Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 : Future Jobs - Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 :  Future Jobs -  Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 1

Period 35

Unit 6 :  Future Jobs

Lesson 5: Language focus

I. Aims of the lesson: After the lesson, Ss will be able to:

distinguish the weak and strong sounds of some conjunctions and prepositions.

revise the use of relative clause

II. Teaching aids: posters, pictures, handouts

III. Proceduce

Teacher’ s activities

Students’ activities

I. Pronunciation (7’)


- Ask Ss to listen to the tape/ teacher to distinguish the different sounds of prepositions and conjunctions

I’ll see you at lunch.

What’s he looking at?

He phones me from overseas everyday.

Where are you from?

- Elicit some rules to pronounce the weak and strong sounds from Ss, present Ss how to pronounce the weak/ strong forms of prepositions and conjunctions.


Activity 1: Listen and repeat

- Play the tape, ask Ss to listen and repeat

- Call on some Ss to read aloud the sounds in front of the class.

- Correct the mistakes if necessary.

Activity 2: Practise reading the sentences

- Read the sentences and ask Ss to underline the weak form or strong form of the prepositions and conjunctions.

- Ask Ss to practise the sentences individually.

- Ask some Ss to read the sentences and gives the feedback.


- Ask Ss to give more examples

II. Grammar

Presentation: Review relative pronouns (10’)

- Ask Ss to recall the relative pronouns they have learnt and recall the uses of them ( group work)

- Divide the class into 4 groups and ask them to recall the function, the uses of the relative pronouns

Group 1: Subjective pronouns

Group 2: Objective pronouns

Group 3: Possesive pronouns

Group 4: Adverbial pronouns

- Give comments and correct feedback

Practice (15)

Exercise 1: Filling in the blanks ( pair work)

- Have Ss look through the statements and make sure that they know all the meaning of the words  in the sentences.

- Go around the class to check and offer help if necessary

- Ask Ss to exchange the answers with other pairs for peer – correction.

- Give feedback and correct answers

Exercise 2: Matching ( individually)

- Gives Ss handouts and ask Ss to match the sentences in colunm A with the sentences in colunm B

- Go around the class to check and offer help if necessary

- Ask Ss to exchange the answers with a partner for peer – correction.

- Call on some Ss to give their answers

- Give feedback and correct answers

Column A

Column B

1. I read the book…

2. In the street, there were several people…

3. Britain imports many cars…

4. The cowboy……fell of his horse.

5. The children …….were my students.

a. who were playing football in the school yard.

b. who had been wounded by an arrow.

c. that were written by a friend of mine

d. which were made in Japan

e. who was waiting for the shop to open

Production: Sentence completion (12’)

- Give Ss handouts and ask Ss to complete the sentences with correct relative clauses

- Call on some Ss to give their answers

- Give feedback

a. I admired the teacher…..

b. The man……….is my brother

c. I’ve lost the new pen………

- Listen to the tape/ teacher to distinguish the different sounds of prepositions and conjunctions

- Take notes

- Listen  and repeat

- Underline the weak form or strong form of the prepositions and conjunctions.

- Practise reading the sentences


- Give more examples

- Recall the relative pronouns they have learnt and recall the uses of them

- Groupwork

- Pair work

-  Exchange and share the answers

- Individual work

- Exchange the answers with a partner for peer – correction.

- Group work

Homework:  (1’)

- Fulfill Ex 2 ( 2,5,7,8,10)

Take notes and do at home.

Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 6 :  Future Jobs -  Lesson 5: Language focus mới nhất - Mẫu giáo án số 2

Period 35

Unit 6: future jobs

Lesson 5: langguage focus

I. Objectives:

1.General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter of request to apply for an undergraduate programme in a university in England.

2. Skill: develop Ss’ writing skill .

3. Attitude:try to use vocab and structures about a letter of request and expresss their hope to study in England.

II. Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette.

III. Methods: pairwork, individual work, groupwork

IV. Procedure:



    Teacher’s activities

 Sts’ activities



- Write the  on the board.

- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Give the correct answers

- Arrange these verbs into two columns and tell the reasons



- Listen and repeat.

- Practise the sentences.

- Show sts how to pronoun these words

- Play the tape

- Getting sts to repeat.

- Read each sentence as model twice.

- Let sts read sentences themselves.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the cassette & repeat sounds in chorus & individually.

- Listen to the teacher carefully.

- Practise  reading.




EXERCISE 1: Add who, whoever, whose, whom or which to complete the sentences.


      1. whom            2. which

      3. whoever        4. which

      5. which             6. who

      7. whose            8. who

      9. which             10. whom

EXERCISE 2: Join the following sentences in two ways.


Look at the man. He is teaching in the classroom.

àLook at the man who is teaching….

(use WHO – relative pronoun to join)

àLook at the man teaching….

(Reduced forms)


 1. I read a book that was written by a friend of mine.

     I read a book written by a friend of mine.

2. A man who was carrying a lot of money in a box got on the bus.

     A man carrying a lot of money in a box got on the bus.

3. In the street there were several people who were waiting for the shop to open.

      In the street there were several people waiting for the shop to open.

4. Britain imports many cars which/that were made in Japan.

     Britain imports many cars made in Japan.

5. There are a lot of people in your office who want to talk to you.

    There are a lot of people in your office wanting to talk to you.

6. The cowboy who had been wounded by an arrow fell off his horse.

     The cowboy wounded by an arrow fell off his horse

7. Most of the people who were injured in the crash recovered quickly.

     Most of the people injured in the crash recovered quickly.

8. John, who wished he hadn’t come to the party, looked anxiously at his watch.

      John, wishing he hadn’t come to the party, looked anxiously at his watch

9. The children who were playing football in the schoolyard were my students.

       The children playing football in the schoolyard were my students.

10. Vietnam exports a lot of rice which is grown mainly in the south of the country

       Vietnam exports a lot of rice grown mainly in the south of the country

- Ask ss to do the ex about 10 minutes

- Get sts to give the keys

- Check & correct the answers

- Have sts do Ex. 2

- Explain the structures, using the examples in the textbook

- Ask ss to do the ex about 10 minutes

- Get sts to give the keys

- Check & correct the answers

- Pairwork

- Read  the answers

- Take notes.

- Pairwork

- Listen & give more questions to make clear the problems.

- Do ex. 2

- Share the answers

- Pick out the form

- Read and write the keys on the boad.

- Copy down




- Give comment.

- Give homework.

- Take notes.

V. Evaluation:
