Reading đọc hiểu: Consumer society

Sách tiếng anh English Discovery

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 1 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job. It's got to be done. I pull off my dress and tights, thank God, and slip into my jeans. Then I sigh, grab my bag and rush out.

I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual. When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

I don't waste time searching for the things I want. I first decide what I want looking for trendy clothes in magazines. When I go shopping. I have the actual ripped pictures of the clothes that I want in my bag. But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying. But there is nothing you can actually do to change it.

I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

The girl________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Cô gái_________.

A. thích đi mua sắm

B. thích đi mua sắm trong chiếc váy của cô ấy

C. thấy mua sắm không thú vị

D. quên mang túi đồ cho cô ấy

Thông tin: Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job.

Tạm dịch: Mua sắm là cực kỳ buồn tẻ đối với tôi. Tôi cố gắng thuyết phục bản thân rằng đó là một phần của công việc.

Câu 2 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job. It's got to be done. I pull off my dress and tights, thank God, and slip into my jeans. Then I sigh, grab my bag and rush out.

I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual. When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

I don't waste time searching for the things I want. I first decide what I want looking for trendy clothes in magazines. When I go shopping. I have the actual ripped pictures of the clothes that I want in my bag. But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying. But there is nothing you can actually do to change it.

I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

The girl's shopping experience was_________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Trải nghiệm mua sắm của cô gái là_________.

A. tuyệt vời như thường lệ

B. khác lần này

C. không có gì khác thường

D. mới

Thông tin: I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual.

Tạm dịch: Tôi rất tiếc phải nói với bạn rằng trải nghiệm của tôi vẫn tệ như thường lệ.

Câu 3 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job. It's got to be done. I pull off my dress and tights, thank God, and slip into my jeans. Then I sigh, grab my bag and rush out.

I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual. When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

I don't waste time searching for the things I want. I first decide what I want looking for trendy clothes in magazines. When I go shopping. I have the actual ripped pictures of the clothes that I want in my bag. But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying. But there is nothing you can actually do to change it.

I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

The queues in front of changing rooms____________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Giá treo hàng trước phòng thay đồ _____.

A. rất dài

B. không được tìm thấy ở Zara

C. không bao giờ có đồ cho thanh niên trong họ

D. không quá tệ

Thông tin: When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

Tạm dịch: Khi bước vào Zara, tôi không có cảm giác xung quanh mình là toàn những bộ quần áo đẹp. Không có may mắn như vậy. Tất cả chúng đều giống nhau đối với tôi, những chiếc váy và áo dài nhàm chán treo trên giá. Bạn không biết chúng sẽ như thế nào cho đến khi bạn mặc chúng vào, và sau đó bạn có thể không thích chúng. Và bạn phải quay trở lại đó và xếp hàng theo lứa tuổi với những đứa trẻ mười bốn tuổi chỉ để vào phòng thay đồ.

Câu 4 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job. It's got to be done. I pull off my dress and tights, thank God, and slip into my jeans. Then I sigh, grab my bag and rush out.

I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual. When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

I don't waste time searching for the things I want. I first decide what I want looking for trendy clothes in magazines. When I go shopping. I have the actual ripped pictures of the clothes that I want in my bag. But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying. But there is nothing you can actually do to change it.

I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

Shop assistants are usually__________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

Trợ lý cửa hàng thường là ___________.

A. rất hữu ích

B. nói chuyện với nhau

C. không được tìm thấy ở bất cứ đâu

D. la hét với khách hàng của họ

Thông tin: But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying.

Tạm dịch: Nhưng vấn đề là ngay cả trong các chuỗi cửa hàng thời trang hoàn toàn mới, các trợ lý cửa hàng cũng từ chối giúp đỡ tôi. Việc họ vẫn thường trò chuyện với nhau thực sự rất khó chịu.

Câu 5 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping is extremely dull for me. I try to convince myself it's part of the job. It's got to be done. I pull off my dress and tights, thank God, and slip into my jeans. Then I sigh, grab my bag and rush out.

I regret to tell you that my experience was as bad as usual. When I walked into Zara, I didn't have a feeling that I was surrounded by all the beautiful clothes. No such luck. They all look the same to me, boring skirts and dresses hanging on racks. You don't know what they'll be like till you put them on, and then you might not like them. And you have to go back out there and queue for ages with bunch of fourteen year olds just to get back into the changing rooms.

I don't waste time searching for the things I want. I first decide what I want looking for trendy clothes in magazines. When I go shopping. I have the actual ripped pictures of the clothes that I want in my bag. But the problem is that even in brand-new fashion chains shop assistants refuse to help me. The fact that they are normally chatting to each other is really annoying. But there is nothing you can actually do to change it.

I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

At the end of the story, the girl decides___________

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Thông tin: I don't want to scream at them. I want to threaten to find the manager. Make them do what I want. I just stand there feeling stupid! I suppose the ladylike thing would be to take their behaviour as granted, not make a fuss and just walk out. That's exactly what I will do this time.

Tạm dịch: Tôi không muốn hét vào mặt họ. Tôi muốn đe dọa để tìm thấy người quản lý. Làm cho họ làm những gì tôi muốn. Tôi chỉ biết đứng đó cảm thấy mình thật ngu ngốc! Tôi cho rằng điều quý phái là cần thiết, không làm ầm ĩ lên và chỉ bước ra ngoài. Đó chính xác là những gì tôi sẽ làm lần này.

Câu 6 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop. I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children! I used to go shopping every weekend and I probably spent about £500 a month on clothes. It wasn't something I only did when I wasn't very happy, I always went shopping, however I felt. Sometimes I'd look for ages to find what I wanted. Other times, I'd just buy the first thing I saw.

Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Mục đích chính của người viết khi viết văn bản là gì?

A. để tư vấn cho mọi người cách mua sắm hợp lý

B. để nói về cách sống đắt đỏ của cô ấy

C. để mô tả chứng nghiện mua sắm của cô ấy

D. để nói về các thời trang khác nhau.

Thông tin: Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop.

Tạm dịch: Mua sắm từng là hoạt động yêu thích của tôi. Nó bắt đầu khi tôi còn là một thiếu niên và tôi làm việc trong một cửa hàng quần áo.

Câu 7 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop. I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children! I used to go shopping every weekend and I probably spent about £500 a month on clothes. It wasn't something I only did when I wasn't very happy, I always went shopping, however I felt. Sometimes I'd look for ages to find what I wanted. Other times, I'd just buy the first thing I saw.

Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

What does the writer say about herself after she got married?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Người viết nói gì về bản thân sau khi kết hôn?

A. Cô ấy đã cố gắng ngừng chi tiêu quá nhiều

B. Cô ấy đã quản lý để chi tiêu ít hơn trước.

C. Cô ấy tiếp tục chi tiêu một cách thiếu khôn ngoan

D. Cô ấy trở nên chán nản về chi tiêu của mình.

Thông tin: I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children!

Tạm dịch: Tôi đã giảm giá cho nhân viên trong cửa hàng và tôi đã từng tiêu hết tiền lương của mình cho quần áo. Khi tôi nhận được một công việc ở văn phòng, tôi đã tiêu hết số tiền dư dả của mình cho quần áo - ngay cả khi tôi đã kết hôn, mua nhà và có con!

Câu 8 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop. I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children! I used to go shopping every weekend and I probably spent about £500 a month on clothes. It wasn't something I only did when I wasn't very happy, I always went shopping, however I felt. Sometimes I'd look for ages to find what I wanted. Other times, I'd just buy the first thing I saw.

Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

What does the writer say about her past shopping habits?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Người viết nói gì về thói quen mua sắm trong quá khứ của chị?

A. cô ấy chỉ mua quần áo đắt tiền

B. Cô ấy luôn suy nghĩ cẩn thận về những gì cô ấy mua

C. Cô ấy thích mua một cái gì đó khác nhau mỗi ngày.

D. Cô ấy đôi khi mua những thứ cô ấy đã có.

Thông tin: Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

Tạm dịch: Hầu hết những thứ tôi không cần. Một ngày nọ, tôi mua ba đôi ủng, mặc dù tôi đã có mười đôi khác ở nhà. Tôi thậm chí chưa bao giờ lấy đôi giày đắt nhất ra khỏi hộp!

Câu 9 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop. I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children! I used to go shopping every weekend and I probably spent about £500 a month on clothes. It wasn't something I only did when I wasn't very happy, I always went shopping, however I felt. Sometimes I'd look for ages to find what I wanted. Other times, I'd just buy the first thing I saw.

Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

How did the writer feel when she realized she had a problem?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Người viết cảm thấy thế nào khi biết mình gặp sự cố?

A. bị sốc

B. xấu hổ

C. tức giận với chính mình

D. khốn khổ

Thông tin: I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

Tạm dịch: Tôi nhận ra mình có vấn đề khi một ngày nọ, đứa con gái năm tuổi của tôi nhìn vào tủ quần áo của tôi và hỏi tôi tại sao tôi lại có quá nhiều túi xách. Tôi đã đếm chúng. Tôi có bảy mươi lăm chiếc túi xách và chúng phải tiêu tốn của tôi hàng nghìn bảng Anh. Tôi không thể tin được những gì tôi đã làm!

Câu 10 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and answer the questions

Shopping used to be my favorite activity. It started when I was a teenager and I worked in a clothes shop. I had a staff discount in the shop and I used to spend all my wages on clothes. When I got a job in an office, I carried on spending all my spare money on clothes - even after I had got married, bought a house and had children! I used to go shopping every weekend and I probably spent about £500 a month on clothes. It wasn't something I only did when I wasn't very happy, I always went shopping, however I felt. Sometimes I'd look for ages to find what I wanted. Other times, I'd just buy the first thing I saw.

Most of the things I didn't need. One day I bought three pairs of boots, even though I already had another ten pairs at home. I never even took the most expensive pair out of the box!

I realized I had a problem when one day my five-year-old daughter looked into my wardrobe and asked me why I had so many handbags. I counted them. I had seventy-five handbags and they must have cost me thousands of pounds. I couldn't believe what I'd done!

First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

Which of the following is the best description of the writer?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Cách miêu tả nào sau đây của người viết là đúng nhất?

A. Người phụ nữ lớn lên yêu thích quần áo và trông tuyệt vời trong mọi thứ cô ấy mặc.

B. Người phụ nữ nhận ra vấn đề của mình nhưng không thay đổi được bản thân.

C. Người phụ nữ thích sưu tập quần áo và đã thành công trong việc chống lại thói quen của mình.

D. Người phụ nữ đã mua sắm và mua sắm cho đến khi cô ấy không còn tiền để tiêu.

Thông tin: First of all, I threw away my credit cards. Then, I gave away all the clothes that I'd never worn. After that I made arrangements every Saturday to visit friends or go on a day trip, so I wouldn't be able to go shopping.

Tạm dịch: Trước hết, tôi đã vứt bỏ thẻ tín dụng của mình. Sau đó, tôi đã cho đi tất cả những bộ quần áo mà tôi chưa bao giờ mặc. Sau đó, tôi sắp xếp thứ bảy hàng tuần để đi thăm bạn bè hoặc đi du lịch trong ngày, vì vậy tôi sẽ không thể đi mua sắm.

Câu 11 Tự luận

Read the passage and decide whether the statements are True or False.

Mrs. Smith has taken time off work to do some clothes shopping for her family. She is often very busy and her children do not like to go shopping, so as there are a few sales on in town, she thought this was a good time to find some bargains. First she went into Marks and Spencer's where she picked up two polo shirts, a pair of trousers, plimsolls and a winter coat for her son. Then she chose a pinafore, two shirts and a jacket for her daughter. As she went passed the men's department she found a grey suit on sale for her husband and remembered he needed a belt and a new tie. After paying for the things she chose, she went to Primark to buy a pair of pyjamas and a dressing gown for her daughter. While she was in the shop, she found a very nice Superman onesie she knew her son would love wearing. There were also lovely slippers on sale which she bought for herself. The last shop she went into was Debenhams, where with the help of an assistant, found a beautiful red cardigan, a silk purple blouse and a pair of boots. After all that shopping, Mrs. Smith decided to take a rest at Costa and drink a cup of coffee.

1. It was a weekend.

2. Mrs. Smith's children love shopping.

3. She forgot to buy something for her husband.

4. The slippers were on sale.

5. Her son likes superman.

6. Nobody helped her at Debenhams.

7. She bought boots for herself.

Câu hỏi tự luận
Bạn chưa làm câu này

1. It was a weekend.

2. Mrs. Smith's children love shopping.

3. She forgot to buy something for her husband.

4. The slippers were on sale.

5. Her son likes superman.

6. Nobody helped her at Debenhams.

7. She bought boots for herself.

1. It was a weekend. (Đó là một ngày cuối tuần.)

Thông tin: Mrs. Smith has taken time off work to do some clothes shopping for her family.

Tạm dịch: Bà Smith đã nghỉ làm để mua sắm quần áo cho gia đình.

Chọn F

2. Mrs. Smith's children love shopping. (Các con của bà Smith thích mua sắm.)

Thông tin: She is often very busy and her children do not like to go shopping, so as there are a few sales on in town, she thought this was a good time to find some bargains.

Tạm dịch: Cô ấy thường rất bận rộn và các con của cô ấy không thích đi mua sắm, vì vậy trong thị trấn có một vài cửa hàng bán hàng, cô ấy nghĩ đây là thời điểm tốt để tìm một vài món hời.

Chọn F

3. She forgot to buy something for her husband. (Cô ấy quên mua thứ gì đó cho chồng.)

Thông tin: As she went passed the men's department she found a grey suit on sale for her husband and remembered he needed a belt and a new tie.

Tạm dịch: Khi đi ngang qua bộ phận nam giới, cô tìm thấy một bộ quần áo màu xám được bán cho chồng và nhớ rằng anh ấy cần một chiếc thắt lưng và một chiếc cà vạt mới.

Chọn F

4. The slippers were on sale. (Những chiếc dép đã giảm giá.)

Thông tin: There were also lovely slippers on sale which she bought for herself.

Tạm dịch: Ngoài ra còn có một đôi dép xinh xắn được giảm giá mà cô ấy đã mua cho chính mình.

Chọn T

5. Her son likes superman. (Con trai cô ấy thích siêu nhân.)

Thông tin: While she was in the shop, she found a very nice Superman onesie she knew her son would love wearing.

Tạm dịch: Khi đang ở trong cửa hàng, cô ấy đã tìm thấy một chiếc áo len Siêu nhân rất đẹp mà cô ấy biết rằng con trai mình sẽ thích mặc.

Chọn T

6. Nobody helped her at Debenhams. (Không ai giúp cô ấy ở Debenhams.)

Thông tin: The last shop she went into was Debenhams, where with the help of an assistant, found a beautiful red cardigan, a silk purple blouse and a pair of boots.

Tạm dịch: Cửa hàng cuối cùng cô đến là Debenhams, nơi với sự giúp đỡ của một trợ lý, cô đã tìm thấy một chiếc áo nịt màu đỏ tuyệt đẹp, một chiếc áo choàng lụa màu tím và một đôi bốt.

Chọn F

7. She bought boots for herself. (Cô ấy mua giày bốt cho chính mình.)

Thông tin: The last shop she went into was Debenhams, where with the help of an assistant, found a beautiful red cardigan, a silk purple blouse and a pair of boots.

Tạm dịch: Cửa hàng cuối cùng cô đến là Debenhams, nơi với sự giúp đỡ của một trợ lý, cô đã tìm thấy một chiếc áo nịt màu đỏ tuyệt đẹp, một chiếc áo choàng lụa màu tím và một đôi bốt.

Chọn T