Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world mới nhất

Week 12




Section 1: Getting Started

Geography Club


This lesson will present the vocabulary and grammar items to be learned. Ss then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "Natural wonders of the world".

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:superlatives of short adjectives.

*Vocabulary: travel items, things in nature.

2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan…

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (39')

Activity 1: Warm-up (4’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Net work

-T has Ss work in 2 team.

Check and give feedback.

Ảnh đính kèm

Activity 2: Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Teacher sets the scene by asking Ss about the picture

+ What can you see in the picture?

+ Where is it? Do you know this place?

- Elicits the new words using pictures and explaination

+ Check vocabulary : R O R

- Get Ss to work in pairs. T elicits the answers then provides the correct words

I. Getting Started.

1. Vocabulary:

- Desert ['dezət]

- Waterfall ['wɔ:təfɔ:l]

- Island ['ailənd]

- Valley ['væli]

- Cave [keiv]

2. Label the pictures:

1.Mountain 2.river

3. waterfall 4. forest

5.cave 6.desert 7.lake 8.beach 9.island10.valley

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to work in pairs

-Ss give their prediction

-Ss read the dialogue and answer the questions:

-Ss read andlisten to the conversation to check their prediction.

-Give feedback.

3. Reading (Activity 1).


a.Vy is

1.She went to the wrong room



4.An island

Activity 4 : Production(5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- SS look back at the conversation in getting Started and try to find the vocabulary used.

4. Read the conversation in 1 again. Tick the words you can find.

*GRAMMAR: polite request

Can I + Vinf......., please?

Can you + Vinf...., please ?

* Practice: ( activity 1b)

4. Consolidation :( 4’)

- Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 5: Closer look 1.

-Practise reading the dialogue fluently.

-Learn by heart all new words.


Week 12




Section 2: A Closer Look 1


By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to pronouce correctly the sounds /t/ and/st/inisolation and in context; Use the lexical items related to the topic “Natural wonders of the world”.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:S+be +prepositions (giới từ)

* Pronunciation:/t/, /st/

2. Skills: Listening, reading, writing

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan…

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (39')

Activity 1: Warm-up (4’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Imagine you are going to have a picnic, What things can you bring with?

- Ss make a list ofitems related to travel.

* Brainstorm

Activity 2: Presentation(10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually

* Checking vocab: Matching (Act 1)

- Ss work individually then compare in pairs. T checks then gives feedback.

- Ss copy all the words

I. Vocabulary

1. Vocabulary

-Plaster ['plɑ:stə]

- Walking boots

- Painkillers

- Sun cream

- Scissors ['sizəz]

- Sleeping bag

- Backpack

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to work in group of 4 to disscus about the importance of these things in travel, put the itemsin order from the most useful to the least useful. Givethe reasons why.

- Read and act out the sentences for Ss. Elicit ideas for sentence. - - Ss complete the remaining sentences. Check their ideas at the end.

-T notices the way to read the sounds.

- T asks some Ss to read out the words first and number the words they hear.

2. Put the items in order.......

- Disscus about the importance of these things in travel, put the itemsin order from the most useful to the least useful (activity 3)

3. Gap fill


a. compasb. sun creamc. painkillers.

d. backpack e. plaster

II. Pronunciation

/t/ and /st/

Practise sounding out the sounds /t/ and /st/ together.

/s/ is a long sound,/st/ is a long sound with /t/

4. Listen and number the words you hear.

1best 2 boat 3 coast 4 lost 5 boot 6 desert 7.plaster 8 forest.

Activity 4 : Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- Plays the recording for them to listen and repeat the words.

- T asks Ss to listen carefully and raise their hands whe they hear the / t/ or /st/. Alternatively, divide the class into a /t/ group and a/st/ group and rthey listen and repond to their own sound.

-Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat sentence by sentence.

5. Listen again and repeat the words.

6. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the bold-typed parts of the words.

4. Consolidation :( 4’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 5: Closer look 2.

-Do exercise in workbook.


Week 13




Section 3: A Closer Look 2


By the end of this lesson, students can use comparative and superlative adjectives to describe things in nature.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:Superlatives if short adjectives,Modal verb: must

*Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “things in nature” and “travel item”.

2. Skills: Listening, writing

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, CD player, pictures.

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (40')

Activity 1: Warm-up (3’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Show some pictures about some places in the world.

- T-Whole class

Where is it?

(Ss’ answer)

Activity 2: Presentation (8’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T chooses more able Ss to act as Vy, and read the sentences to the class.

- T asks Ss to stick T or F in the box provided.

- Ss work individually

-T plays the recording and allow Ss to check their answers.

- Ss work individually

I. Grammar

Comparative and superlative adjectives

1. Vy is giving a quiz about wonders of the world. Read the sentences and guess if they are true or false.

Key:1. T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. T

2. Listen to Vy giving the answers to the quiz. Check your guesses.

Activity 2: Practice (24’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks Ss to look back at Vy’s sentences, find and underline all the examples of –est.

- Ss work individually

-T asks Ss to complete the table individually. Dis cuss their answers at the end

- Ss work individually

- T asks Ss to complete the passage with the correct words. Pairs can practice role-playing the completed passage.

- Ss work individually

-T prepares the slips of paper beforehand for the groups. Alternatively dictate the names of the places and allow Ss to write them on blank slips.

-Ss work in group

- T asks Ss toread Vy’s note and find the uses of “must”. Refer Ss back to the grammar table if necessary. Discuss the uses of “must”.

- Ss work individually


3. Underline all the words ending in -est in the quiz.

(Watch out)

4. Complete the table with the comparatives and superlatives.

5. Now Vy is taking about other amazing places. Complete the passage.


1. hottest2. Hotter3. Coldest4. Coldest5. Colder6. Biggest

7. Highest 8.Smaller

6. Cut up some pieces of paper. Write the names of some famous places on them. Work in group and make sentences about the places.

7. Vy is giving Mai some feedback. Read and underline the forms of must.

Activity 3 : Production(5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- T: Ask ss to look at “remember" and read.

Ss: Look at and read.

-T: Have ss make sentences

using some prepositions of places with wordcues.

In front of, behind, to the left of, to the right of, opposite, between.)

Ss: Do as directed.

8. Look at the classroom rules below. Write some more rules for you and your classmate.


1. We must arrive on time.

2. We mustn’t pick flowers in the school garden.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework :( 1’)

- Practice more by using the comparatives and superlatives.

- Prepare next lesson(Communication)


Week: 13

Period: 38



Section 4: Communication


By the end of this lesson, students can use must and mustn’t to give orders and talk about and give travel advices.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:Superlatives if short adjectives,Modal verb: must

*Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “things in nature” and “travel item”.

2. Skills: Listening, writing

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, CD player, pictures.

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson (3’)

-T asks Ss answer the questions

3. New lesson: (40')

Activity 1: Presentation (8’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T has Ss look at extra vocabulary

-T –whole class

I. Extra vocabulary:



oSun hat

oWaterproof coat


oMobile phone

Activity 2: Practice (24’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T shows the picture of Mount Everest.

-T asks Ss to look at the picture of Mount Everest and show picture of extra vocabulary. Ask Ss to decide whether the objects are useful for going to Mount Everest, e.g. Must we take a torch to Mount Everest?

- T asks Ss to read quickly and check their ideas.

- T asks Ss to read the text again and ask some follow-up questions.

- Ss answer the questions and work individually

-T - Ask Ss to use information in the text and their own ideas to fill the must and mustn’t columns.

-T creates your own list and demonstrate the activity with a more able St.

-Ss work individually

-T swaps roles. Then ask the class to complete the role-play.

- Ss work in pairs


1. Read the travel guide entry.

- Must we take a torch to Mount Everest?

- What is a mountain range?

- What do you think diverse mean?

- Have you had any unforgettable experiences?

2. Now make a list of the things you must take to the Himalayas. Then add things you mustn’t take.

3. Role-play being a tour guide and a tourist. Tell your partner what to prepare for their trip to Himalayas. Try to give reasons.

Activity 3 : Production(5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- T asks the class to complete the role-play. Ask pairs to demonstrate for the class.

-Ss work in whole class

4. Perform your role-play for the class.

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework :( 1’)

- Write 4 sentences with must and mustn’t.

- Prepare next lesson(Skill 1)


Week 13




Section 5: Skill 1


By the end of this lesson, students can use read a brochure for tourist information and talk about and give travel advice.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:Superlatives if short adjectives, Modal verb: must

*Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “things in nature” and “travel item”.

2. Skills: reading, speaking

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan…

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (39')

Activity 1: Pre-reading (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to compare the text in Communication and Skill 1. Encourage them to think of the purposes of the texts and where they might see them.

- T-Whole class

- T asks Ss to read the text quickly to answer the questions and check their ideas from the introduction.

- T discusses the Study Skill with Ss.

-Ss work individually

I. Reading

1. Before you read, look at the pictures below and make predictions about the text. Then read and check your ideas.

- Where is the passage from?

- What is it about?

- What do you know about the subjects?

Activity 2: While-reading (20’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks Ss to find the four words in the passage and underline them, then check their meaning.

-Ss work individually

- T asks Ss to read the sentences then write True or False. Refer them back to the text for the answers.

-Ss work individually

-T asks Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions.

-Ss work in pairs

- T discusses with Ss which things they find interesting about Ha Long Bay and Hue. Brainstormideas on the board.

- T asks Ss to close the books. Ask Ss to tell their partner about the place.

-Ss work in groups

2. Find these words in the passage in 1, then check their meaning.

3. Read the following sentences. Then tick true or false.


1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T

4. Make your own English camp schedule.


1.Ha Long Bay is in Quang Ninh Province.

2.You must take a boat ride.

3.A visit to the Imperial City more important.

4.Because people travel there just for the food.

II. Speaking

5. Make notes about one of the places in the brochure. Use the information in the text and your own ideas.

6. Tell your partner about the place.

Ha Long Bay and Hue

Activity 3 : Post –reading (speaking) (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T shows a picture of your town. Tell the class they are visiting it. Review

interesting features of your town with

Ss. Then ask Ss to suggest some


-Ss work in pairs

7. Your friends are visiting your town. Think about what they must and mustn’t do while they are here. Role-play the conversation in groups.

Things they must do/bring: …

Things they mustn’t do/bring: …

4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson.

Ss: Answer.

5. Homework :( 1’)

-Prepare the next lesson (Skill 2)


Week 14




Section 6: Skill 2


By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get the information about travel plans and write a travel guide entry about an interesting place.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:Superlatives if short adjectives.

Modal verb: must

*Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “things in nature” and “travel item”.

2. Skills: Listening, writing

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures, sub board...

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson (3)

-T asks Ss go to the board and speak about Halong bay and Hue

3.New lesson: (35')

Activity 1: Presentation (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks Ss to recall the 2 places in the brochure in skill 1. Ask Ss which one they think Nick’s family will choose as their holiday destination. Ask Ss to explain their choose.

-T plays the recording for the answer.

-Ss listen and answer the questions


1. Nick’s family are in the travel agent’s. they want to go on vacation. They are choosing a place from the brochure above. Which place do they choose?

Activity 2: Practice (25’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Treads through the questions with Ss and support with any difficulties before they attempt to answer. Play the recording again.

-Ss listen again and anser the questions

-T corrects.

-T chooses Ss to show their places to the class. Ask some questions to prepare the class for the activity.

-Ss work individually

2. Listen again and answer the following questions.


1.Ha Long Bay, Hue, Mui Ne or Nha Trang.

2.Can we see a picture of the hotel in Mui Ne?

3.Mui Ne is cheaper but I think Ha Long Bay is more interesting.

4.Yes, he is.

* Writing

3. Write a travel guide about a place you know.


- What nature wonders are there?

- What things can do there?

- What thngs we must do?

Activity 3 : Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- T asks Ss to make notes about their chosen places.

- T asks Ss to use the Travel Guide in Communication as their model.

-Ss work individually

-T corrects.

4. In notes, fill each blank in the network with the information about the place. Then use these notes to write a short paragraph about it.

- Research.

- Draft

- Check

4. Consolidation :( 2’)

-T: Ask ss to retell the leson

Ss: Answer.

5. Homework :( 1’)

- Write a travel guide in your notebook.

- Prepare the next lesson :(Looking back& Project)


Week 14




Section 7: Looking back & Project


By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit.

1. Knowledge:

*Grammar:Superlatives if short adjectives.

Modal verb: must

*Vocabulary: the lexical items related to “things in nature” and “travel item”.

2. Skills: 4 skills

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner and be self-conscious


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures, sub board...

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Checkup the old lesson

3. New lesson: (40')

Activity 1: Warm-up (3’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T:Give the game of “Net work” about the places for family travel

Ss: Play in two teams.

* Network:

Halong bay

Danang city

Activity 2: Practicing vocabularies (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks Ss to label things nature they can see in the picture.

-Ss work individually

-T asks Ss to work individually and write the words about travel items.

-Ss work individually

I. Vocabulary:things in nature

1. Label the things nature you can see in this picture.


1. mountain2. Waterfall

3. forest4. Cave

5. desert6. Lake

7. beach8. Island

9. valley

Travel items

2. Write the words

Key:1. scissors 2. Sleeping bag ....

Activity 3: Practicing grammar (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T asks Ss to work individually to complete the sentences

-Ss work individually

-T asks Ss to work in pairs and match the name of a natural wonder in column A with a word/ phrase in column B. Monitor the activity and offer help to Ss when necessary.

-Ss work individually

- T asks Ss to practice the conversation in pair. Drow Ss’ attention to the questions and answers for the information about Mount Everest and Loch Lomond. Then ask them to discuss all the natural wonders in 4.

-T asks them to provide any related information they know about these natural wonders.

-Ss work in pairs

II. Grammar

3. Fill the gaps in the following sentences.


1. hottest2. longest3. highest4. largest

5. best

4. Match the name of a nature wonder in column A with a word in column B.







5.Work in pairs and practice the conversation below. Discuss all the nature wonders in 4 and any related information you know.

Activity 4 : Practicing communication (12’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- T divides Ss into group A and B. Allow them to complete their part of the dialogue. Then Ss act out the dialogue. Choose pairs to demonstrate for the class. T can encourage them to include mimes and actions.

- Ss play in groups


6. Complete the dialogue.






4. Consolidation :( 3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell the lesson Ss: Answer

5. Homework :( 1’)

- Do “project” on page 56.

- Prepare next lesson :Review 2
