new words first and then plays the tape for students to listen and repeat.

Altar: bàn thờ

Master of Ceremony:

Banquet: bữa yến tiệc

Groom: chú rể

Bride:cô dâu

Ancestor: ông bà tổ tiên

Tray: khay

Schedule: lịch

Blessing: cầu chúc

- Ss answer the teacher’s questions

1.  I see a wedding ceremony

2.   a bride and a groom

3. They are bringing a lot of gifts

- Ss write down the new words in the notebook.

- Ss repeat


While - listening


You are going to listen to a conservation between two people, listen and fill in the gaps with the missing words

- Collect the ideas on the board.

- Play the tape for the first time.

- Ask Ss if they are clear, if not, play the tape again.

- Call on some Ss to present the answers in front of the class.

* Answers:

1 - Groom's parents.    2-red paper    3- altar

4- at the wedding banquet            5- wedding cards money

- Correct mistakes.

+ Task 2:Answer the questions.

- Give Ss handouts: There are five questions and the answers put in the wrong order. There is one extra answer that they don't need to use.

- The answers:

e- They stop by each table to say thank to their guests.

d- They would pray asking their ancestors' permission to be married.

c- To go to the bride's house bringing a lots of gifts wrapped in red papers.

g- At the groom and bride's home, at a hotel or a restaurant.

a- After they pray and ask their ancestors' permission to be married.

b- When the M.C introduces the groom, the bride, the parents ...

- Play the tape for them to do the task.

- If a lot of Ss aren't able to do,  play the tape again and pause at the sentences they need.

- Read through the task and guess the missing words.

- Listen and correct themselves.

- Work in groups

Read the questions carefully and do the task.

- Listen to the tape and find out the correct answers to the questions.

- Answers:



Post – listening 

+ Task 3: Discussion

- Set the scene: You are going to discuss the questions in book: "What do family often do to prepare for a wedding ceremony?"

- Go around and give help if necessary.

- Pick out the groups; writings and seal on the board.

- Correct some usual errors.

+ Who do/ does the speech?

+ What do they do at the party?

+ What kinds of food and drinks?

+ When .....?

+ Where ..........?

- T. gives comments.

Work in groups Each group gives representative to read aloud the writing .

Give feedback.



- Retell a wedding you have seen.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson3: Listening - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 10

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 3: listening

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can listen for the understanding of passage about a wedding in Vietnam and listen for specific information.

2. Skill: develop Ss’listening skill

3. Attitude: try to listen to get information and discuss and share ideas with their friends

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork, discussion

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization.

2. Check the old lesson:

- ask Ss to tell the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American cultures.

3. Warm-up:

- ask Ss to look at the pictures/ p 24:

+ What can you see in the picture?

+ Where is it? In Vietnam or in another country?

+ What do the bride and the groom ususally do at the wedding ceremony?

- lead-in.

4. New lesson:

a. Pre listening:

* Pre-teach vocab:

+ altar (n)  (picture): ban thờ

+ Master of Ceremony = MC

+ banquet (n) (picture): = party

+ ancestor (n):  tổ tiên

+ exchange (v): trao đổi

- checking: Rub out and remember.

b. While-reading:

* You will hear two people (Tourist and Tourist guide) talking about a wedding ceremony in Vietnam. Listen to the tape. Then fill in the missing information.

Task 1: Multiple choice

1. The wedding day is carefully chosen by ...............

a. groom's parents       b. broom's parents      c. bride's parents

2. The gifts are wrapped in ...................

a. green paper             b. red paper                 c. news paper

3. The wedding ceremony starts in front of the ......

a. altar                       b. tray                           c. talk

4. Food and drinks are served at the ....... banquet.

a. party                      b. restaurant                  c. wedding

5. The guests give the newly wedded couples envelopes containing wedding cards and .............

a. gift                         b. money                       c. present

Task 2: T/ F statements

1. The most important thing the groom’s family has to do on the wedding day is to leave the bride’s house bringing gifts wrapped in red paper.

2. The groom and the bride would pray, asking their ancestors’ permission to get married.

3. They exchange their wedding rings after they pray and ask their ancestors’ permission to get married.

4. A Master of Ceremony only introduces the groom, the bride, and the parents in front of everyone.

5. The wedding banquet are ususally held at the groom and bride’s home or at a hotel or a restaurant.

6. They stop by each table to say good bye to their guests.

Keys: 1. F (to go to)  2. T     3. T   4. F (he introduces relatives and guests of the two families)  5. T    6. F (to thank their guests)

c. After listening:

* Discussion: What would you do if your family had a wedding ceremony?

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- study new words

- write a paragragh about what Vietnamese people often prepare for a wedding ceremony. (100 words)

- see Writing

Go to the board and answer.

- It's a weeding.

- It's in Vietnam.


Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down

Individual work and pair work

Work in groups of one table


V. Evaluation:

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .