Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 15: Cities mới nhất



I. Objectives:

1. Education aims: - Students know more about New York City.

2. Knowledge:

a. General knowledge: - Knowledge about New York City.

b. Language: - The passive.

- Vocabulary used to describe a city.

3. Skills: - Speaking: talk in pairs and in groups.

-Reading comprehension: better sts' reading skill through guessing words' meanings in contexts, finding specific information.

II. Anticipated problems:

- Students may not have much knowledge about New York City.

III. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk, some pictures.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Warm-up:(3 mins)

- Ask sts some questions so that they can find out which city they are reading about.

What is the largest city in the USA?

Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

- Introduce the topic of the lesson.

2. Before you read:( 12 mins)

Aims: To introduce the topic and provide sts with words/phrases about New York City.

a. Answering questions:

- Ask sts to look at the pictures of some well-known places in New York and then ask them some questions:

Do you know these places?

What are they?

- Encourage sts to answer freely.

- Guide sts to read the names of these places aloud.

- Ask them to match the names to the pictures.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in Before you read.

- Go round to help if necessary.

- Ask some sts to give answers.

-Listen and check. Sts may give different answers. b.Vocabulary.

- Provide sts with the new words/phrases:

+ lo'cate (v): định vị

+ 'harbour (n): hải cảng

+ 'global (a): belong to globe

+ 'finance (n):tài chính

+ 'business (n):kinh doanh

+' characterise(v): đặc điểm

- Read each word/phrase 3 times and ask sts to repeat it.

- Leave sts 1 minute to self-practice.

- Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class( 1 st/ 1 time)

- Listen and help sts to read the words/phrases correctly.

3. While you read:( 20 mins)

Aims: Read and guess the meanings of the words from contexts, and find specific information.

+ Task 1: Matching:

- Ask sts to read the passage independently then read the words in column A as well as the definitions given in column B and scan the passage to match.

- Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them try to guess the meanings of the words incontexts of the reading text.

- Ask sts to share their answers with their partners.

- Call on 5 sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Get feedback and give remarks.

+ Task 2: True or False.

- Ask sts to read the sentences in task 2 first, and focus their attention on key words.

- Ask sts to read the passage independently and then decide whether the statements are true or false.

- Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them to try to scan the information as fast as possible.

- Move round to help and ask sts to share their ideas and correct the false sentences.

- Call on 5 sts to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Feedback and give remarks.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to read the passage again and work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.

- Move around to help.

- Ask sts to share the answers with their friends

- Ask 5 pairs to give answers.

- Listen and check.

4. After you read:( 9 mins)

Aims: to test sts' understanding about the reading passage.

- Ask sts to work in groups of three or four to discuss two questions.

If you could visit New York, which place(s) of interest there would you like to see?

Why?/ Why not?

- Go round to help sts with their work.

- Some presentatives of the groups are required to report in front ofthe class.

- Listen and help sts to give correct answers.

5. Homework:( 1 min)

- Write a paragraph to answer the questions inAfter you read.

- Listen to the T and find the answer.

S1: New York City is the largest city in the USA.

S2: It is situated in New York.

- Listen to the T.

- Look at the pictures and answer the T.

Ss: Yes, we know.

S1: No 1 is the Empire State Building.

S2: No 2 is the United Nations Headquarters.


- Work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Give answers orally.

1. It is in the northeast of the USA.

2. Sts' answer.


- Others listen

- Listen and read after the T.

- Write down these words into their notebooks.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read these words and check for their partner.

- Read the words aloud.

- Listen to the T.

- Work individually.

- Report their answers one by one.

1. - d2 - c3-e

4- a5 - b

- Listen to the T

- Read the sentences first and try to focus on the key words.

- Read the passage again and do the task.

- Share their ideas with their friends.

- Report their answers sentence by sentence.

1. T

2. F. It is ice-free in all seasons.

3. T. It is on the Hudson & Passaic River.

4. T

5. T

- Listen to the T

- Read the passage again and work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Present their ideas:

1. It's in the southeastern part of New York state.

2. 7 million in the city and 19 million in the metropolitan region.

3. Because it was founded by the Dutch.


- Listen to their friends and the T.

- Work in groups orally.

- Some sts report.

- Listen to the T.

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Bài Cities




1. Education aims:- Students know about diferent cities.

2. Knowledge:

a. General knowledge:- Students can talk about the differences between London and New York.

b. Language:- The comparative structures.

- Vocabularyto describe a city.

3. Skills: - Asking and answering questions aboutthe two cities.

- Making the comparisions between London and New York.

- Talking about the preferences and explain the reasons.

II. Anticipated problems:

Sts might have problem using the comparative form of short vs long adjectives fluently.

III. Teaching aids:Textbook, chalk, board, handouts.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

1. Warm- up: (5 minutes)

Aims : get used to the topic.

- Divide the class into 2 big groups and introduce the quiz: T is going to read out the questions about Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Sts need to listen and give the answers quickly.

- The quiz:

1. Which city is larger in area- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

2. Which city has a bigger population- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

3. Which city is older- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

4. Which city was known by more names through history- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

5. Which city has more districts- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

6. Which city is closer to the sea- Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City?

2. Before you speak: (8 minutes)

Aims: : focus sts. on the topic and introduce the words and grammar used in the task.

+ Task 1: Complete each question in A with a suitable word in B

- Ask S to do the task individually.

- Ask some S to go and write their answers on the board.

- Get feedback.

3. While you speak: (20 minutes)

Aims: Sts can ask and asnwer about the two cities .

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to work in pairs: One S read the infformation about New York city and the other about London, then ask and asnwer about the cities

- In their pairs, Ss will take turn to ask and answer about New York and London using the questionsin Task 1.

- Go around to check and offerhelp.

- Ask sts to share their answers with other pairs.

- Call on some pairs to perform in front of the class and give feedback.

- Listen and give remarks.

+ Task 3:

- Introduce the task: S are going to work in pairs again and compare the two cities they have just asked and answerabout.

- Call on two students to read aloud the model conversation in the textbook.

- Pay attention to the words and phrases printed in bold and review the comparative forms of Adjs and nouns:

a Equal Comparison

+ Structure:

S + V + as adj / adv as +

S+Modal V/Aux V/Be



- Equal comparison of nouns:

......... as+ many/ few+ countable N+ as much/ little+ uncountable N+ as

Eg.: as many parks as/ as much money as

b Comparative form:

+ Structure:

S+V+ comparative adj /adv +than+

S + Modal V/Aux V/Be



- Comparative nouns: more + count/ uncount -N

E.g: more buildings, more money

- Ask S to work in pairs to compare the two cities, basing on the model conversation.

- Go around to help Sts.

- Ask some Sts to perform in front of the class.

4. After you speak: (10 minutes)

Aim:S can talk about the preferences and give the reasons.

+ Task 4:

- Introduce the task: S are going to work in groups to talk about their preferences and to give reasons to back up their opinions.

- Ask S to draw this table and take notes of their friends’ opinions .


City preferred


- Go around to observe and offer help if necessary.

- Call some S to report theirfindings.

- Give corrective feedback.

5. Homework: (2 minutes )

Write a paragraph about New York and London.ththth

- Work in groups and find the answersquickly.

1. Ho CHi Minh City. ( Area of HCM: 2,095 km2, Hanoi: 921 km20

2. Ho Chi Minh City. ( pop. Of HCM: 6. 2 milion, Hanoi: 3 milion)

3. Hanoi ( founded in 1010)

4. Hanoi

5. Ho Chi Minh City

6. Ho Chi Minh City

- Listen to the T

- Work individually.

- Some S write on board

- Answers:

1-d2- f3- a-e

4-a-e5- b-c6- c-b.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer.

S1: Do you know when NY was founded?

S2:It was founded in 1624. And what about London?

S1:It was founded in 43AD. Ans what is the population of New York?

S2: 7 milion. What about London?

S1:7 milion, too. What’s the area of New York?

S2:It covers an area of 946 km2. And how large is London?



- Read the model aloud.

- Pay attention to the words/ phrases in bold.

- Listen to the T and take notes.

- Work in pairs.

- Compare the two cities.

- Somepairs present in front of the clas

- Work in groups to listen and take notes their opinions into the table.

- some sts present:

E.g.:Hoa prefers New York to London because people are friendlier and opener. Binh prefers living in London because there are more high buildings but Nga prefers working in London because there are more holidays ……

Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Bài Cities



1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should appreciate a wonderful work of the French, the Statue of Liberty.

2.Lexical items

-General knowledge: ss get the specific information about the Statue of Liberty.

-Language: words related to the Statue of Liberty

3.Skills:Listen for specific information

4.Teaching aids:pictures of the Statue of Liberty, some pictures of some famous cities, posters, textbook

Teacher’s Activities

Students’ Activities

Warm up: (3minutes) Matching:

- Use a poster: Match the names of the cities in column A with the names of the countries in column B

- Correct

* Pre-listening (6minutes)

- Get Ss to work in pairs to answer 6 Qs in textbook

1.It is the Statue of Liberty

2.It is the Statue of a woman /It is tall/ It is big

3.It got a crown in her head

4.It’s got a tablet in her left hand

5.It’s holding a burning torch

6.It’s wearing a robe

* While-listening (23minutes)

+ Task 1.

- Explain the instruction and has Ss read the task quickly in 1 minute before listening

- Play the tape twice

- Listen to Ss’answers(from 1-5) and get Ss to listen the last time to make sure that they can correct their answers by themselves.

Answer key:

1.B2. A3. B4. A5. C

+ Task 2

- Explain the instruction

- Get Ss to read quickly Task 2 in 1 minute

- Play the tape twice

- Ask Ss what they have heard.

- Listen to Ss’answers

- Play the tape the last time to make sure that Ss can fill in the table enough with correct information

Answer key

Liberty Enlightening the World

46 meters

205 tons

Copper (outside) and iron (frame)

(Made of) stone and concrete

9.30 a.m to 5 p.m daily (everyday) except Christmas Day

* Post- listening (13minutes)

- Divide the class into 2 groups

- Have Ss sit in groups of six and retell their friends what they have learnt about the Statue of Liberty, using the information in the table.

- Go around to help students

- Get 2 representatives of 2groups to present their talks

- Give feedback


-Review the lesson

Write a paragraph (about 50 words) about the Statue of Liberty

- Go to the board and match the words

Ss’answers may vary

- Read the task quickly

- Listen and choose the correct answers

- Give their answers

- Listen again to correct their answers

-Listen to teacher’s explanation

- Read the task quickly

- Listen to the tape and fill in the table

- Give their answers

- Listen to the tape and correct the answers

- Work in groups

- 2 Ss present their talks in front of class- Other Ss listen to their friends’ presentation



Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Bài Cities



1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph describing a city.

2. Lexical items

- Grammar :+ Defining and non defining relative clauses

+ Simple present, simple past.

- Vocabulary :Some new words related to the topic

3. Skills: Writing a short paragraph to describe the city which students know well.

4. Teaching aids:pictures, posters, textbook


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm up : (3’)

- ask some questions

1. What do you know about London?

2. Do you like it? Give reason(s)

II. Pre - writing : (15’)

- ask students to look at the pictures in the texbook

- ask students to read paragraph in silence.

- goes around class to help students

- explains some structures when describing a city

+ (be) situated

+ cover an area of

+ (be) founded by

+ (be) famous for

+ The best thing about …… is ……

- Ask Ss to answer the questions.

- Gives feedback

- Answers

1. In southern English, on river Thames

2. It covers an are a of 1,610 square kilometres

3. 7 million

4. It is a capital city

5. It was founded by the roman in 43AD

6. It is famous for many things : such as St paul’s cathedral and the houses of parliament, its museums and its many shops

7. The best thing about London is the park

III. While - writing : (15’)

- Elicit some famous cities

Give cues

* HCM city : - Population – about 8 million people

- Area : 2,092 square km

- Founded : 1968

- Famous : BenThanh market, Duc Ba church.

* CanTho : - Population - about 2 million people

- Area : 2,964 square km

- Founded : 2004

- Famous : Ninh Kieu pier, Can Tho port .

- ask students some questions about each of them (questions in task 1)

- ask Ss to write a paragraph to describe one of the above cities (based on Qs in task 1) by using posters.

- Go around class to help students

- ask groups of ss to exchange their writings

- go around to help them if necessary

- ask 1 Ss in each group to stick the posters on the board

IV. Post - writing : (11’)

- correct mistakes

- T & ss work together

V. Homework : (1’)

- ask students to write a short paragraph about the province of Ben Tre



- Work in groups, discuss, and answer the questions in task 1

- Give the name of some famous cities in Viet Nam

- work in groups to write about a city of their interest

- exchange their writings and correct them each other

- correct

- do the work at home.



Giáo án môn Tiếng Anh lớp 10 Bài Cities



1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to pronounce two sounds /θ/,/ ð / correctly; use “ Non- defining and defining Relative Clauses” and “ Although” correctly

2.Lexical items-pronunciation: /θ/,/ ð /

- Non- defining and defining relative clauses


3.Teaching aids:pictures, posters, textbook


Teacher sactivities


Warm up.(3 mns)

- Shows a picture of Toms family(3 brothers).

- Asks:How many people are there inToms family?

-How many brothers are there in Toms family?

-Writes this sentence on the blackboard.

There are three brothers in Toms family.


Ex: There are three brothers in Toms family.

/θ// ð /

- asks students to read this sentence in chorus.

- ask them to pronounce two sounds:

- describe how to pronounce the two sounds clearly.

Activity 1:

Ask students to open their books page 164.

Ask them to listen and and repeat thewords.

- ask students to practise inpairs

- get some students to pronounce these words individually before the class

Activity 2

-Practise the sentences.

(These sentences are written on a poster)

-ask students to listen and repeat

-get some ss to go to the blackboard and use two kinds of coloured chalk to underline the words pronounced /θ/,/ ð /

-Teacher conduct correction

-Get ss to practise 3 minutes.

-Get some ss to read these sentences individually.

-Correct their mistakes.

-Get students to read these sentences in chorus again


A. Exercise 1

Non-defining and defining relative clauses.

Relative pronouns: which, who, whom, whose, that.

Activity 1:

-Show a picture of New York Harbour (textbook)

Asks: What is it?.

*Says: New York Harbour, which is ice-free in

all seasons, is one of the largest and finest harbours in the world.

- Write this sentence on the blackboard

- explain the grammar note.

Gives another example.

*The man who lives next door is very friendly.


@ Note

“That” is not used innon-definingrelative clauses

Activity 2.

Do exercise 1:

-Give the instruction.

-Ask students to work individually

-Get ss to correct in pairs.

-Get some students to do this exercise before the class.


B.Exercise 2

Connecting contrasting ideas: Although.

Activity 1


-Give an example

-Ask questions: It ……

What are they doing?

-Say: Although it is raining,they’re still playing football.SV

-Write this sentence on the b.b


-Ask students to look at the example in their textbooks

-analyse and explain

@ notes

_Although = Even though= Though

ex:Though it is raining, they’re still playing football.

Activity 2.

Do exercise 2

-Give the instruction

-Ask students to work individually

-get them to correct in pairs



-Review the lesson

-do the exercise again.

-five people

three brothers

-read in chorus.

-pronounce the sounds in chorus

repeat after the teacher(3 times)

pratise in pairs


-Repeat in chorus.



-Read in chorus.

-Answer: It is New York Harbour

-Copy down

-Write down

“who lives next door” is relative clause


-Correct in pairs

- Answer:

It is raining

They are playing football

-Copy down

-Take notes

-Work individually

-Correct in pairs.

Do the exercises again

