Reading điền từ - Inventions

Sách kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 1 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday.

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Cụm từ: on the phone (trên điện thoại)

=>I often don’t have the time to check messages on my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday.

Tạm dịch: Tôi thường không có thời gian để kiểm tra tin nhắn điện thoại hoặc máy tính của tôi trong ngày vì hiếm khi có một thời điểm rảnh rỗi trong ngày làm việc của tôi.

Câu 2 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

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Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

-Thì hiện tại hoàn thành: S + have/ has + Ved/ V3

-lead to (v): dẫn đến việc

=>This has often led to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

Tạm dịch: Việc này thường dẫn đến việc tôi bị lỡ những tin nhắn điện tử, cuộc gọi hoặc tin nhắn quan trọng từ các thành viên trong gia đình hoặc phụ huynh học sinh.

Câu 3 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone …

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Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

miss (v): nhớ, lỡ                                 

take (v): cầm              

fail (v): thất bại                                  

forget (v): quên

cụm từ: fail to do something: thất bại trong việc gì đó, không thể làm gì đó

=>I too often fail to feel the buzzing of my phone …

Tạm dịch: Tôi thường không nghe thấy được tiếng rung của điện thoại …

Câu 4 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert.

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Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

computer (n): máy tính                       

pocket (n): bao áo, quần  

shop (n): cửa hàng                              

showroom (n): phòng trưng bày

=>I too often fail to feel the buzzing of my phone in my pocket, or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert.

Tạm dịch: Tôi thường không nghe được tiếng rung của điện thoại trong túi quần, hoặc nếu tôi vô cùng bận rộn, tôi cũng không thể rút ra xem tại nó lại kêu. 

Câu 5 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly.

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hand (n): bàn tay                                

arm (n): cánh tay                                

finger (n): ngón tay                            

wrist (n): cổ tay

=>I would love the ability to have alerts right on my wrist to glance at really quickly.

Tạm dịch: Tôi mong giá như thông báo xuất hiện ngay trên cổ tay của mình để có thể nhìn lướt qua thật nhanh.

Câu 6 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

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if: liệu là...                               

how: bằng cách nào mà...                  

why: tại sao mà...                                          

when: khi nào mà...

=>This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know if there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

Tạm dịch: Điều này sẽ giúp tôi, ngay cả trong những lúc bận rộn nhất trong ngày, nhanh chóng biết được liệu là có một tin nhắn hay cuộc gọi quan trọng nào mà tôi cần trả lời hay không. 

Câu 7 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day?

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hard (adj): gay go                                           

difficult (adj): khó khăn         

awesome (adj): tuyệt vời                               

nervous (adj): lo lắng

=> How awesome would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day?

Tạm dịch: Nó sẽ tuyệt vời thế nào để có thể …  thư điện tử và tin nhắn chỉ bằng việc bấm nhanh vào nút trên đồng hồ điện tử iWatch...

Câu 8 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

How awesome would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day?

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Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

plan (v): kế hoạch                                           

organize (v): tổ chức, sắp xếp                        

delete (v): xóa                                               

send (v): gửi

=> How awesome would it be to be able to organize email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day?

Tạm dịch: Sẽ tuyệt vời như thế nào khi có thể sắp xếp email và các tin nhắn khác bằng cách nhấn nhanh nút trên đồng hồ iWatch mỗi khi có thông báo đến? 

Câu 9 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______.

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sender (n): người gửi                                     

computer (n): máy tính           

file (n): tài liệu                                                

folder (n): thư mục

=>I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific folder.

Tạm dịch: Tôi có thể tưởng tượng cách mà chiếc iWatch rung lên khi có một email đến và sau đó nó cung cấp các nút bấm để nhanh chóng lưu trữ, xóa hoặc gửi thư đến một thư mục cụ thể.

Câu 10 Trắc nghiệm

Reasons why I would buy an iWatch

As a principal and a teacher, my days are incredibly busy. I often don’t have the time to check messages (1) _______ my phone or computer during the day because there is rarely a free moment during my workday. This has often (2) _______ to my missing important email messages, phone calls, or text messages from my family members or schoolchildren’s parents.

I too often (3) _______ to feel the buzzing of my phone in my (4) _______ , or if I am incredibly busy, I am not able to pull it out to look at the reason for the alert. I would love the ability to have alerts right on my (5) _______ to glance at really quickly. This would help me, even during the busiest parts of the day, to quickly know (6) _______ there is an important message or phone call that I need to attend to.

One of my least favorite parts of the day is sorting through my email box at the end of a busy school day of all the messages that backed up during my day of eaching. How (7) _______ would it be to be able to (8) ______ email and other messages with a quick flick of a button on the iWatch as they arrive during the day? I imagine the iWatch buzzing with an incoming email and then offering buttons to quickly archive, delete, or send the message to a specific (9) _______. Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

Being able to (10) _______ incoming messages as they arrive in

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handle (v): xử lí                         

deal (v): thỏa thuận                

carry out (v): thực hiện                                  

solve (v): giải quyết

=>Being able to handle incoming messages as they arrive in split seconds throughout the day would save me from having to spend the time sorting through all alerts and messages at the end of the day.

Tạm dịch: Có thể xử lý mớ tin nhắn đến liên tục từng giây trong ngày sẽ giúp tôi thoát khỏi việc phải dành thời gian xem lướt lại tất cả những thông báo gọi nhỡ và tin nhắn vào cuối ngày. 

     Là hiệu trưởng và một giáo viên, những ngày của tôi vô cùng bận rộn. Tôi thường không có thời gian để kiểm tra tin nhắn trên điện thoại hoặc máy tính của tôi trong ngày vì hiếm khi có một thời điểm miễn phí trong ngày làm việc của tôi. Điều này thường dẫn đến các tin nhắn email, cuộc gọi điện thoại hoặc tin nhắn văn bản quan trọng của tôi bị mất tích từ các thành viên trong gia đình hoặc cha mẹ của học sinh.

     Tôi thường xuyên không cảm thấy ù điện thoại trong túi, hoặc nếu tôi vô cùng bận rộn, tôi không thể kéo nó ra để xem lý do cảnh báo. Tôi rất thích khả năng có cảnh báo ngay trên cổ tay của mình để lướt qua thật nhanh. Điều này sẽ giúp tôi, ngay cả trong những phần bận rộn nhất trong ngày, để nhanh chóng biết nếu có một tin nhắn quan trọng hoặc gọi điện thoại mà tôi cần phải tham dự.

     Một trong những phần yêu thích nhất trong ngày của tôi là phân loại qua hộp thư của tôi vào cuối một ngày học bận rộn của tất cả các tin nhắn được sao lưu trong ngày của tôi. Sẽ tuyệt vời như thế nào khi có thể sắp xếp email và các tin nhắn khác bằng cách nhấn nhanh nút trên iWatch khi họ đến vào ban ngày? Tôi tưởng tượng iWatch ù với một email đến và sau đó cung cấp các nút để nhanh chóng lưu trữ, xóa hoặc gửi thư đến một thư mục cụ thể. Có khả năng xử lý tin nhắn đến khi họ đến trong giây chia trong suốt cả ngày sẽ tiết kiệm cho tôi từ việc phải dành thời gian phân loại tất cả các cảnh báo và tin nhắn vào cuối ngày.

Câu 11 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed

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Khi muốn liệt kê các ví dụ minh họa, ta dùng cụm từ such as hoặc like

=> Several famous people are left-handed, (1) such as Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed…

Tạm dịch: Một số người nổi tiếng thuận tay trái, như Julius Caesar, Napoleon và Albert Einstein. Nữ hoàng Victoria của Anh cũng thuận tay trái…

Câu 12 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Cấu trúc: …, (and) + so + trợ động từ + S

Thì động từ của câu là hiện tại đơn với tobe và chủ ngữ số ít (Prince Charles)

=> Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) and so is Prince Charles.

Tạm dịch: Nữ hoàng Victoria của Anh cũng thuận tay trái, và Thái tử Charles cũng vậy.

Câu 13 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Mạo từ “the” + nhạc cụ

=> Paul McCartney of the Beatles plays (3) the guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed.

Tạm dịch: Paul Mccartney của The Beatles chơi guitar theo cách ngược lại với các nghệ sĩ guitar khác vì anh ấy thuận tay trái.

Câu 14 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand?

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

A. as: bởi vì

B. because: bởi vì

C. even: thậm chí

D. even though: mặc dù

Ta thấy 2 mệnh đề mang nghĩa tương phản nên dùng liên từ even though

=> Are you a leftie (4) even though you write with your right hand?

Tạm dịch: Bạn có phải là người thuận tay trái mặc dù bạn viết bằng tay phải?

Câu 15 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

To understand (5) ____, it is necessary to look at the brain.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

A. leftie (n) người thuật tay trái

B. left-handedness (n) việc thuận tay trái

C. left-handed (adj) thuận tay trái

D. lefthander (n) người thuật tay trái

Vị trí cần điền là một danh từ đóng vai trò tân ngữ vì đứng sau động từ

=> To understand (5) left-handedness, it is necessary to look at the brain.

Tạm dịch: Để hiểu thuận tay trái, cần phải nhìn vào bộ não.

Câu 16 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

A divided + into (v) chia, tách

B. cut (v) cắt

C. subtracted (v) trừ đi

D. separated (v) chia, tách

=> The brain is (6) divided into two hemispheres.

Tạm dịch: Bộ não được chia thành hai bán cầu.

Câu 17 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

A. conquers (v) chinh phục

B. controls (v) kiểm soát

C. contrasts (v) tương phản

D. consists (v) bao gồm

=> The left hemisphere of the brain (7) controls the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side.

Tạm dịch: Bán cầu não trái kiểm soát phần bên phải của cơ thể, và bán cầu não phải kiểm soát phần bên trái.

Câu 18 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

receive O from sth: nhận thứ gì từ

=> Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) from the brain because the two hemispheres are connected.

Tạm dịch: Cả hai bên của cơ thể đều nhận được thông tin giống nhau từ não vì hai bán cầu được kết nối với nhau.

Câu 19 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) from the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

A. In order that: để làm gì

B. Therefore: do đó

C. Never: không bao giờ

D. However: tuy nhiên

Dựa vào thông tin 2 vế trái ngược nhau, ta dùng liên từ However

=> Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) from the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) However, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger.

Tạm dịch: Cả hai bên của cơ thể đều nhận được thông tin giống nhau từ não vì hai bán cầu được kết nối với nhau. Tuy nhiên, ở những người thuận tay phải, bán cầu não trái mạnh hơn.

Câu 20 Trắc nghiệm

Choose the best answer to complete the passage.

Several famous people are left-handed, (1) ____ Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and Albert Einstein. Queen Victoria of England was also left-handed, (2) ____ Prince Charles. Paul Mc Cartney of the Beatles plays (3) ____ guitar the opposite way from other guitarists because he is left-handed. Marilyn Monroe, the famous American star was also a leftie. Are you a leftie (4) ____ you write with your right hand? To understand (5) ____ it is necessary to look at the brain. The brain is (6) ____ into two hemispheres. The left hemisphere of the brain (7) ____ the right side of the body, and the right hemisphere controls the left side. Both of the sides of the body receive the same information (8) ____ the brain because the two hemispheres are connected. (9) ____, in the right handed people, the left hemisphere is stronger. In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) ____ is stronger.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

A. who: thay thế cho chủ ngữ chỉ người

B. whom: thay thế cho tân ngữ chỉ người

C. that: thay thế cho danh từ chỉ vật

D. where: thay thế cho danh từ chỉ nơi chốn

=> In the left-handed people, it is the right hemisphere (10) that is stronger.

Tạm dịch: Ở những người thuận tay trái, bán cầu phải mạnh hơn.