Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity - Lesson4: Writing mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson4: Writing - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 11

Unit 2: Cultural divbrsity

Lesson 4: Writing

1. Objectives:

By the end of the lesson Ss willbe able to do:

- Describing Vietnamese conical leaf hat

- Developing sentences

2. Teaching aids:

- Handouts, pictures, posters …

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm – up

- T. ask Sts to look at the real conical leaf hat and answer questions

Do you know what it is in Vietnamese

Do you often wear it?

Is it the symbol of Vietnamese girls/women?

- Lead - in: Today, we are going to describe about the conical leaf hat which is not only the symbol of Vietnamese girls/wo men but also a part of the spirit of the Vietnamese nation.

Whole class



Pre- writting


+ rim (n): (real thing)

+ ribs (n) : (real thing)

+ strap (n): (real thing)

+ conical (a): (real thing)

- T provides some new words and explains their meaning

- AskSts to listen and repeat the new words several times inwholeclass and individually

+ Check new words by using the task (12')

+ What is the conical leaf that symbolized?

+ What is it made of?

+ Whatshape is it ?

+ How big? (width/ height)

+ What is it covered with?

+ What is it used for?

- T gives some gided questions

- Ask Sts to discuss in 3 groups and write down the outline on the poster

- T goes around and give help if necessary

- call each group to show their outline on the board

- Feedback

Whole class

Individual work

Pair work


While - writing

+ Act 1: Discussion

- Show them to do the discussion

- Call on some Ss to present their answers about the hat.

- Collect all the sentences and write on the board

+ Act 2: Writing

- Ask Ss to write the passage based on the cuesand the sentences given.

-Give some connectors such as: But, So, At last, finally ….

- Go around and provide help it necessary

- Collect Ss' writings on board

- To cleverer Ss, ask them to develop the sentences more interesting.

Whole class

Individual work



Post – writing: (7ms)

- Call some Sts to read their writtingafter having peer correction

- T gives feedback

Summary andHomework

- Ask Ss to newrite the paragraph at home

Whole class

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 2 : Cultural diversity  - Lesson4: Writing - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 11

Unit 2: cultural diversity

Lesson 4: writing

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: Ss can describe typical features of a Vietnamese conical leaf hat

2. Skill: develop Ss’writing skill

3. Attitude: try to use structures to make sentences for their writing.

II. Teaching aids: textbook, handouts

III. Methods: group work , pair work

IV. Procedure:


T’s activities










1. Organization.

2. Check the old lesson:

- call on a S to write new words and make a sentence.

- ask another to answer the question: What do families often do to prepare for a wedding ceremony?

3. Warm-up:

- ask Ss to look at the picture in the book:

+ What is it in Vietnamese?

+ Where in Vietnam do people often wear leaf hats?

+ Who wears it?

+ What form is it?

- lead in.

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-writing:

* Preteach vocab:

+ spirit (n): tinh thần, tâm hồn

+ conical form (n): hình nón

+ rib (n): xương sườn

+ diameter: đường kính

- checking: Rub out and remember.

* Task 1: Write the Vietnamese equivalents for the English words.

1. leaf :

2. rips:

3. rim :

4. strap:

b. While writing: Task 2

- ask Ss to write a passage of about 150 words about the conical leaf of Vietnam, using the suggestions.

1. The conical leaf hat/ be/ symbol of Vietnamese girls/ women/.

2. It / be/ also/ consider/ part of the spirit of the Vietnamese nation.

3. The conical leaf hat/ be make from/ special kind of bamboo and young soft palm leaves/.

4. It/ have / conical form.

5. The diameter/ the hat/ be/ 45- 50 cm/ and/ it/ be/ 25- 30 cm high.

6. The form/ be cover with/ palm leaves/which / be sew /around ribs/.

7.The conical leaf hat/ use/ protect people from sun/ rain.

8. Wearing the leaf hat/ make/ girls/ women/ look/ more pretty/ attractive/.

- ask groups to exchange their writing for peer correction.

- go round and take notes typical mistakes.

c. Post-writing:

- hang the posters on board

- ask each group to give comments and correct the mistakes

- highlight the typical mistakes and ask for correction.


1. The conical leaf hat is a symbol of Vietnamese girls andwomen.

2. It is also considered a part of the spirit of the Vietnamese nation.

3. The conical leaf hat is made from a special kind of bamboo and young soft palm leaves.

4. It has a conical form.

5. The diameter ofthe hat is from 45 to 50 cmand it is from 25 to 30 cm high.

6. The form is covered with the palm leaves which are sewn around ribs.

7.The conical leaf hat is used to protect people from sun or rain.

8. Wearing the leaf hat makes girls and womenlookmore pretty and attractive.

5. Wrap-up:

- summarise the main points.

6. Homework:

- complete writings in notebook

- do exercises in Workbook

- see Language focus

Go to the board

Whole class

- a leaf hat (nãn)

- in Hue city

- girls and women

- conical form

Read in chorus

Read individually

Copy down


Work in 4 groups

Whole class

V. Evaluation:
