Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5: Higher education - Lesson1: Reading mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5 :Higher education  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 26

Unit 5: Higher education

Lesson 1: Reading

1. Objectives:

In this  lesson, Sts will  be able to:

     - Read about some sts talking about their first impressions of university life in England

2. Teaching aids:

- Picture, text book, handout, ...

3. Procedure:


Teacher’s activities

Ss’ activities


Warm- up

* Matching these Vietnamese names of some universities with their English names.

English names

Vietnamese names

1. Hanoi Cultural University

a. Đại học sư phạm ngoại ngữ Hà Nội

2. Hanoi Medical University

b. Đại học văn hóa Hà Nội

3. Hanoi University of      Achitecture

c. Đại học Khoa học tự nhiên Hà Nội

4. Hanoi University of Natural Science

D. Đại học Y Hà Nội

5. Hanoi Forreign Training     University

E. Đại học Kiến trúc Hà Nội

- Call on the representative of each group write fast on the board.

- Check with the whole class

- T. leads to the new lesson                                

*Key: 1. B                    2. D                         3. E

           4. C                   5. A

Group work or individual work




Pre- reading

1. Answer the questions in the book.

- T asks some more questions to lead in:

1. Do you want to become a student in one of these universities? Why? Why not?

Now we study 3 students talking about their first impressions of university life.

2. Vocabulary.

- campus (n) g( translation)

- blame (v) g (situation)

- daunt (v) g ( translation) - daunting (adj)

- scary (v) = fear

- academically (adv) g (translation)

T. models the words carefully

Read after the teacher, tress,

T. calls some Sts to read the words  aloud.

T. repeats the words if the Sts don’t read correctly.

Using drup out and remember method to check.

T. gives feedback.

3. Task 1( 54).

- T. checks vocabulary through the task 1

- T. calls on some sts to tell the answers

- T. gives feed back.

Key:  1. campus             2. blamed                     3. scariest

          4. challenges        5. amazing

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class


While- reading

1. Task 2( 54 ): Find out who:

- T divides the class into 3 big groups

+ Group 1: read and find out the information about Sarah

+ Group 2: read and find out the information about Ellen

+ Group 3: read and find out the information about Brenden

- Sts read the text silently then do the task

- T calls some sts to write their answers on the board, the others read their answers, then ask them to explain their choices.

- T gives corrective feedback.

* Key:
















Group work


2. Task 3: Interview

* Group 1: read about Sarah carefully

* Group 2: read about Ellen again

* Group 3: read about Brenden again

- T calls on the representative of each group to stand in fronf of the class to answer the questions of the sts in others groups.

- T goes around to check and offer help.

- T gives corrective feedback.


About Sarah:

What did you do on the first weekend?

How did you feel when you was at college?

What was the most exciting thing?


About Ellen:

Did your roommate leave the window open all the time?

What time did you go to bed?

Why did your roommate blame you?


About Brenden:

How did you think in the first year at college?

Why did you enjoy the college?

Did you make a lot of friends at college?


Group work


Post- reading

Task 3(54) -  “Lucky number” game (6 questions and 2 lucky number, 5 question in the book and here is q. 6:

6. What did Sarah do on Saturday night?

- Sts read the text again if they cannot do the task without reading the passage.

- First, Sts should skim the 3 questions to understand them.

- Sts underlined the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text.

- Then they should go back to the passage and locate the key words in the passage.

- Sts check the answers with their friends.

- T. calls on some Sts to present and explain their answers

- T. gives feedback and correct answers.

* Keys:

1. She went out with her new friends, walking around campus.

2.  Because at the party everyonewas busy playingsome games and noone seemed to notice her. (lucky number)

3. Her roommate left the window open when it was cold outside. She went to bed early. She blamed Ellen for making her sick.

4. Brenden thought the first year at college was the best and most challenging of his life.

5. It provides him plenty of opportunities to meet non-engineering students as well as other engineers and many of them have become  his best friends

6. She followed her roommate to a party.(lucky number)

Group work



- T summarises the main points of the lesson.

- T asks Sts to write about one of the sts in the sts’class he/she likes best.

Whole class

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 5 :Higher education  - Lesson1: Reading - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 26

Unit 5: higher education

Lesson 1: reading

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of request to apply for an undergraduate programme in a university in England.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude:try to use vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

* Warm up: Guessing word

H I G H E R     E D U C A T I O N

- Divide class in to 2 groups.

- Explain how to this game

- play game

* Vocabulary

·applicant (n): người xin học

·application from (n): đơn xin học

·blame (v): đổ lỗi

·daunt (v): làm nản lòng

·mate (n): bạn bè

·scary (v): sợ hãi

·undergraduate course: khóa học đại học

* Rub out remember

- Using different ways to introduce these new words

- Ask sts to take note

- Call some sts to check them

- Give the meaning

- Copy down the new words

- Give out the new words

Task 1: Complete the following sentences, using the right forms of word in the box.

campus   blame   scary     challenge              amazing

1. The new library was built in the centre of the _______

2. They ______ the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.

3. That’s the ______ story I’ve ever heard.

4. Intelligent boys like to study something if it really ______ them.

5. The new car goes at an _______ speed.

    Key:   1. campus  2. blame

              3. scariest  4. challenge    5. amazing

- Ask sts to read carefully these sentences

- Find suitable word to fill in the blanks

- read carefully and do exercise

- compare the results with their friends

Task 2: Find out who: (SGK)

a.attended a ............

b.didn’t get .............

c.was not ................

d.liked ....................

e.was very ..............

f.enjoyed ................

    Key:   Sarah:        1. a    2. e

              Ellen:        3. b    4. c

              Brenden:   5. d    6. f

- Ask sts to word in pairs do task 2

- Pair work

Task 3: Answer the following questions

v Lucky number

1.What this Sarah do on the first weekend?

2.Why did Sarah feel so lonely at the party?

3.What problems did Ellen have with her roommate?

4.What this Brenden think about his first year at college?

5.What doses the social calendars of the colleges provide him?


1.She went out with her new friends, walking around campus.

2.Because at her party everyone was busy playing some game and no one seemed to notice her.

3.Her roommate left the window open when it was cold outside. She went to bed early. She blamed Ellen for making her sick.

4.Breden though the first year at college was the best and most challenging of his life.

5.It provides him plenty of opportunities to meet non engineering student as well as other engineers and many of them have become his best friends.

- Ask sts to answer these questions

- Correct

- Answer

- Correct & copy down in their books.

E. Evaluation:
