Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS Lesson 4: Writing mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: economic reforms  Lesson 4: writing mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1



Unit 7: Economic reforms

Lesson 4: Writing

I. Aims:

By the end of the lesson the sts will be able to write a report (about 150 words) on the economic development of Tango.

II. Aids: Textbooks, handouts.

III. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities






I. Warmer:

- Teacher asks the sts to write the branches of economy.

* Branches of economy

II. Pre-writing:

* Pre-teach vocabulary:

- proper policy:

- reform

- be in ruinGets the sts to practice the words

- trade relation

- investment

Task 1.

- T. asks the sts to answer the questions in the book.

1. What was the economic situation in Tango before 1980?


Feedback from the teacher.

Suggested answers:

1. The economic situation in Tango before 1980 was in ruins.

2. The economic situation inTango from 1980 to 2000 became much better.

3. The government and the people of Tango have had proper policies to farmers and workers.

III. While-writing:

1. Making an outline:

Teacher asks the sts to answer the questions:

+) What was the economic situation in Tango from 1980 to 2000?

Suggested answer:

The economic situation in Tango increased rapidly from 1980 to 2000.

+) What are the measures taken by the government and the people of Tango to overcome the problems?

Suggested answer:

- Open trade relations.

- Encourage foreign and domestic investment.

- Reaffirm its commitment and call for more administrative and economic reforms.

+ What have the Tango achieved in economy in agriculture, ................andexport?

Teacher asks the sts to describe the table in the book.

Teacher asks the sts to write a report basing on the outline, beginning with:

The government and the people of Tango started their overall economic reform in the mid 1970s. Before that time, the economy of the country was in ruins............

IV. Post-writing:

Teacher hangs the posters on the board and corrects them.

V. Homework:

Teacher asks the sts to write the report individually at home.

Students go the board and write down the branches of economy.

Sts read the words after the teacher

Sts work in pairs to answer the questions.

Sts answer the questionsin groups, writing down the answers to make outlines.

Sts write in groups

Correct their writing

Do the task at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: economic reforms  Lesson 4: writing mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 41

Unit 7: economic reforms

Lesson 4: writing

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, sts can be able to write a report about the economy of Tango,based on given information..

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude: realize the changes in branches of the economy

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, posters.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



Teacher’s activities

Sts’ activities









2. Check the old lesson:

+ call on a S to write new words and make a sentences.

+ call on another to answer the question

3. Warm up :

(Jumbled Words)




àagriculture, fishery, forestry, industry, construction, export

-these are some branches of economy

4. New lesson:

a. Pre-writing:

Task 1:. Answer the questions:

1. What was the economic situation in Tango before 1980?

-It was in ruins, stagnant and under-developed.

2. What can you say about the economic situation in Tango from 1980 to 2000 ?

-All branches of economy increased steadily.

3. What do you think the government and the people of Tango have done to achieve these results?

- They carried out economic reforms rationally.

b. While-Writing:

Task 2: Build the words provided to make a meaningful sentence:

1.Before 1980/ economy/ Tango/ be/ in ruins

2.From 1980 to 2000/ all branches/ economy/ increase/ steadily.

3.To solve/ the problems/ economic reforms/ be/ applied/ some sectors/ economy.

4.In particular/ Tango government/ introduce/ new and advanced/ farming/ techniques.

5.Thanks to/ domestic and foreign/ investments/ factories/ buy/ high-tech machines/ increase/ productivity.

6. More people/ want/ live/ new houses/ full/ convenience/ higher/ qualities.

- Based on the information given in the table, write a report of 150 words on the economic development of Tango.

c. Post-Writing:

- correcting

5. Homework :

- Rewrite the report

- Prepare the lesson Language Focus

-Divide class into two groups

- Correct

- Give the meanings

-Guide sts

- Ask sts to read and answer the questions

- Correct

- Explain

- Ask sts to work in groups and write on posters.

-give comments

- Correct

- Give homework

-Group work

- Write on board

- Pair work

- Answer

- Group work

- Write on posters

- Do at home

V. Evaluation:
