Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity - Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 12

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 5: Language focus

 I. Objectives:

1. Educational aim: - The pronunciation of "ed" endings

- Review of tenses

2. Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn how to write a passage about cultural diversity

- Language: * The present simple and adverbs of frequency for talking about daily activities

* The past simple used in a narrative

- New words: Words related to pronunciation / ed/

3. Skills: Writing a passage about cultural diversity

II. Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures showing some activities

IV. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities






Warm – up


- Matching (group work)












-Divide class into 4 groups. Each group is given one handout

- Ss word in group in 2 minutes

- Collect and  check

2- Pronunciation

* The way to pronounce the "ed" ending sound

+/ed/ ending sound is pronounced /t/ when the verbs end with  the sounds /k/, /p/, /s/, /S/, /ts/, /F/,

Ex: worked, stopped, laughed ...

+ /id/  after /d/ and /t/

ex: started, demanded

+ /d/ after  all the sounds left

Ex: Phoned, enjoyed ...

Note: All the adjectives ending with "ed" -> /id/

Ex: learned /¶: nid/

      beloved /bilÙvid/

* Practice :

- Ask Ss to listen and repeat the pronunciation fart (p.27)

3. Grammar

- Give Ss some cards in which there are sentences with italic words (verbs)

- Ask them to word in 3 groups to decide the tense of the verbs in the sentences given below

G1: A: Have you ever seen a fire?

B: Yes, I have                       -> Prensent perfect

G2: A: When did you see it?

       B: I saw it last month    -> past simple

G3: A: Do you like visiting china?      

       B: Yes, I am visiting it next week

-> present continuous future decided and arranged

- Feed back

* Exercise 1: (pair work)

- Correct

1. Have .... seen, saw, am going to see

2. drank, have not drunk, drank

3. has written, did ... write, wrote

4. have been cooking, cooked, cooked

Exercise 2: (individual and peer correction)

- Ask Sts to do the exercise 2 and have peer correction

- T goes round to give help

- Give answers

1C        2a,   3c,   4a,   5C,   6a,   7c,   8a

4. Production

Game: Crosses and noughts 


future tense

simple perfect

simple present


present continuous

past simple

past continuous


 - Ask sts to make sentences using the sounds and the tense in the grids

Ex:  I looked at her -> sound    /t/

        Do you have money? -> present simple

- Feedback


-  Ask Sts to do the exercise 3 at home

Group work

Individual work

Whole class

Work in groups

Work in groups

Group work

Work in pairs

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson 5: Language focus - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 12

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 5: language focus

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can pronounce the ‘ed’ endings  and use tenses reviewed correctly.

2. Skill: develop Ss’pronunciation and use of language.

3. Attitude: try to read endings correctly and recall the old knowledge

II. Teaching aids: textbook,handout, cassette.

III. Methods: individual work, pairwork, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities









1. Organization.

2. Warm-up: Chair man

-Divide the class into three group. Call each group for one representative, each chair corresponds with one sound with "ed"

- Read aloud the sounds, if representative  of the group who sits the right place with the right sound will win the game.

- The word: rained; started; phoned ; arrested; jumped; missed; wanted; arrived; helped ...

- The sounds: /t/; /d/; /id/

3. New lesson:

I. Pronunciation:

+ Act 1: Elicit the pronunciation of "ed" ending sound:

1- ed ending sound is pronounced /t/ when the verbs end with the sounds /k/; /p/; /ò/; /tò/; /f/; /s/

2-ed ending sound is pronounced: /ed/

When the verbs end with the sounds: /t/' /d/

3- ed ending sound is pronounced: /d/

When the verbs end with the verbs with all sounds except these in 1&2

+ Act2: Listen and repeat

- Play the tape for Ss to listen

- Correct mistakes

- Ask Ss to practice sentence by sentence

II. Grammar:  Review of tenses

+ Ex1: Complete the conservations with the verbs provided

1- SEE

A: ... you ... the Titanic yet?

B; Yes, I have. I ... it last night. Why?

A: I... it next Friday


A: Who ... all the soda?

B: No me I ... any soda at all since last week. I ... water all week. It's much healthier

3- Write

A: Susan ... a lot of books lately

B: ... she .... Wildest dream?

A: Yes, she did, She ... that one about 5 years ago

4- Cook

A; you.... for hours. When are we eating dinner?

B: I've just finished. I... something special for you. It's called "Ants on a tree"

A: Gross!

B: Actually, I... it for many times before

It's just meatballs with rice noodles

- Go around and give help if necessary

- Call on some Ss to present their answers in front of the class

- Ask: What tenses?

+ Ex2:  Choose the best answer for each gap

- introduce : You are going to read a passage about a photographer. Read it carefully and choose the best word for each gap:

- Go around and give help

- Call on some Ss to present the answers and explanation in front of the class

- Collect the mistakes

* Production: Game: Correct mistakes

- Show them the way to do

- The group which correct more sentence with mistakes will win the game .

- The mistakes

1- Have ... watched -> Did  ... watch

2- lived -> has lived

3- dies ->  died

4- meet -> have never met

5- are -> have ... been

4. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points

5. Homework:

- do exercises in Workbook

- see Reading/ Unit 3


Listen to the tape and repeat in chorus

Individual work


V. Evaluation:
