Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising - Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 3 : Ways of socialising  - Lesson 4: Writing - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 16

Unit 3: Ways of socialising

Lesson 4: writing

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students will:

- can use the words to build complete sentences in Task 1,

- put the jumbled sentences in their correct order and then rearrange them to write the complete paragraphs in Task 2.

2. Teaching aids:

Textbook, pictures, handouts and real objects

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities



Warm up:

* Cut –up sentences

- Divide the class into 4 groups.

- Prepare 4 cards with a jumbled sentence and give one to each group.

- Ask ss to rearrange the word cards so that they will make a meaningful sentence.

- Tell Ss to write the sentences on the board.

- The first group to have correct sentence win the game.

Here is the cut- up sentence:

we/our/ can/slightly/to/that/raise/show/hand/need/we/assistance


We can raise our hand slightly to show that we need assistance

Lead in:

Whole class



Task1 : Use the words to make sentences. Change the form of the verb.( No addition or omission is required)

- T. introduces the aims of tasks in writing lesson.

In task 1,T asks sts to discuss how to use suggested words in sentences.

- go around the class to help sts if necessary.

- ask sts to show their key.T gives key to check

Whole class

Pair work

Individual work


While writing

- Ask Ps to work in pairs or in group to read and discuss about the re-ordered paragraphs.

- Go around giving help

- Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs and read aloud in front of the class.

- Ask Ps to read their answers.

- Listen to Ps and collect their mistakes for indirect correction.


- T  correct with Ps.

- T gives feedback on Ps’ work.

- T points out some common mistakes made by Ps.

- Ask Ps to give comments on the others’ writing.

Paragraph 2:

1. C

2. E

3. B

4. A

5. D

1. The simplest way to apologize is to say “ I’m sorry”.

2. Let’s take a common situation. Tom is late for class and enters the classroom.

3. What does he do? The most polite actionis usually to take a seat as quitely as possible and apologize later.

4. But if the teacher stops and waits for him to say something, he could apologize simply “ I’m sorry I’m late”, ask permission to take his seat and sit down.

5. Naturally, more than this is needed, but it is not the time for it because it has already caused some interruption and doesn’t need to make it any longer.

Group work

Individual work


post – writing


Prepare 30 cards with different sentences on. Two cards will make a complete sentence.

For example:

Card 1: Men make house,.........

Card 2: ...............women make home.

Card 3: I couldn’t enter the house last night......

Card 4: ...........because I lost my key.

(There is no number on these cards)

Deliver these cards among Ss, ask them to find their partner to make a complete sentence. The pair  complete first is the winner ( they can get a present)

Whole class



- Aks Ps to learnt by heart the lessson

- Review the points that have been covered in the lesson and do the exercise in the exercise book.

- Prepare for the next part.


Period 16

Unit 3: ways of socialising

Lesson 4: writing

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can write complete sentence basing on words given. Ss can also reorder sentences into paragraghs.

2. Skill: develop Ss’writng skill

3. Attitude:  understand the ways of writing apologies.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization:

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to write new words and make a sentence.

- call another to tell rules of using telephone in family

3. Warm-up:

* Matching:



1. to nod one's head

2. to shake hands

3. to clap hands

4. to jump up and down

a. to say hello

b, to agree

e, to be excited

d, to encourage

Key: 1-b; 2-a; 3-d;  4-c

4. New lesson:

a- Pre writing:

* Preteach vocab:

+ observe (v): quan sát

+ abrupt (adj): = sudden: đột ngột, bất ngờ

+ apologize (v): xin lỗi

    apology (n)

+ discourtesy (n):  = impoliteness, rudeness: sự bất lịch sự

- checking: making sentences.

* Task 1:

- divide the class into 4 groups

1,2: sentences 1,2,3

3,4 sentences  4,5


 1. There are many ways to tell someone goodbye, and most of them depend on the situation at hand.

 2. However, there is one rule that all situations observe: We seldom say goodbye abruptly.

 3. In English it is necessary to prepare a person for our departure.

 4. We lead into the farewell by saying something pleasant and thoughtful like “I’ve really enjoyed talking to you”.

 5. We might also say something relating to the time like “Gosh, I can’t believe how late it is! I really must be going!”

b- While writing:

- divide the class into 2 groups: each group puts their sentences in their right order.

Paragragh 1: 1. C  2. E  3. A  4. B   5. D

Paragragh 2:  1. C   2. E  3. B  4. A  5. D

- ask Ss to write complete paragraghs.

- remind Ss to use ways of joining sentences.

- call some Ss to read their paragraghs

c- Post writing:

- write typical mistakes on board and ask Ss to give correction.

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- write their writings in notebook.

- do exercises in Workbook

- see Lang focus.

Go to the board


Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down



Whole class

V. Evaluation:

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .