Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 UNIT 7: ECONOMIC REFORMS - Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 UNIT 7:  ECONOMIC REFORMS -  LESSON 5 : Language focus mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1



LESSON 5 : Language focus


After the lesson Ss will be able to :

Help Ss how to read strong and weak forms of auxiliaries.

Help SS how to use adverbial clauses of concession (al)though/even though/(revision)

II. Teaching aids :textbook, poster….

III. Steps:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities







1. Warm up: (whole class)

- Listen to an English song and ask Ss tell againwords or phrases that they heard. “Big big world”

2. Pronunciation:

- Teach Ss how to pronounce the forms (P. 81)

- Use “ clapping “ techniques to get Ss practise the forms again.

- Get Ss to practice the mini-dialogues

3. Grammar

3. 1. Presentation

Let Ss listen to the song again then ask them questions:

- Can you hear all the sentences of the song?

- Do anyone know its title?

Give out the sentence:

- Although you can not hear all the words, you still know the name

- Feed back( give the meaning and usage)



Even though


Main clause

- Ask Ss to give an example

3.2 Practice

* Game: Finding Friends ( Task 2 )

- Give handouts ( Cards with cut sentences – One Ss reads the rest listen then choose suitable sentence that matches well with it )

3.3. Post- Practice

- Ask Ss to do Exercise 3 ( Page 83 )

Ex 2 : Complete the sentences use although + clause from the box

Although I was very tired, I couldn’t sleep

Although I had never seen…., I recognized her….

Although it was pretty cold, ….

Although I didn’t speak the language…

Although we don’t like them very much….

Although I met her twice before…

Although we have known each other for a long time…

- Check and comments.

5. Homework.

- Review the grammar at home.

- Do exercise 1 and 2 again.

- Listen and tell again

- Listen to the teacher

- Practise the forms in chorus

- Practise the forms individually

- Answer

-Ss to give their remark

- Group work

- Stick on the board if acceptable

S1. We still went out

S2. Although it rain heavily

S3. Though he was hungry

S4. He didn’t eat anything

- To complete the following sentences using your own ideas. (Group work)

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 UNIT 7:  ECONOMIC REFORMS -  LESSON 5 : Language focus mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 42

Unit 7: economic reforms

Lesson 5: language focus

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to pronounce strong and weak forms of auxiliaries correctly, review adverbial clauses of concession: (al) though/ even though.

2. Skill: develop Ss’use of language .

3. Attitude: pay attention to strong and weak forms.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, handouts.

III. Methods: eliciting,pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:


Stages and contents

Teacher’s activities

Sts’ activities






1. Organization.

2. Warm-up:

(Example + Picture)

A: Can he swim? / kn// hi/

B: Yes, he can./ hi//kn/

3. New lesson:

I. Pronunciation:

Strong and weak forms of auxiliaries:

Read the following phrases:


(Sts’ book – Page 81)

III. Grammar:

Adverbial clauses of concession: (al)though/ even though:

* Presentation:

Ex:Although it rains, Nam goes to school.

We decided to go even though it was late.



though+ a clause

even though

Meaning: mặc dù

*. Practice:

Ex 1: (Sts’ book – Page 82)

Answer keys:

1. Although it rained a lot, we enjoyed our vacation.

2. Although we had planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.

3. Even though/ Although the doctor has advised him to quit, Bob (still) smokes 20 cigarettes a day.

4. Although it was cold and rainy, we managed to go to class in time.

5. Although Luong has studied English only for six months, he can speak English very well.

6. I didn’t go to bed early although I was really sleepy.

Ex 2: Complete the sentences

(Noughts and Crosses)

(Sts’ book – Pages 82-83)

Answer keys:

1.Although I was very tired

2.Although I had never seen her before

3.although it was pretty cold

4.although we don’t like them very much

5.Although I didn’t speak the language

6.Although the heat was on

7.although I’d met her twice before

8.although we have known each other for a long time.

Ex 3: Complete the sentences

(Sts’ book – Page 83)

1. we forgot many things

2. they were very happy

3. he could speak/ read the language very well

4. Although he had studied very hard

5. it is very cold.

4. Homework :

-Do exercises in Workbook

vSay: Can he swim?

Yes, he can.

vRead /kn// hi/

/ hi//kn/

vIntroduce new lesson


vCall some Sts to read

vAsk Sts to read the sentences

vElicit the structure

vAsk Sts to work individually, and then compare their answers


vAsk Sts to work in pairs


vAsk Sts to work in groups


vGive homework


Listen, repeat



Read in pairs

Listen, repeat, and take notes

Work individually

Take notes

Work in pairs

Take notes

Work in groups

Take notes

V. Evaluation:
