Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 7: The Mass Media mới nhất




Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students read about TV programme schedules and complete the following tasks.

II. Language focus:

1.Vocabulary:- Words to talk about the media: kinds of mass media,programmes of radio and TV, advantages and dis advantages...


- The present simple tense.

- Because of/ inspite of

III. Skill:-Reading comprehension: Read for general ideas and specific information.

IV. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities







Aims: sts get used to the topic.

+ Jumbled words.

- Give 5 words about the forms of mass media whose letters are in the wrong order and ask sts to work in groups of 3-4 sts to rearrange them in good order to make the right words.

1. enslieisov            2. rwepeapns

3. idora        4. agenmzia             5.evido

- 4 representatives are required to write the words on the blackboard.

- Check and give remarks.

2. Before you read:

Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic.

+ Pairwork:

- Ask the sts to work in pairs to answer the question given in the part and some other questions.

- For each question, 3-4 sts are required to answer orally in front of the class ( 1 st/ 1 time).

- Gather the ideas and give some background information about TV channels in Vitetnam.

+ VTV1: Combination of Politics, Economics and Entertainment.

+ VTV2: Science and Education.

+ VTV3: Sports and Entertainment.

+ VTV4: For the overseas Vietnamese.

+ VTV5: For the Ethnic minority groups

+ Vocabulary:

- Provide the students with new words/phrases

+ channel (n): Kênh ( truyền hình )

+ Mass media (n): public institutions that report news and other stories .

+ Population and Development (phr): Dân số phát triển

+ TV Series (n): Phim truyền hình dì tập

+ Folk Songs (n): dân ca dân gian

+ News Headlines (n): nhóm tin chính

+ Weather Forecast (n): Dự báo thời tiết

+ Quiz Show (n): trò chơi truyền hình

+ Portrait of Life (phr): chân dung cuộc sống

+ Documentary (n): Phim tài liệu

+ Wildlife World (n): Thế giới thiên nhiên hoang dã

+ Around The World (phr): vòng quanh thế giới

- Read each word/phrase twice and ask sts to repeat it and leave sts 1 minute to self-practice.

- Ask 4-5 st to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class

- Listen and help sts to read the words/phrases correctly.

3. While you read:

Aims: Read the passage for information to do the tasks.

+ Task 1: Matching.

- Ask sts to read the TV programme schedules and do task 1: Match the words in A which appear in the reading passage with their definitions in B.

- Sts are required to compare their results with their partners.

- 4 sts are required to do the task orally in front of the class (1 st/ 1 time).

- Listen and help sts to do the task correctly.

+ Task 2: True or false:

- Sts are required to read the programmes carefully, individually and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

- 5 sts are required to give their answers orally, individually in front of the class with the evidence in the reading passage.

- Listen and check the answers orally in front of the class.

+ Task 3: Answering questions.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and answer the questions in the book basing on the information in the reading passage.

- 6 pairs are required to answer orally in front of the class ( 1 pair/ 1 time).

- Listen and helpsts to answer the question correctly.

4. After you read:

Aims: to give the summary of the topic.

- Sts are required to work in pairs to tell their partners about one of the TV programmes they like watching best and explain why.

- 2-3 sts are required to give short talks on the given topic.

-Get feedback and help the students to give correct talks

5. Homework:

- Write a paragraph about a programme you like best.

- Work in groups of 3-4 sts

-Sts write the words individually on the blackboard

1. television

2. newspaper

3. radio

4. magazine

5. video

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs.

- Do the work orally in front of the class.

- Listen and copy down.

- Listen and then copy down

-Listen and repeat.

- Some sts stand up and read these word aloud.

- Others listen.

- Self-correct.

- Work in pairs to read the programmes and do the task.

- Share their answers with their friends.

- Some sts present their answes:

1 – c;2 – a;3 – d;4 – b

- Others listen.

- Work individually

1. T2. T

3. F ( The Nature of Language ison VTV3.)

4. T

5. F (VTV1 starts at 5:35 and the last programme starts at 23:30

- Others listen and check.

- Work in pairs.

- Some pairs stand up and ask and answer:

1. There are five films on.

2. At 9:00 a.m, 12:00 at noon, 7:00p.m, 11:00p.m on VTV1 and 7:00p.m on VTV3.

3. VTV2

4. The Quiz Show.

5. (You should watch) VTV1


- Work in pairs.

- Some sts talk in front of the whole class.

- Others listen.

- Listen and self-correct.






Date of teaching

Students absence









- Students know about the differences and similarities of some popular types of the mass media.

II. Skill:

- Speaking about different types of the mass media.

- Discussing about the features the types of themass media have in common and the main features each of themhas.

III. Teaching aids:

Textbook, chalk, board.

IV. Procedures:



Students’ activities






1. Homework checking

- Ask one st. to talk about the TV programme they like watching best.

2. Before you speak

Aims: Sts distinguish the different types of the mass media from the others.

- Introduce some new words:

+ 'orally ( adv ): spoken by mouth

+ 'aurally ( adv ) : seen by eyes

+ 'visually ( adv ): heard by ears

- Ask sts to read the new words orally.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to work in pairs and decide which items are types of the mass media.

- Ask stsabout the definition of the mass media:

Mass media ( take a singular or plural verb) : communication media in general- all of the communication media that reach a large audience, especially television, radio and newspapers.

- Call on some sts to explain their answers in front of the class.

- Give sts correct answers.

3. While you speak

Aims: Sts compare the features of the types of the mass media.

+ Task 2: Work out what features the types of the mass media have in common and what main features each of them has. Ask sts to use the cues below.

- Ask sts to read some phrases:



provideinformation and entertainment



- Give sts the meaning of those words if they don’t know.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and carry out the activity using the cues in the book.

- Go around the class and help sts if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to explain their answer in front of the class.

- Ask sts to look at the information above and talk about the different types of mass media.

eg.The common feature of the mass media is that they all provide information and entertainment.

Television provides information and entertainment orally and visually, and we receive them through our eyes and ears.


4. After you speak

Aims: Talking about the different types of the mass media.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to work in groups and answer the following questions:

+What are the different types of the mass media?

+ What features do they have in common?

+ What are their distinctive( own) features?

- Ask sts some more questions :

Which types of the mass media do you usually get information from?

Which one do you like most? Why?

- Go around to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some sts to answer and give correct answers.

5. Homework:

- Write a paragraph ( about 50 words) about the featuresof the types of mass media.

- One student talk about the TV programme they like best.

- Write the new words and read themaloud.

- Work in pairs

- Listen and take notes.

- Some sts give their answer in front of the class.

1. Television

2. Radio

3. Newspapers

4. The Internet

- Read after the teacher and ask the meaning if they don’t know.

- Work in pairs to discuss some popular types of the mass media.

- Some sts give the answers in front of the class.

+ The mass media:

- Provide information and entertainment

+ The radio:

- Present information and entertainment orally (through mouth)

- Receive information aurally(through ears)


- Work in groups to answer the questions in the book.

S1: Television, radio, newspapers, the Internet.

S2: Provide/ deliver information and entertainment.

S3: TV presents information and entertainment orally and visually while radio provides ...........

- Some sts answer:

I like TV most because I can watch films and performance on it/ I prefer newspapers because I can choose to read them whenever I have free time, and I can also choose to read only what I’m interested in.







Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Sts understand 2 news stories on the radio and di the exercises.

II. Skill:- Listening: tick on the word they heard, fill in the gaps, answer the questions

- Speaking: Retell the stories

III. Teaching aids:

- Textbook , tape

IV. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities





1. Before you listen:

Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text.

+ Pairwork:

- Ask sts to work in pairss and asks each other the following questions.
- How often do you listen to the radio?

- Which program do you like listening to?

- Do you like listening to strange stories?

- Ask some sts to give their answer.

+ New words

+ Mount (n): e.g.: Mount Everest

+ in spite of + N (phr): = despite + N = Although + Clause

- Give some examples

- Read the words asks sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

2. While you listen:

+ Task 1: (7 mins)

Aims: Practise listening and tick the word they hear.

- Tell sts that they are going to listen to two news stories and the words will appear in the stories

- Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the words given and guess what the news stories about.

- Ask sts to listen to the news and tick the right column to indicate which words appear in which stories

- Play the tape twice and ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2: (8 mins)

Aims: Practise listening for specific information by filling in the gaps.

- Ask sts to have a look at the stories in the textbook and read them in pairs and make sure they understand them. T encourages sts to guess the words/ phrases to fill in the gaps.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape once or twice again to fill in the gaps with the missing words/phrases.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 3 (7 mins)

Aims: Practice listening for specific information by answering given questions.

- Ask sts to read the questions in pairs and make sure they understand the questions and know what information they need to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape once/twice and take short notes to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

- Listen and check.

3. After you listen:

- Ask sts to work in pairs and each retell one news story.

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask two sts to present in front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

4. Homework:

Write a short paragraph about a news story they have just heard on the radio or TV

- Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions

- Some sts stand up and give their answer.

- Copy the words and phrases.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the tapeand do the task

- Compare their answer.

- Give their answer.

News story 1: strong, cloudy.

News story 2: healthy, young, highest, wonderful

- Check their answer, say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Work in pairs to read the passages and try to fill in the gaps.

- Listen and do the task.

- Give their answer.

News story 1

1. has caused floods

2. has left their homes

3. have risen

4. two metres

5. has stopped

6. cloudy

7. strong wind

News story 2

1. twenty third     2. 4,418

3. California         4. wonderful

5. young and healthy

- Check their answer, say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Work in pairs to read the questions.

- Listen and do the task.

- Compare their notes.

- Some sts answer the questions:

1. Heavy rain has caused floods all over the country.

2. Because the rivers have risen.

3. (The old lady has climbed Mount Whitney) 23 times.

4. Because it has kept her young and healthy.

- Check their answer, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

Two sts present.






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students can write a paragraph about advantages and disadvantages of television and other types of mass media.

II. Skills:

- Writing: write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of the mass media.

III. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

IV. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities






1. Homework checking :

- Ask one st to talk about one of the news stories that he/she is interested in.

- Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

2. Before you write:

- Aims:to getsts toread about the advantages and disadvantages of television andto help sts to prepare vocabulary and information before theywrite.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to read the advantages and disadvantages of television.

- Explain some new words:

+ 'memorable (adj) : easy to remember

+ en'joyable (adj) : pleasant

+ popu'larity (n) : the noun of " popular"

+ be a'ware of (v) : realize

+ brain (n) : part of the body inside the head

+ 'violent (adj) : fighting, killing, etc.

+ inter'fere with (v) : get in the way of something

- Ask sts listen to the teacher and repeat , then write these words into their notebooks.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to read about the advantages and disadvantages of television.

- Make sure that sts know what " advantage" and "disadvantage" are.

- Ask sts to pay attention to the basic structures used in the table.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask sts some questions to make sure that they understand all the advantages and disadvantages of television.

What are the (dis)advantages of television?

- Listen and give remarks.

+ Task 2:

- Divide the whole class into three groups and ask each pair in group 1 to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of radio, each pair in group 2 discuss those of newspapers, and each pair in group 3 discuss those of the internet.

- Ask sts to work in 7 minutes.

- Move round to help if necessary and then ask them to share their ideas with other pairs.

- Ask three three sts to present their ideas.

- Ask other sts to give remarks.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practise writing a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media.

- Ask sts to write a paragraph about the advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media they have discussed in task 2.

- Let sts write in 8 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4. After you write:

- Get feedback by asking three sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

- If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks

5. Homework:

- Write a paragraph about another types of mass media.

- Listen to their friend and give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher carefully.

- Copy these words into theit notebooks.

- Listen to the teacher and then read these words in chorus and individually.

- Read the table in pairs.

- Structures:

+ help/encourage someone to do something: help us to learn, encourage us to buy...

+ make someone/ something + adjective: make things memorable, make us aware of, make us passive, make people violent...

S: Television helps us to learn more .............

- Work in pairs to discuss.

- Some sts stand up to give their ideas.


+ Advantages:

- It helps us to get updated news and infofmation.

- It helps us to listen to music, dramas, etc.

- It is not harmful to people's eyes.

+ Disadvantages:

- It is rather boring because we can't see anything.

- The programmes are not very vivid, there are no games and films, etc.

- Listen to the teacher and take notes.

- Do the writing task.

- Read their writing: ( a sample paragraph)

"The Internet is now the largest source of information and entertainment for people. Firstly, you can get a lot of information about any places in the world. The Internet provides you with the latest changes in the markets such as the increase or decrease in the price of gold or oil. You canrelax by watching films or football matches, listening to music on-line or chatting to friends or relatives living thousands kilometres away. However, the Internet can be dangerous because you can be exposed to harmful websites, for example, the websites containing violent scenes. Moreover, chatting or playing games online can take you a lot of time. In short, the Internet can be good or bad so you should know how to use it properly."






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students know how to pronounce the sound / ei/, /ai/ and /oi/ correctly.

- Students revise the present perfect and because of and in spite of.

II.Languge focus:

- The present perfect tense.

- Because ofand in spite of.

III. Skill: : Pronunciation and grammar:

- Work in pairs to discuss the exercises.

- Read words and sentences aloud.

- Read the sentences silently to do the exercises.

IV. Teaching aids: -board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to tell the whole classthe advantages and disadvantages of one of the mass media.

- Ask another st to give remarks.

- Check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation

- Aims: to introduce three sounds /ei/,/ai/ and /oi/and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write three sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 79 in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound /ei/, /ai/ and /oi/ .

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar:

Aims: to revise the present perfect and "because of" and "in spite of"and have sts do Ex1, EX 2 and EX3.

a. The present perfect tense:

- Give two examples:

eg: I've known her for five years.

We have been here since 7.00 a.m.

- Ask sts to think about the use of the present perfect in these sentences.

- Ask one st to report and recall the use of since and for.

b. Present the use of because ofandin spite of through some examples.

Eg1: Because of being ill Mary didn't go to school.

In spite of being ill Tom went to school.

Eg2: Because of the rain we stopped playing football.

In spite of the rain they continued playing football.

- Ask sts to think about the use of because of and in spite of in these sentences.

- Ask some sts to report.

- Distinguish because of from because and in spite of from although.

- Ask some sts to give examples.

+ Exercise 1:

- Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to do the task.

- Ask sts to do the exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Check the exercise sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

+ Exercise 2:

- Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask two sts to do this exercise on the board.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

+ Exercise 3:

- Ask sts to read the requirement of Ex3 and then do the task in pairs.

- Go round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some pairs to read sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

5. Homework

- Part B ( Page 42 - Workbook)

- One st speaks aloud in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down three sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.






- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:







- Read the examples.

+ The present perfect:

"How long an action has lasted up to the present."

- Listen to the Tattentively and take notes.

+ because of+ N/NP, V-ing

in spite of

+ Because ofis used as a preposition to express thereason.

+ In spite of is used as a preposition to express a concession.

- Listen to the teacher attentively and take notes if necessary.

- Do the task individually and then share their ideas with their friends.

EX 1:

1. have been2. has lived3. have met4. have done 5. have had6. have taken7. have watched.

- Listen and correct their work if necessary.

- Do the Ex individually.

EX 2:

1. since2. ago3. for4. for5. since6. for7. ago8. ago9. since10. since

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the requirement carefully.

- Do Ex 3.

1. c, f2. b. d3. a , e

4. h.j5. i, g.

