Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 – Future jobs - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 – Future jobs - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 32

Unit 6 – Future jobs

Lesson 2: Speaking

1. Objectives:

After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

-talk about jobs and give their opinions about jobs.

2. Teachingaids:

- Posters, pictures, handouts and textbooks.

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm - up


- Ask Ss to make a list of jobs as many as possible

Whole class


Pre - speaking

- Listen to the teacher and repeat, take notes

- Read the new words in chorus, individually.

- Make some sentences using the words.

1. Vocabulary

- imaginary (adj)

- irrigation (adj)

- farming technique (np)

- challenging (adj)

2. Task 1: Matching

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B.

- Have them look through the words in Task 1 and make sure that they know all the meaning of the words.

- Go around the class to check and offer help.

- Call on some pairs to present their work.

- Check the answers and give the feedback with the following structure

A doctor is a person who…


A doctor is a person who takes care of people’s health.

- Match a job in A with two descriptions in B.

- Present the answers.


+ A farmer is a person who constructs irrigation systems and applies new farming techniques.

+ A tourist guide is a person who finds good and safe hotels for customers and takes people to places of interest.

Individual work

Whole class

Pair work

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work



While - speaking

Activity 1: Task 2: Discussion

Now work in pairs to discuss the jobs and give your opinions about them.

- Divide class into 4 groups, give each of them two jobs (hand outs)

G1: pilot and waiter

G2: taxi driver and electrician

G3: policeman and journalist

G4: singer and computer


T: Do you like to become a pilot?

S: Yes/ No.

T: Why?/ Why not?

S: Because …/ I think….

- Go around the class to check and offer help, collect some common mistakes for later correction

- Sts discuss the jobs and their opinions about them.


A: Do you liketo become a waiter?

B: No, I don’t.

A: Why not?

B: Because It is very boring.

Activity 2: Reportation

- Call on some representatives to talk bout their opinions of their jobs.

- Call on some others to give their comments, feedback.


I would like to work as a doctor. Working as a doctor would be a fascinating job because I would have chance to take care of people health.

- Sts present their opinions of the their jobs.


I would like to work as a tourist guide. Working as a tourist guide would be a changelling and fascinating job because Ihave a chance to travel all over Vietnam and meet many interest people…

Pair work

Whole class

Group work


Post - speaking

Game: Who am I?

- Guide the rules of the game.

- Ask Ss to use some questions in the game, such as:

+ Where will you work?

+ Who will you work with?

+ Will you get high salary?.................

Whole class



- Learn by heart the new words.

- Write a short paragraph about their future job.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 – Future jobs - Lesson 2: Speaking mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 32

Unit 6: future jobs

Lesson 2: speaking

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make dialogues about jobs and practise speaking each job, personal opinions about each job.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ speaking skill .

3. Attitude: be aware of each jobs and their interest in each job .

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities

Ss’ activities









1. Organization:

2. Checking the old lesson:

- call on a S to write new words and make a sentence

- call on another to read and translate each paragraph.

- give comments and mark

3. Warm-up:

* guessing jobs:

- make sentences and ask the whole class to guess

Eg: I work in a school and I teach children. Who am I?

I take care of patients and I work in a hospital. Who am I ?


4. New lesson:

a- Pre speaking:

* Preteach vocab:

+irrigation system (n)

+ fantastic (a)

+ fascinating (a)

+ imaginary (adj)

+ challenging (adj)

-checking: making sentences.

*Task 1: Matching

- ask Ss to work in pairs to match a job in A with at least two descriptions in B.

- have them look through the words in Task 1 and make sure that they know all the meaning of the words.

Eg: a doctor: take care of people’s health and help save people’s lives.

- call on some Ss to match

b- While speaking:

Activity 1: Task 2: Discussion

-Ask Ss to work in pairs and and discuss which of the jobs in column A they would/ would not like to do.


A: Do you want to become a teaccher?

B: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t

A: Why/ Why not?

B: Because……………………………………….and…….

- call on some pairs to practise speaking in front of the class.

Activity 2: Task 2: Reporting.

- call on some Ss to talk about their opinions of their jobs.

- give feedback.


I would like to work as a doctor. Working as a doctor would be a fascinating job because I would have chance to take care of people health.

c- Post speaking:

Game: Who am I?

- guide the rules of the game.

- ask Ss to use some questions in the game, such as:

+ Where will you work?

+ Who will you work with?

+ Will you get high salary?


5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

6. Homework:

- study new words

- write 80 words about the job you would like to work in the future.

- do exercise in Workbook.

Go to the board and do

Whole class

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down



Individual work


V. Evaluation:

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .