Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system - Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 24

Unit 4: school educationsystem

Lesson 5: Language focus

1. Objectives:

By the andof the lesson, sts will be albe to:

- Get some rulesof the stress in threesyllablewords

- Usethe passive voice

2. Teaching aids:

- Pictures, handouts, charts, English book, cassette the player

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities






Warm – up

A. Pronunciation

- Give each group 3 pieces of paper on which there are stress patterns of 3

- Syllable words




- Play the tape/ CD, sts have to raise the corresponding pattern.

- checking

- carefully

- primary

2- let sts listen again and repeat (oneby one word)

3- Ask sts to read the sentences in the text book loudly

- Check and correct if necessary

New lesson

B. Grammar

I. Presentation

- Give the handouts

- Ask sts to complete the table



1. We water the plantseveryday

2. We .... the plants now

3. We watered the plants yesterday

4. We havejust watered the plants

5- When the phone rang we were watering the plants

1. Theplants are watered everyday

2.the plants are being watered now

3. We .... the plants yesterday

4. ....

5. .....

- Call on some sts to read the form of the verb

- Revise and explain if necessary and give the form

II. Practice

a. Exercise 1. Let sts work in groups (3 groups)

- Let sts go to theboard and write all the verbs




- Checking

Correct and declare the winner

(the group which has finished first, has the most correct verbs will win).

b. Exercise 2: Group word (3 groups)

- Each group rewrite 3 sentences

- T goes round and correct

- Sts stand up to present

- Feedback

C. Production

T gives some verbs for sts to make sentences

g Focus on passive sentences

Eg: separate, divide, set, make, build.

Summary andHomework:

-Exercise 3 (p.51)

- Exercises in the word book

- Work in groups listen the wordsand raise the card

The whole class


The whole class

Work in pairs

Work in groups to do Ex 1

- Sts go to the board to write the form of the verbs (one by on)

Work in groups

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 4 : school education system  - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 24

Unit 4: school education system

Lesson 5: language focus

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss canwrite complete sentence basing on words given. Ss can also reorder sentences into paragraghs.

2. Skill: develop Ss’writng skill

3. Attitude: understand the ways of writing apologies.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work

IV. Procedure:

Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities

I/ Warm – up: ( 8m.s)


- Give each group 3 pieces of paper on which there are stress patterns of 3

- syllable words


- play the tape/ cd, sts have to raise the corresponding pattern.

- checking

- carefully

- primary

2- let sts listen again and repeat (oneby one word)

3- Ask sts to read the sentences in the text book loudly

- Check and correct if necessary

B. Grammar

II/ Presentation (8')

- Give the handouts

- Ask sts to complete the table



1. We water the plantseveryday

2. We .... the plants now

3. We watered the plants yesterday

4. We havejust watered the plants

5- When the phone rang we were watering the plants

1. Theplants are watered everyday

2.the plants are being watered now

3. We .... the plants yesterday



- Call on some sts to read the form of the verb

- Revise and explain if necessary and give the form

2. Practice

a, Exercise 1. Letsts work in groups (3 groups)

- Let sts go to theboard and write all the verbs




- Checking

Correct and declare the winner

(the group which has finished first, has the most correct verbs will win.

b, Exercise 2: group word (3 groups)

- Each group rewrite 3 sentences

- T goes round and correct

- Sts stand up to present

- Feedback

3- Production

T gives some verbs for sts to make sentences

=> focus on passive sentences

e.g; separate, divide, set, make, build

III/Summary andHomework:

-Exercise 3 (p.51)

- Exercises in the word book

- Work in groups listen the wordsand raise the card

The whole class


The whole class

work in pairs

work in groups to do Ex 1

- Sts go to the board to write the form of the verbs (one by on)

work in groups

E. Evaluation:
