Review 2: Reading

Sách chân trời sáng tạo

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 21 Trắc nghiệm

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Most people agree that computers are the most important (1) _______ of the 20th century. The first business computers (2) ________ introduced just about fifty years ago, and now they are being used in a wide variety of fields, from banking to space travel. However, until just a few years ago, computers were very large, expensive machines owned by large corporations and governments. Although everyone knew that computers existed, very few people had ever seen one and even (3) ______ had used one. Then in the 1970s the silicon chip was invented. (4) ________this electronic device could store a large amount of information in a very small space, computers could be much smaller and less expensive than the huge mainframe computers used by corporations. Some computer manufacturers believed that people might lie to have computers in (5) _________ homes, offices, and schools, so the personal computers was born.

Some computer manufacturers believed that people might lie to have computers in (5) _________ homes, offices, and schools, so the personal computers was born.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Tính từ sở hữu cần điền thay thế cho danh từ “people” số nhiều chỉ người nên ta dùng từ “their” (của họ)

=> Some computer manufacturers believed that people might lie to have computers in (5) their homes, offices, and schools, so the personal computers was born.

Tạm dịch: Một số nhà sản xuất máy tính tin rằng mọi người có thể nói dối để có máy tính trong nhà, văn phòng và trường học của họ, vì vậy máy tính cá nhân đã ra đời.

Bài đọc hoàn chỉnh:

Most people agree that computers are the most important (1) invention of the 20th century. The first business computers (2) was introduced just about fifty years ago, and now they are being used in a wide variety of fields, from banking to space travel. However, until just a few years ago, computers were very large, expensive machines owned by large corporations and governments. Although everyone knew that computers existed, very few people had ever seen one and even (3) fewer had used one. Then in the 1970s the silicon chip was invented. (4) Because this electronic device could store a large amount of information in a very small space, computers could be much smaller and less expensive than the huge mainframe computers used by corporations. Some computer manufacturers believed that people might lie to have computers in (5) their homes, offices, and schools, so the personal computers was born.

Tạm dịch bài đọc:

Hầu hết mọi người đều đồng ý rằng máy tính là phát minh (1) quan trọng nhất của thế kỷ 20. Máy tính doanh nghiệp đầu tiên (2) được giới thiệu cách đây chỉ khoảng 50 năm, và hiện nay chúng đang được sử dụng trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau, từ ngân hàng đến du hành vũ trụ. Tuy nhiên, cho đến chỉ vài năm trước đây, máy tính là những cỗ máy rất lớn, đắt tiền thuộc sở hữu của các tập đoàn lớn và chính phủ. Mặc dù mọi người đều biết rằng máy tính tồn tại, nhưng rất ít người từng nhìn thấy máy tính và thậm chí (3) người ít hơn đã sử dụng máy tính. Sau đó, vào những năm 1970, chip silicon được phát minh. (4) Bởi vì thiết bị điện tử này có thể lưu trữ một lượng lớn thông tin trong một không gian rất nhỏ, máy tính có thể nhỏ hơn và ít tốn kém hơn nhiều so với máy tính lớn mà các tập đoàn sử dụng. Một số nhà sản xuất máy tính tin rằng mọi người có thể nói dối để có máy tính trong (5) nhà, văn phòng và trường học của họ, vì vậy máy tính cá nhân đã ra đời.

Câu 22 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

The main topic of the passage is about ______________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Chủ đề chính của đoạn văn là về ______________.

A. tình trạng tồi tệ của kênh đào thành phố

B. diện mạo hiện đại của thành phố

C. sự thay đổi của thành phố nhờ việc cải tạo kênh đào

D. lý do tại sao chính quyền địa phương cải tạo kênh

Thông tin:

- My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems.

- The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

Tạm dịch:

- Thành phố của tôi đã thay đổi kể từ khi chính quyền thành phố có kế hoạch cải tạo hệ thống kênh rạch.

- Kênh đào không chỉ tạo cảnh quan đô thị đẹp mà còn mang lại nhiều lợi ích kinh tế cho người dân địa phương. Bởi vì sự cải cách của nó, thành phố cũng đang thay đổi nhanh chóng.

Câu 23 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

The word ‘impoverished’ is closest in meaning to ______________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Từ ‘impoverished’ (nghèo khó) gần nghĩa nhất với ______________.

A. giàu có

B. thiệt thòi

C. nghèo

D. vô gia cư

=> impoverished = poor

Thông tin: Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living.

Tạm dịch: Nhiều căn lều xiêu vẹo được dựng lên để làm nơi trú ngụ của những gia đình lao động nghèo khổ di cư đến thành phố này để kiếm sống.

Câu 24 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

People living there used to believe that ______________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a
Những người sống ở đó từng tin rằng ______________.

A. kênh đào sẽ không trở nên tốt hơn

B. kênh đào có thể được cải thiện nhiều hơn

C. kênh đào là đầu tư tốt nhất cho sự phát triển kinh tế

D. mùi khó chịu là ô nhiễm chính

Thông tin: Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides… It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better.

Tạm dịch: Trước khi được cải tạo, con kênh là nơi bẩn thỉu nhất với đầy rác dọc hai bên bờ… Người ta nói rằng không thể loại bỏ được mùi hôi rất khó chịu từ con kênh, và điều kiện sống ở đó sẽ không thể tốt hơn.

Câu 25 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

Which of the following is false about the residents?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d
Điều nào sau đây là sai về cư dân?

A. Họ có điều kiện sống tốt hơn trước.

B. Công nghệ tiên tiến góp phần thay đổi tốt hơn cuộc sống của họ.

C. Chúng có thể đi dạo dọc kênh mà không phải chịu mùi khó chịu.

D. Nhiều người trong số họ vẫn sống trong những ngôi nhà tồi tàn.

Thông tin: However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before.

Tạm dịch: Tuy nhiên, nhờ công nghệ và phương pháp tiên tiến cũng như nỗ lực của chính quyền thành phố, mọi thứ đã và đang thay đổi. Không còn mùi xú uế hay những ngôi nhà xập xệ dọc hai bên kênh. Thay vào đó, con đường chạy song song với con kênh giờ đã rợp bóng cây xanh, nước sạch nên là nơi cư trú thân thiện của nhiều loại cá. Giờ đây, cư dân có thể đi bộ hoặc tập thể dục buổi sáng trên vỉa hè dọc hai bên bờ để tận hưởng bầu không khí trong lành. Những người dân cũ cũng được tái định cư trong các căn hộ mới với điều kiện sống tốt hơn nhiều so với trước đây.

Câu 26 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and choose the best answer.

My city has been changing since the municipal authority had a plan to renovate the canal systems. The project cost a huge amount of money which was from the support of the world bank and the city’s budget. Before the renovation, the canal was the dirtiest place full of rubbish along its sides. Many ramshackle shacks were built to be shelters of the impoverished working families migrating to this city to earn their living. Household wastes were directly dumped into the canal, resulting in the very contaminated environment. It was said that the very unpleasant smell releasing from the canal was unable to be eliminated, and the living condition there would not be better. However, thanks to the advanced technology and methods as well as the city authority’s effort, everything has been changing. There is no longer the disgusting smell or shabby houses along both sides of the canal. Instead, the road running parallel to the canal is now full of shade of greenery and the water now is so clean that it is a friendly habitat for a variety of fish. The residents now can walk or do morning exercise on the sidewalks along the banks to enjoy the fresh atmosphere. Former inhabitants are also relocated in new apartments with much better living conditions than before. The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

What benefit can the canal bring to the city?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a
Con kênh có thể mang lại lợi ích gì cho thành phố?

A. Cảnh quan tuyệt đẹp của thành phố

B. Cơ hội thúc đẩy các doanh nghiệp địa phương

C. Tầm nhìn tốt hơn và cơ hội

D. Sự phát triển của du lịch

Thông tin: The canal creates not only a beautiful urban landscape, but also brings a lot of economic benefits to local dwellers. Because of its reformation, the city is changing fast too.

Tạm dịch: Kênh đào không chỉ tạo mỹ quan đô thị mà còn mang lại nhiều lợi ích kinh tế cho người dân địa phương. Bởi vì sự cải cách của nó, thành phố cũng đang thay đổi nhanh chóng.