Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Unit 2: My home mới nhất

Week 4

Period 10

Unit 2: MY HOME

Section 1: Getting Started

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to listen and read for specific information then practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic "My home".

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: - There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t

- Prepositions of place

* Vocabulary: Type of house rooms and furnitures

2. Skills: listening, reading and writing

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- asks ss to say good morning

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T asks whether students have any questions about the exercise in the workbook or not.

- T writes on the board: My home

? Tell me "home" in vietnamese.

-Ss answer the questions

- “Home” can have different meanings. It can be the house or apartment where you live or can refer to a family living together.


Activity 2 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually

- Ss copy all the words

* Checking vocab: Recall

* Set the sences:

- T shows the pictures (textbook): This is Mi and this is Nick. What are they doing?

-Ss look at the pictures and guess

- Can you share any experiences of chatting online?

-Ss answer the question

- Talk abit about where you live?- We are going to listen and read a dialogue about Mi and Nick.

? Guess the anwser for exercise a.

- Play the recording twice.

- Ss work individually => compare in pairs

I. Vocabulary



- next to


- 'kitchen


- 'bathroom


-'living room


- in front of


- be'hind


- between: [bi'twi:n]


- sofa ['soufə]


II. Listen and read















Key: 1. TV; sofa2. town house  3. sitting on the sofa

4. noisy         5. there


Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-T asks Ss if they know the prepositions in box

-Have Ss do this exercise in pairs.

-Ss work in pairs

-T asks Ss’ answer

? Call on some Ss to write the answer on the board.

- Teacher explains

- T asks Ss look at the picture of the room and do the task individually

-Ss share their answers with a partner before giving T the answers

-T confirm the correct answers

III. Prepositions of place

2. Matching

Key: A. onB. next toC. behind
D. inE. in front ofF. between
G. under

3. Write sentences

A. The dog is on the chair.

B. The dog is next to the bowl.

4. True or false?

1. F (The dog is between the bookself and the bed.)

2. T

3. F (The clock is between the pictures.)

4. F (The cat is in front of the computer.)

5. F (The cat is between the lamp and the sofa.)

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


(Set this exercise as homework for students)

5. Answer the questions

4. Consolidation (3’)

- T gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.

5. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise B1(p.10), B5 (P.11)(Workbook).

- Learn by heart all new words

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/Closer look 1”


Week 4

Period 11

Unit 2: MY HOME

Section 2: A Closer Look 1

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Pronouce correctly the sounds /z /, /s/ and/ iz/inisolation and in context;

- Use the lexical items related to the topic “My home”.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: Pronunciation:/z, s, iz/, prepositions of place.

* Vocabulary: Type of house rooms and furnitures

2. Skills: 4 skills

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- Teacher asks whether students have any questions about the exercise in the workbook or not.

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually

- Ss copy all the words

- Have Ss quickly match the room with its name.

-Ss work individually

-T checks quickly the answers

- Ss work in pairs to do this activity

-T writes the names of the rooms on the board, in different places

-T calls on Ss from different pairs to go to the board and write the name of the furniture under these rooms

1. Vocabulary

- chest of drawer


- air-conditioner


- cupboard ['kʌpbəd]






- wardrobe ['wɔ:droub]


- attic ['ætik]


2. Name the rooms of the house

* Key: a. living roomb. bedroom

c. atticd. bathroome. kitchenf. hall

3. Name things in each rooms

-Living room: lamp, sofa, picture, table

-Bedroom : bed, lamp, picture, chest of drawers

-Kitchen: fridge, cupboard, cooker, table, dishwasher, chair

-Bathroom: bath, sink, toilet

-Hall : picture

4. Guessing game

Activity 2: Pronunciation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- T has some Ss read out the words first.

- Play the recording

- T checks with whole class

- Have Ss comment on the way to pronounce -s, -es at the end of the words then explain the rules quickly.

(Rules: Teacher’s book, P37)

5. Listen and repeat

6. Put the words in the correct column

/z/: posters, tables, wardrobes, beds

/s/: lamps, sinks, toilets

/iz/: fridges

Activity 3: Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Ss work individually then compare in pairs

- T gives feedback.

-T plays the recording for Ss to repeat each line of the conservation

-Ss work in pairs to practise the conservation

7. Find out the sound

Key: /z/: things, pictures

/s/: lights, chopsticks

/iz/: dishes, vases

8. Practise the conversation

4. Consolidation (3’)

- T gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.

5. Homework (2’)

- Do exercise A1, 2 (p.10), B2, 3 (P.11) workbook.

- Learn by heart all new words

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/Closer look 2”


Week 4

Period 12

Unit 2:MY HOME

Section 3: A Closer Look 2

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to use prepositions of place and there is/There isn’t/There are/There aren’t correctly and appropriately.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: - There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t

* Vocabulary: Type of house rooms and furnitures

2. Skills: 4 skills

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- Teacher asks whether students have any questions about the exercise in the workbook or not.

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually

- Ss copy all the words

- Have Ss look at the two pictures of the two rooms in the grammar.

? What does the second room not have?

* Notes: We use “is” or “are” depending on the noun right after the verb “be”.

- Ss use “There is/There are” to make sentences

I- Vocabulary

- ceiling fan



- poster ['poustə(r)]



- fridge



II- Model Sentences

Ex: There is a dog and two cats under the table.

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-Ss do this activity quickly then give the answers to T

-Ss do this activity quickly then give the answers to T

-T calls 2 Ss go to the board to write their sentences

- Other students and teacher feedback.

- Teacher confirms the correct answers the write on the board if necessary.

- Teacher checks with whole class

- Teacher goes around to observe Ss working

III- Practice:

1.Gap fill

Key:’t     2.are/aren’t      3.are/aren’t

4. is/isn’t       5.are/aren’t

2. Make the sentences

Ex: There isn’t a sofa in the living room

3. Write postive and negative sentences


1.There is/isn’t a TV next to/ on the table

2. There is/ isn’t a brown dog in the kitchen.

3. There is/ isn’t a boy in front of the cupboard.

4. There is/ isn’t a bath in the bathroom

5.There are/ aren’t lamps in the bedroom

5.Gap fill

Key: 1. Is   3.are   4.are   5.aren’t


6. Complete the questions

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Teacher models the conversation with an advanced student.

Have  some Ss to summarise their partner’s answer to the class.the class.

* Chatting

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework (2’)

-Do exercise B4 (P.11) workbook.

- Prepare “Unit 2-My home/Communication” for the next time.


Week 5

Period 13

Unit 2: MY HOME

Section 4: Communication

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson, ss will be talk about and describe houses, rooms and furniture.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar:-Review wh-questions

- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t

* Vocabulary: Type of house rooms and furnitures

2. Skills: speaking

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- Teacher asks whether students have any questions about the exercise in the workbook or not.

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T: Where do you live, in a house or in a flat?

T: How many rooms are there?

T: Do you have your own room?

T: What are there in your room?

- Ss review the usage of there is and there are, preposition of place.

T:OK. Do you want to talk about your house, your room? Please talk about it during our lesson today.

T: But first, do you remember the usage of there is and there are?

* Chatting

- I live in a house.

- There are.....

- Yes, I do...

- There....

Activity 2 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-T uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)

- Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.

* Checking technique: Slap the board

-T asks Ss to look at the pictures and do this task individually

-Ss work individually

- T gives feedback, gets Ss to pay attention to the sentences’ structures.

- Ss learn samples of description.

I. Vocabulary

- Town house (n

- country house (n)

- villa ['vilə](n)

- stilt house (n)

II. Practice

1. Gap fill

Key: 1. country    2. are   3. is

4. are   5. on   6. next to   7. On   8. is

Activity 3: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-T models the conversation with an advanced student.

- Have Ss work in pairs. T gets some pairs to act out the conversation.

- T moves around to observe Ss working.

- Ss work individually to draw a simple plan oftheir houses.

- Ss work in pairs to tell each other about their house.

2. Finding differences


T (look at Nick’s house): Nick lives in the country house. Where does Mi live?

S (look at Mi’s house): She live in a town house.

T: How many rooms are there in Mi’s house?

S: There are six rooms. What about Nick’s house? How many rooms are there?...

3. Describe your house

Ss’ answers

Activity 4: Production (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- T calls some Ss to describe their friend’s house to the class

(Ex4 P.21)

4. Describing your friend’s house

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework (2’)

-Do exercise C1,2 workbook.

- Prepare “Unit 2-My home/Skill 1” for the next time.


Week 5

Period 14

Unit 2: MY HOME

Section 5: Skill 1

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Read for specific information about rooms and houses.

- Describe a room in the house

1. Knowledge

*Grammar:-Review wh-questions

- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t

* Vocabulary: Furniture lexical items

2. Skills: speaking, reading

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- T gets a student to describe the classroom to the class.

- T gives comments and marks

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


* /Pre teach vocab:

+ Elicit from ss.

+Write words on the boards.

Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down.

- T: Let ss practice newwords.

Ss: practice in chorus- groups-individual


* Predition

-Ask Ss to look at the pictures on the textbook, look at the title then make prediction about the reading.

- Ask Ss to read the study skills box. Ss quickly look at the text and answer the questions.

I. Vocabulary

- crazy ['kreizi] (adj)

- messy ['mesi] (adj)

- a CD player (n)

- Equipment (n)

- shape (n)

- Strange (adj)

Activity 2: Practice (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-Let Ss read the text quickly again and check their idea.

- Teacher gives feedback.

- Ss read the text in detail to answer the questions, underline parts of the e-mail that help them with the answers.

- Have Ss do the exercise individually then compare in pairs.

- Teacher checks the answers.

II- Practice

1. Ex2

1. It’s an e-mail.

2. The title is “A room at the Crazy House Hotel, Da Lat”. The topic is Nick’s weekend at the Crazy House Hotel.

2. Ex3

1. No, he isn’t.

2. There are ten rooms.

3. Because there is a big tiger on the wall.

4. It’s under the bed.

3. Ex3. Find things in the room.

A window


A sofa


A cupboard


A shelf


A lamp


A desk


A poster


A CD player


A tiger


A cooker


Activity 3: Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities



T goes around to observe Ss working.

T gets some Ss show their partners’ plans to the whole

- Each student creates a new for the hotel and draws a plan of the room.

- Ss show the plan to a partner then describe their rooms in pairs.

- Others listen and vote for the best.

- Ss keep their plans for the next lesson.

4. Consolidation (3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework (2’)

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/ Skills 2”

- Learn by heart all the new words

- Do Ex D1, 2, 3 (WB)


Week 5

Period 15

Unit 2: MY HOME

Section 6: Skill 2

I.OBJECTIVES:By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Listen to get information about rooms and houses.

- Write an e-mail to a friend.

- Vocab: Rooms and furniture lexical items

- Practise listening and writing skills.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar:-Review wh-questions

- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t

* Vocabulary: Furniture lexical items

2. Skills: listening, writing

3. Attitude:pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recoder.

2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…


1. Checkup attendance.

2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- Teacher gets one student to describe Nick’s room in the hotel.

- Teacher makes comments

3. New lesson

Activity 1 : Listening (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to look at the plan of the room and the furniture on page 23 and guess where to put the furniture.

-Play the recording.

- Let Ss listen sentence by sentence to check their guess.

1. Listen and draw the furniture in the correct place.

Ảnh đính kèm

Activity 2: Writing (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


- Ask Ss to read the Writing tips box.

? How many parts are there in an e-mail to your friend?

? What are they?

? What should you remember when writing each part?

- Have Ss to read nick e-mail (P.22) again and identify the parts in the e-mail.

- Ask Ss to correct the e-mail in their notebooks.

-After finishing, compare in groups.

- Give the correction

2. Correct the e-mail. Rewrite the correct version.



Subject: My house

Hi Sophia,

Thanks for your e-mail. Now I’ll tell you about my house.

I live with my parents and younger brother in a town house. It’s big. There are six rooms: a living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. I like my bedroom best. We’re moving to an apartment soon.

What about you? Where do you live? Tell me in your next e-mail.

Best wishes,



Activity 3: Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


- Get Ss to close their books. Write “P, D” and “C” on the board.

? What do these letters stand for?

- Have Ss open their books and check.

- T explains the process of writing and asks Ss to do this task individually, encourages them to go through all the three steps.

- Go around to observe.

- Get one student to write the e-mail on the board. Other Ss and teacher comment on the e-mail.

- Collect some e-mail to correct at home.

3. Write an e-mail to Nick.

- P: Plan

D: Draft

C: Check



Subject: Crazy House Hotel

Dear Nick,

Thank you for your e-mail. Now I am writing to tell you about my idea for the new room of the Crazy House Hotel.

It is a Cat room. There is a big statue of a cat against the wall in the right corner of the room. In the middle of the room, there is a sofa and two armchairs. There is a table between the sofa and the two armchairs. The fridge stands in the left conner of the room. Next to the fridge, there is a bed. Opposite the bed, the is a shelf and the TV is on the shelf. I love this room very much.

What about you? Please tell me about your new room in your next e-mail.


4. Consolidation (3’)

-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.

5. Homework (2’)

- Do Ex E1, 2 (WB).

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/Looking back & Project”.

- Learn by heart all the new words


Week 6

Period 16


Section 7: Looking back & Project


By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Revise and make the use ofall the target knowledge in unit 2.

- Do a project about their own crazy house.

1. Knowledge

*Grammar: Review

*Vocabulary: The things in the living room - plural nouns

2. Skills: Listening, speaking, writing and reading.

3. Attitude: Ss pay attention the lesson, study in a serious and strict manner


1. Teacher: Text-book, lesson plan, pictures, radio, cassette, poster...

2. Students: Text-books, notebooks, exercise books...


1. Organization: (1')

- Greeting

- Checking attendance

2. Check up the old lesson (4')


-Have Ss work in 2 teams.

-Ss write as many words as possible

3. New lesson: (30')

Activity 1 : Presentation (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’activities


-Ask Ss to do this task individually then compare their answers with a partner.

- Have 3 Ss go to the board to write their answers.

- Correct mistakes.

-Repeat the words.

- Get Ss to work in groups and add more words to each group.

I. Vocabulary.

Types of building: villa, apartment, town house, stilt house, countryhouse.

Rooms: living room, hall, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, attic.

Furniture: picture, cupboard, chest of drawers, wardrobe, sofa, dishwasher, desk.

- cottage, famhouse, bungalow

- dining room, guestroom, utility room

- stool, armchair,...

Activity 2 : Practice (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Ss do the Ex individually.

- call some Ss to do it on the board.

- Correct.

-Ss do Ex individually.

- call some to do on the board.

- Correct.

-Ss do Ex individually then compare their answer with a partner.

- call some to do on the board.

- Correct.

- Have Ss write 6 sentences to describe their bedroom at home.

- T models the way to ask with one St. Ss work in groups and take turns to draw a cat in the house in the book. Other students ask questions to find the cat. T goes around and observe Ss working. T collect some common mistakes and discuss them with the whole class.

II. Grammar.

1. Make sentences.

1. The boy is on the table.

2. The dog is in front of the kennel.

3. The cat is between the bookshelf and the sofa.

4. The cat is behind the computer.

5. The girl is in the armchair.

6. The boy is next to the armchair.

2. Complete the sentences using There is/There are/There isn’t/There aren’t.

1. There is      2. There are    3. There is

4. There aren’t   5. There is     6. There aren’t

3. Turn the sentences in 3 into questions.

1. Is there a clock on the wall?

2. Are there books on the bookshelf?


(Ss do exercise 5 at home)

Activity 3: Production (10’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


-Ask Ss to draw their strange house then use the picture to talk about the house at home

III. Communication

Group work.

A: Where is the cat?

B: Is it under the table?

A: No, it isn’t.

B: Is it on the sofa?

A: Yes, it is.

4. Consolidation (2’)

-Summarize the main point of the lesson.

5. Homework (3’)

-Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3: Getting started
