Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 6: Our Tet holiday mới nhất

Week 15

Period 45


Section 1: Getting Started

Happy New Year!


This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be learned. Ss then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "Our Tet holiday".

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “will” for intentions, :should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: words about Tet holiday.

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson: (3’)


- Teacher writes “TET” on the board:

- ? Do you like Tet holiday?

- What do you and your family do to prepare for Tet holiday?

- What do you often do at New Year’s Eve?

- What do you often eat at Tet?

- Ss listen, discuss in group and answer.

3. New lesson: (38')

Activity 1: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Teacher sets the scene by asking Ss about the picture

- What is Phong doing ? - Whatis the interview about?Holiday.

(He’s having an interview.

It’s aboutVietnamese Tet)

* Vocabulary checking : R.O.R

1. Vocabulary:

- (to) celebrate ['selibretid]

- (to) decorate['dekəreit]

- fireworks

- family gathering (n)

- peach blossom (n) [pi:t∫'blɔsəm]

- apricot blossom (n)['eiprikɔt'blɔsəm]

- lucky money (n)

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Ss look at the conversation, listen to the tape and then work in pairs to practice the conversation.

- Ss work independently and decide if the statements are true or false, then share their answers with their partners.

- Ss give out their answers.Ss work independently and decide if the statements are true or false, then share their answers with their partners.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs.

- Ss refers to the conversation to find the information and fill in the blanks

2.T/F statements




1Phong is the first person on the show

2This year, Tet is in February.

3.Tet is a quiet time of the year.

4.Phong loves eating lots of good food during Tet.

5.Next, the interview will talk to a person from Japan.


  Ø Feedback1:1.F, 2.F, 3.F, 4.T, 5.T

          3. Gap Fillings

          Feedback 2.

1.The end of January2. House

3. flowers and plants4. fireworks

5. great food ; lucky money

6. family gatherings

Activity 3 : Production (13’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-Ss match the words to the picture.(individually)

- T reads aloud and Ss repeat in chorus

-Ss look at the pictures again and find out the pictures relating to Tet holiday

-T asks Ss to play the game

- Demonstrate the game to the class first. Ask a more able S to help. Then Ss play in pairs

4. Matching

Feedback 3:

1.b; 2.a; 3.c; 4.e; 5.h; 6.g; 7.f; 8.d

5. Activity 5:

Feedback 4: 1, 2, 3, 7, 8

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

-T asks Ss to write down three things or activities they like best about Tet, using I like/love/ enjoy...’

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 6: Closer look 1.

-Practise reading the dialogue fluently.

-Learn by heart all new words.


Week 16

Period 46


Section 2: A Closer Look 1


By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to pronounce correctly the sounds // and/s/inisolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “Our Tet holiday”.

1. Knowledge:

* Pronunciation:/, s/.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, real things...

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (28')

Activity 1: Vocabularies (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


* Give some new words

Vocabulary checking : R.O.R

- T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen carefully and repeat the words in chorus and individually.

T asks Ss to work in groups of 4 to label the pictures with the words in 1

T asks Ss to work independently to match the verbs with the suitable nouns, then check with their partners.

- T asks Ss to write the phrases they have formed in 3

I. Vocabulary

- calendar ['kælində]

- (to) hang

- rubbish ['rʌbi∫]

- should

- (to) wish

1.Activity 1

2. Activity 2 (pairwork)

- Feedback: 1.b, 2.i, 3.d, 4.j, 5.f, 6.g, 7.h, 8.e, 9.k, 10.c, 11.a

3. Activity 3, 4

1 cook special food7. plant trees

2. go to a pagoda8. make a wish

3. give lucky money9. hang a calendar

4. visit relatives10. watch fireworks

5. clean the the shopping

6. decorate our house peach blossoms

Activity 2: Pronunciation (13’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T plays the recording. Ss listens carefully first and repeat. T plays the recording as many times as necessary. Then asks them to write the words in the two appropriate boxes. Check if they do this correctly.

T asks Ss to look at the sentences first and underline any words they think contain the sounds //and /s/. After that T plays the recording and Ss listen and decide which sentence has /s/ and which has //.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs before T checks their answers with the whole class T asks Ss to look at the sentences first and underline any words they think contain the sounds //and /s/. After that T plays the recording and Ss listen and decide which sentence has /s/ and which has //.

- T asks Ss to listen to the poem and practice reading it.

-T asks them to pay more attention to the key words with /s/ and // sounds. Then asks some volunteers to stand up and read the poem aloud.


1. Activity 5



She, shopping, should, wish, rubbish

Blossoms, summer, rice, celebrate, school, speacial, spring

2 Activity 6




1.We come home every summer



2.We should leave early.



3.I will make a wish



4.I’m second in class.



5.My mother goes shopping every day.



6.This is a small garden.



7.Spring is coming.



3. Activity 7:

Spring is coming!

Tet is coming!

She sells peach blossoms.

Her cheeks shine.

Her eyes smile.

Her smile is shy.

She sells peach blossoms.

4. Consolidation :( 15’)


1.Matching the actions in column A with the things in column B (6ms)



Go to

Banh Chung and Banh Tet


Lucky money




A pogoda


our house

2.Write four things or activitiesyou like best about Tet (4ms)

For example : I like getting lucky money

5. Homework :( 2’)

- Learn by heart the new words and the structure.

- Do exercise A4,5 in the workbook.

- Prepare the new lesson:B1-3.



Week 16

Period 48


Section 3: A Closer Look 2


By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to identify and practise the language of intentions with “will” and advice with “should”.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “Will” to express intentions, “should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading, practising the exercise

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, chalks, recording, projector

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, pens...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (35')

Activity 1: Grammar (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Present some new words.

Check: Matching (individually

- T asks Ss to look at the picture and comment.

T set the scene.

T writes the sentences on the board. answers on the board.

T checks the meaning, use and form of the structure

T ask Ss to give out some more examples with ‘should/ shouldn’t’


- (to) climb- (to) cheat

- (to) behave - (to) fight

- (to) break(to) make a wish

a. Meaning : should: nên, shouldn’t : không nên

b. Usage : express advice

c. Form : should(n’t) + bare-inf..

EX: Nam, you shouldn’t wet the floor. You should take your raincoat off first.’

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T ask Ss to give out some more examples with ‘should/ shouldn’t’

T asks Ss to look at the pictures and complete the sentences with ‘should/shouldn’t’

- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and Tet activities. Ss tick at the activities children should do at Tet and cross at the activities they shouldn’t.

- T asks Ss to write down the sentences, using the activities 3.

- T asks Ss to read the letter and answer the questions: who wrote the letter? What will his father do?


* Activity 1:

Feedback: 1. Shouldn’t, 2. Should,

3. Shouldn’t,4. should

* Activity 2 Feedback:

1. Should, 2. Shouldn’t,

3. Should, 4. Shouldn’t

* Activity 3





1.Behave well



2.Eat lots of sweets



3.Plant trees



4.Break things



5.Go out with friends



6.Make a wish






8.Play cards all night



* Activity 4 ( pairwork)

EX: 1. We should behave well.

Activity 3: Production (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T writes the sentence “His father will repaint his house.” on the board and underline “will repaint”.

- T checks the meaning, use and form of the structure

- T ask Ss to give out some more examples with ‘will/ won’t’.

- T asks Ss to read the letter again and write full sentences with will or won’t.

- T asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners.

-T asks Ss to look at the pictures and write sentences about what Phong will and won’t do .

-T asks some Ss to write their
setences on the board and corrects.



a. Meaning : will: sẽ, will not : sẽ không

b. Use : for future intention

c. Form : will (n’t) + bare-inf..

5. While-reading:

1.My father will repaint our house.

5. I’ll write again soon.

2.I will go shopping with Mum.

6.We won’t buy fireworks

3.We will buy red envelopes.

7.We won’t buy banh chung.

4.I will help my parents cook banh chung

6.Post-reading: Write-it-up

1. Phong will visit his relatives.

4. Phong won’t study.

2. Phong will go to a pagoda.

5. Phong won’t give a present.

3. Phong will go out.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T emphasizes form and usage of “will” and”should”

5. Homework :( 2’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 6: Communication.

-Do exercise (Workbook).


Week 17

Period 49


Section 4: Communication


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get to know New Year practices in other countries

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “Will” to express intentions, “should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading, practising the exercise

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, chalks, recording, projector

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, pens...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (35')

Activity 1: Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T asks Ss to match the flags with the countries, then match the countries with the nationalities. (Activity 1)

- T reads the words of countries and nationalities aloud and asks Ss to repeat in chorus and ind.

-T models the way to do this with a student (Activitiy 2)

- T asks Ss to hold a flag, move around the class, meet their friends and introduce where they come from. Then their friends will tell them their nationalities.

-Ss do matching

 Ảnh đính kèm

Activity 2: Pre-reading (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T gives out the pictures of people in different countries celebrating New Year differently and asks Ss to match them with the different groups of people



1. The Scottish, Scotland

3. The H’Mong, Viet Nam

2. The Thai, Thailand

4. The Japanese, Japan

Activity 3: While-reading (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to read the four paragraphs. T helps Ss by drawing their attention to some details from the reading and referring to the picture provided in 3. T asks to Ss to underline the verbs and the objects to remember the information from the reading.

-T asks Ss to find and check the meaning of some new words as they are used in the text by matching them with the definitions.

2.Read and decide which group of people

a. H’mongb. Thaic.Japanesed. Scottish

3.Find and checkthe meaning of the words

a. feathers: the covers of a rooster, chicken or bird.

b. cool down: become colder

c. remove: take away

d. first footer: the first person to enter your home after New Year’s Eve.

Activity 4: Post-reading (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to work in groups to write the two fact they like best down ona piece of paper. then they take turns to read aloud. The group decides which group of people he/she is talking about

-ss work in groups


4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T emphasizes form and usage of “will” and”should”

5. Homework :( 2’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 6: Skill 1

-Do exercise C1, C2(p.42,43) (Workbook).


Week 17

Period 50


Section 5: Skill 1


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read to get to know about New Year in some countries and talk about Tet activities and traditions.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “Will” to express intentions, “should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading, practising the exercise

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, chalks, recording, projector

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, pens...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (35')

Activity 2: Reading (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the children and the names of the countries.

? Which countries are we going to read about?

? Do you know how the children in these countries spend their New Year?

- Get Ss to read the text, underline words thay do not know.

- Present some new words.

- Checking Voc: R0R

- Get Ss to read the texts again to do this task in pairs.

- Teacher checks with whole class.

- Get Ss to close all their books.

- T gets 2 Ss to go to the board and write the answers

I. Reading

1. Reading

- The USA, China, Viet Nam

* New words

- strike (v)

- midnight (n)

- move [mu:v] (v)

- backwards ['bækwədz] (adv)

- succeed [sək'si:d] (v)

- shrimp [∫rimp] (n)

- bow[bou] (v)

2. Matching


3. Test your memory

- Ss work in groups of four each.

Keys: Appear: a-b-c-e-f-g-i

Don’t appear: d-h-j

Activity 3: Speaking (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Get Ss look back the pasages in 1 then read the activities given to talk about what they will do or won’t do this year.

- Ss talk about New Year beliefs in Vietnam and in other countries they know without putting emphsis on whether the belief is right or wrong.

II. Speaking

1. Activity 4

Ex: I won’t go to the Time Square to welcome the New Year.

2. Free activitiy

- cleaning up our whole houses will get rid of all those bad lucks in the previous year. After the New Year’s day, we will not sweep our houses on the very first day or else the new luck will be brushed off.

- Vietnamese/Chinese people pay respect first to their ancestors. They go to temples and pray for prosperity for the New Year.

Activity 4: Dicussing (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ss tick what they should or shouldn’t do at Tet.

- Encourage Ss to use “I agree”, “Yes, we should”, or “I don’t think so”...

3. Discuss what you should or shouldn’t do at Tet.

A: We should make a wish.

B: I agree. But we shouldn’t get up early.

A: No, we shouldn’t. We should invite friends home, shouldn’ we?

B: Yes, I think we should.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-Teacher gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework :( 2’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 6: Skill 2

-Do exercise (Workbook).


Week 17

Period 51


Section 5: Skill 2


By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get information about shopping for Tet and write complete sentences from prompts and write a short guided passage.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “Will” to express intentions, “should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading, practising the exercise

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, chalks, recording, projector

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, pens...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (35')

Activity 1: Reading (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ask Ss to look at the pictures of the children and the names of the countries.

? Which countries are we going to read about?

? Do you know how the children in these countries spend their New Year?

- Get Ss to read the text, underline words thay do not know.

- Present some new words.

- Checking Voc: R0R

- Get Ss to read the texts again to do this task in pairs.

- Teacher checks with whole class.

- Get Ss to close all their books.

- T gets 2 Ss to go to the board and write the answers


1. Reading

- The USA, China, Viet Nam

* New words

- strike (v)

- midnight (n)

- move [mu:v] (v)

- backwards ['bækwədz] (adv)

- succeed [sək'si:d] (v)

- shrimp [∫rimp] (n)

- bow[bou] (v)

2. Matching


3. Test your memory

- Ss work in groups of four each.

Keys: Appear: a-b-c-e-f-g-i

Don’t appear: d-h-j

Activity 2: Speaking (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Get Ss look back the pasages in 1 then read the activities given to talk about what they will do or won’t do this year.

- Ss talk about New Year beliefs in Vietnam and in other countries they know without putting emphsis on whether the belief is right or wrong.


1. Activity 4

Ex: I won’t go to the Time Square to welcome the New Year.

2. Free activitiy

- cleaning up our whole houses will get rid of all those bad lucks in the previous year. After the New Year’s day, we will not sweep our houses on the very first day or else the new luck will be brushed off.

- Vietnamese/Chinese people pay respect first to their ancestors. They go to temples and pray for prosperity for the New Year.

Activity 3: Dicussing (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ss tick what they should or shouldn’t do at Tet.

- Encourage Ss to use “I agree”, “Yes, we should”, or “I don’t think so”...

3. Discuss what you should or shouldn’t do at Tet.

A: We should make a wish.

B: I agree. But we shouldn’t get up early.

A: No, we shouldn’t. We should invite friends home, shouldn’ we?

B: Yes, I think we should.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-Teacher gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework :( 2’)

Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 6: Looking back& Project

-Do exercise (Workbook).


Week 18

Period 52


Section 6: Looking back & Project


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Revise and make the use ofall the target knowledge in unit 6.

- Know how to make a wish in English and use imagination to talk about their incredible dreams.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar: “Will” to express intentions, “should/shouldn’t” for advice.

*Vocabulary: Tet things and activities

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading, practising the exercise

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, chalks, recording, projector

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, pens...


1. Organization

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson(5’)

-Teacher checks students’ homework.

-Get two teams to name some natural wonders.

3. New lesson: (30')

Activity 1: Vocabulary (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Ss work individually to do exercises.

Asks Ss to compare their answer with their partner

Gives the answers

- As above, Ask Ss to work individually to complete the sentences.

Game: About or not about Tet

Asks 5 volunteers to stand in front of the class. they take in turn to read aloud each phrase from the list. The quickest student with the right answer gets one point for one right answer. The student with the highest score wins

I. Vocabulary:

1. Activity 1&2:

Activity 1.

Do the work individually and compare with partner

Check the answer

1. j

2. e

3. d

4. c

5. i

6. f

7. h

8. g

9. a

10. k

11. b

12. l

Activity 2

Volunteer 1:make a wish

S: about Tet

-Volunteer 2:buy present

S: not about Tet

Activity 2: Grammar (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Show Ss a picture of New Year in Thailand and asks if they could still remember anything about New Year Festival in Thailand.

When is New Year Festival in Thailand?

What is the weather like?

Will people throw water at each other?

How can you travel in Thailand?

asks Ss to write full sentences

Checks with the whole class

-T elicits the language being practiced in this activity: model verb " shou;d/ shouldn’t".

-T asks Ss look at the summary first and then to listen and fill in the blank individually.

-Ss can share answers with their partners.

- Gives feedback and retell how to use “should/ shouldn’t”

II. Grammar

Activity 3: Write complete sentences what Phong will/ won’t do

It is in April.

It is very hot

Yes, they will

by car, bus….

This year Phong will travel to Thailand by plane. He will wear shorts and a T-shirt. He will throw water at others and he will get wet. He will watch the elephants in Thailand.

Phong won’t stay at home, he won’t eat banh chung in Thailand. He won’t get lucky money. He won’t wiat for the first footer in Thailand.

* Activity 4: Listen and fill in the summary with should or shouldn’t

1. should2. should3. should

4. shouldn’t5. shouldn’t6. should

Activity 3: Communication(10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Gives the meaning of some words: good health, success, long life

Asks Ss to practise to make a wish

Wish you + noun

Guides Ss to different kinds of dreams fro themselves and for others.

Encourages Ss to have dreams which might be impossible to become true. (Tet will be longer, I will fly to the moon…)

III. Communication

make sentences with: WISH YOU ….

I wish you a good health.

I wish you great success

I wish you a long life.

Activity 5.

Rearrange the words to make New Year wishes and greetngs

oI wish you a Happy New Year.

oHave a great year with your studies.

oI wish you success in your career.

oI wish you a joyful year.

Project: I have a dream

Write the dreams on a piece of paper

and read aloud.

(Ss may do this at home)A: We should make a wish.

B: I agree. But we shouldn’t get up early.

A: No, we shouldn’t. We should invite friends home, shouldn’ we?

B: Yes, I think we should.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-Teacher gets students to retell what they have learnt.

5. Homework :( 2’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Revision

-Do exercise (Workbook).