Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 9

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 2: speaking

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

- understand more about differences among cultures.

-  discuss information that relates to the differences between Vietnamese and  American cultures

- to improve the students’ speaking skills

Key structures:

+ I think/feel/believe…

+ In my opinion…

+ I don't agree…

+ It' s not true…

Key vocab:  Generation, precede, marriage, independent life, old-gate.

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, posters & some pictures

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm - up

- Gives two tables and asks Ss to work in group of three or four to complete the table.

- Give a picture

- Ask Ss to look at the picture and answer questions

1. What are they doing?

2. Can you guess where they are?

3. In Viet Nam, do people often kiss in public? Why or Why not?

4. What about in America?

- Lead into the new lesson. Today we will learn about the differences between Vietnamese and American cultures

Whole class

They are kissing

In the public / In the street

No, they don’t. It’s impolite.

It is very common.


Before speaking

- T presents some new words:

+  old-aged people (n): People who are old

+  marry to smb (v) =  get married to smb

    marriage (n)

Task 1: Expressing point of view.

- T shows some useful languages in the box (P.23)



I think/ feel/ believe ...

In my opinion,...                    

For me...                                         

It's not true...

That's wrong...

I don't agree... 

- T asks Sts to look through the information inTask 1.

- T models with one St.

Eg.: T. In my opinion,...

        S. That's wrong...

- T lets Sts work in pairs to express their points of view, using the words and expressions in the box.

The whole class.

Pair work.


While speaking

Task 2: Discussing & finding out the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture.

- T gives instruction:

+ What are typical features of American culture?

+ Can you find out other features of Vietnamese culture?

- T gets Sts to read though the 1st column, then discuss and find

out the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture.

- T models with one St :

T: Two generations ( parents & children) live in a home in America.

         And ask what about in Vietnam?

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the Task 2.

- T calls on some pairs to discuss & find out the typical features between American & Vietnamese cultures.

- T gives feedback: there are differences & similarities between Vietnamese & American cultures. ( In Vietnam,...but in America...)

Read the features given and

find the corresponding features of Vietnam

S: In Vietnam, three or four generations may live in a home

Group & pair work.


Post speaking

Task 3: Talk about the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American in cultures 

- Explain  how to do the task 3

- Ask  Ss to read the answer of task 2 again before doing the task 3

- Ask  Ss to work in group of four

- Call on some pairs to give their ideas

- Correct  and give  feedback

Whole class



- T summsrises the main points of the lesson.

- T asks Sts to rewrite their report the similaritties & differences between Vietnamese & American cultures.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson 2: Speaking - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 9

Unit 2: Cultural Diversity

Lesson 2: Speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can know how to give opinions about the differences between cultures.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ speaking skill.

3. Attitude: try to give opinions and find out the similarities and differences.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook

III. Methods: pairwork, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization.

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to write new words and make a sentence.

- call on another to answer questions in Task 2

3. Warm-up:

-make questions:

 + In Vietnam, what do people often  bring  to a wedding?

 + …………………… a birthday party?

 + ………………… a house warming?

        They often bring …………..(flowers, soft drink, food, alcohol…)

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-speaking:

* Pre-teach vocab:

+ generation (n): thế hệ

+ hold hands (v): nắm tay

+ income (v): thu nhËp

- checking: rub out and remember

  Task1: (group discussion)

 - help Ss to use: I think …/or It's not true … to express their point of view on the  following ideas (page 22)

          eg:  + I think it's a good idea to have…

                 + That's not true. In same countries …

b. While speaking:

Task 2: - ask Ss to discuss in pairs to find out the corresponding features of Vietnamese culture (page 23).

In America

In Vietnam

1. Two generations (parents and children) live in a home.

2. Old - aged parents  live in nursing homes.

3. It is not polite to ask questions about age, marriage, income.

4. Americans can greet anyone in the family first .

5. Groceries are bought once a week.

6. Christmas and New Year holidays are the most important.

7. Children sleep in their own bedrooms.

1. Two, three and sometimes four generations live under one roof .

2. Old-aged parents live with the eldest son or their children.

3. We can ask questions about age, marriage, and income.

4. We must greet the older first.

5. Groceries are bought everyday when necessary.

6. Only New Year (Lunar New Year- Tet) holidays are the most important.

7. Small children usually sleep with their parents, but older children sleep in their own room.

- correct

- ask Ss to give more the differences between American and Vietnamese cultures.

    eg: -In Vietnam, in a meal, we often use chopsticks to eat

           In American, they use porks and knives.

          - In Vietnam, we often work about 8- 10 hours a day

            In Amderican, they only work about 4-5 hours a day.

c. Post-speaking:

 Task 3: - ask Ss to use the features discussed in task 2 to talk about the similarities and differences between Vietnamese and American cultures (page 24).

   eg: - There are differences and similarities between Vietnamese and America cultures. In America, it's not polite to ask questions about age, marriage and income, but in Vietnam, it's acceptable.

5. Wrap-up:

-summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- write a paragraph about the similarities and differences between American and Vietnamese cultures. (50- 70 words)

- do exercises in Workbook.

- see Listening

Go to the board

Answer freely

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down


Work in groups of one table.


V. Evaluation:

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .