Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 11: National Parks mới nhất




Date of teaching

Students absence





I. Objectives:

- Students improve their knowledge about national parks .

II. language focus:

1 . Grammar:-Conditional sentence: type .

2. Vocabulary:- Vocabulary concerning natural environment and conservation.

III. Skill:

-Reading comprehension: better sts' reading skill through finding the word in the passage that best suits each of the definitions and answering questions.

IV. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities





1. Before you read:

Aims:to repare information and vocabularies for the topic.

- Ask sts to answer the question:

Can you name some national parks in Vietnam and in the world?

- Ask some sts to answer the question.

- Listen and give remarks.

- Introduce the reading text and provide sts with new words/phrases.

+ lo'cate(v): = to place(cã vÞ trÝ)

+ 'butterfly(n): an insect with very big wings that can fly(con b­ím)

+ e'stablish(v): = to make/ build( thiÕt lËp)

+ hike(v): to walk for health

+sur'vive(v): to be alive after accident( sèng sãt )..... ó survival(n)

+ 'orphan(v): to be made parentless(må c«i)ó orphanage(n)

+ Sub-tropical(Adj): cËn nhiÖt ®íi

+ 'wilderness(n): = wild place( n¬i/ sù hoang d·)

+ contami'nation(n) ó contaminate(v): to make something dirty/ polluted.

- Read each word/phrase 3 times and ask sts to repeat it.

- Leave sts 1 minute to self-practise reading the words.

- Ask 4-5 sts to read all the word/phrases aloud in front of the class

- Listen and help sts to read the words/phrases correctly.

2. While you read:

Aims: Read the passage for information to do the tasks.

+ Set the scene:

- You are going to read the passages about The National Parks. Read them and then do the tasks that follow.

+ Task 1:Fill in each space with a suitable from the passages.

- Ask sts to read the passages and do task 1.

- Explain more about the definitions if necessary.

-Sts are required to compare their results with their partners.

- 5sts are required to do the task orally in front of the class (1 st/ 1 time).

- Listen and help sts to do the task correctly.

+ Task 2: Answering Questions:

- Ask sts to work in pairs to read the passages again and answer the questions in task 2.

- Require sts to underline the information from the passages that supports the answers.

- Required sts to compare their answers with another pair.

- Ask 6 - 7 sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class (1 st/1 time).

- Listen and give remarks.

3. After you read:

Aims: to give the summary of the passage.

- Sts are required to work in groups to give reasons for their choice from one of the three national parks in the reading passages.

- One representative is required to give their talk orally in front of the class

- Listen and help the students to do their task well.

4. Homework:

- Complete the talk in written form.

- Listen and think of the question.

- Some sts answer:

Cuc Phuong National Park

Bach Ma national Park.

Nairobi National Park.

Alaska National Park.

- Listen and then copy down

- Listen and repeat.

- Read silently to self-practise.

- Some sts read these words aloud and others listen.

- Self-correct.

- Read the passages and do the task.

- Compare their results with their parners.

- Present their answer:

2. contain

3. species

4. survival

5. sub-tropical

6. contamination

- Listen to the T and correct if necessary.

- Work in pairs to read the passages again and to ask and answer.

- Underline the information from the passages.

- Share their answer with other sts.

- Some pairs report:

1.200 square km:

2. Because the rainy season is over.

3. They can learn about the habits of animals and how one species is dependent upon another for survival.

4. In the orphanage, orphaned and/ or abandoned animals are taken care of.

Everglades National Park is endangered because of the toxic levels of chemicals in the water

5. If more chemicals are released into the water, plans and animals will die/ be killed/ destroyed.

- Work in groups to talk about their choice.

- Present his/her ideas.

- Others listen






Date of teaching

Students absence






- Students know about an excursion to Huong Pagoda.

- Students can talk about an excursion and express their regrets.

Skills:- Matching sentences in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B.

- Talking about an excursion.

- Expressing the regrets.

III. Teaching aids:

Textbook, chalk, board.



Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm-up:

- Ask sts the questions:

- Have you have ever had a camping trip?

- Tell me what you prepared for that trip?

- Ask one or two sts. to answer.

2. Before you speak:

Aims:tofocus sts. on the topic and introduce the words and phrases used in the task.

+ Task 1: Matching

Last week Nga’s class went on an excursion to Huong Pagoda. Unfortunately, the excursion turned out to be a disaster. Most of the things they did went wrong. You are required to match the thing in column A with the coresponding consequences in column B .

- Ask sts to read through the sentences in the two columns.

- Give sts some new words or expressions:

+ food poisoning: ngộ độc thực phẩm

+ fine (n ): cash paid as punishment

+ get lost: unable to find way+ carsick( adj ): feeling sick because of a car’s movement

- Ask sts to read the new words orally and individualy.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to do the task.

- Go around to observe sts working.

- Check sts ‘s answers by calling on some sts to read out things in A and some others to read out the corresponding consequences in B.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. While you speak:

Aims: Sts can talk about their excursion to Huong Pagoda and express their regrets.

+ Task 2:

Imagine that you are Nga’s classmates and you are not happy with the excursion to Huong Pagoda. Now you are talking with some friends about what you wish you had or hadn’t done.

- Before sts do the task, T asks sts to read the examples in the textbook and recall what grammatical structure is used in the example.

- Revise the conditional sentence type 3 by giving an example:

+ Eg: If I had had money, I would have bought this car. ( But I didn’t have money and so I didn’t buy it.)

- Ask sts to look at the example and tell the T the form as well as the form of the conditional sentence type 3.

- Ask sts to work in groups.

- Go around to help sts.

- Ask sts to compare their answers with another group.

- Call on some sts to speak out their answers in front of the class.

- Listen to sts and give remarks.

4. After you speak:

Aims: Sts practise telling about an excursion to Huong Pagoda and expressing the regrets.

+ Task 3:

You are Nga. You are going to work in pairs. Tell your partner about yourclass’s excursion to Huong Pagoda and express your regrets about what you did or didn’t do during the excursion.

- Ask sts to work in pairs using the third conditional to do the task.

- Go around to observe, offering help and collecting mistakes.

- Ask one or more sts to tell about their excursion in front of the class and give remarks.

5. Homework:( 1 min)

- Write down what they have discussed in task 3.

- Some sts answer:

Yes, ew have.

We prepared food, drinks, tents, cameras …..

- Listen to the T.

- Read the sentences and find some new words.

- Listen and copy down these words into their notebooks.

- Read the new words.

- Work in pairs.

- Read the answers aloud.

1- f2- e3- h4- g

5- b6- c7- a8- d

- Listen to the T.

- Read the examples and listen to the T.

- Look at the example and tell the whole class the form and the use:


If + S + past perfect, S + would/ could +have + P II.

+Use: The third conditional is used to talk unreal situations in the past.

- Work in groups.

- Compare the answers with others.

2. If we had brought enough food and drinks we wouldn’t have spent a lot of money eating in expensive restaurants.

3. If some of us hadn’t had food poisoning we could have enjoyed our visit.

4. If we had had rain coats, we wouldn’t have got wet and have got a cold.

5. If some of us hadn’t left our luggage on the coach when we arrived, we could have had clothes and money with us.

6. If we had been careful when walking in Huong Pagoda, we wouldn’t have got lost.

7. If we hadn’t thrown wast in the forest, we wouldn’t have got a fine.

8. If we had stayed there more than one day, we could have visited all the pagodas.

- Listen to the T.

- Work in pairs.

- Some sts tell about their excursion in front of the class.






Date of teaching

Students absence





I. Objectives:- Sts get:

- more information about Cuc Phuong National Park.

- Some set expressions

- Vocabulary on nature

II. Skill:- Listening: fill in the gaps, answer questions

- Speaking: - Discuss the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park.

III. Teaching aids:

- Tape, cassette, textbook, chalk, board.

IV. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to tell the whole class about his/her class excursion to Huong Pagoda and express his/her regrets about what he/she did or did not do during the excursion.

- Listen and give remarks

- Listen to their friend and give remarks





2. Before you listen:

Aims:tofocus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text.

a. Divide sts into small groups and ask them to discussthe following questions:

a.Where is Cuc Phuong National Park?

b. What is the area of the rainforest in Cuc Phuong National Park?

c. When is the best time to visit Cuc Phuong National Park?

d. What can be seen in Cuc Phuong National Park?

- Ask some sts to give their answer.

b. Introduce the topic of the listening text.

- Introduce some new words/ expressions

- o'fficially (adv): formally

- span (v):connect.

- 'fauna (n): all the animals of an area.

- f'lora (v): all the plants of a particular area

- a'ttack(n): a violent attempt to hurt sb

- de'feat(v): win sb

- in'vader: (n) The French and Americans were invaders.

- 'ethnic mi'nority (n): The Tay, Nung, Dao .....

- Read the words again and asks sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

3. While you listen:

+ Task 1:

Aims: Practise listening and filling in the gaps.

- Introduce sts that they are going to listen to the tape about Cuc Phuong National Park and they have to fill in the gaps in each sentence given

- Ask sts to read the sentences in pairs and make sure that they understand them. Sts try to guess the missing information.

- Play the tape twice and ask sts to fill in the gaps.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Checks sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2

Aims: Practise listening and Answering questions.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape again and answer the given questions.

- Ask sts to read the questions to see if they understand them.

- Play the tape once and ask sts note down the neccessary information.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

4. After you listen:

- Ask sts to work in groups and use the information in Task 1 and 2 and the reading text to disscus the following problems:

- Time founded

- Area, location

- Numbers of visitors

- Historical event

- Local people.

-Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask one or two sts to present in front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

5. Homework:

Write a short paragraph about Cuc Phuong National Park

- Work in groups and discuss the questions.

One st from each group stands up and gives their answer..

- Copy down the words and phrases into their notebooks.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud.

- Listen to the T.

- Read the statements in pairs and try to guess the missing information.

- Listen to the tape and do the task

- Compare their answer.

- Give their answer.

1. 1960

2. 160 km south west of

3. 100,000 visitors

4. 2,000; 450

5. Quen Voi

- Check their answer say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Listen to the T.

- Read the questions in pairs and try to do the task.

- Listen to the tapeand do the task.

- Compare their answer.

- Give their answer.

1. It covers 3 provinces: Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh, and Thanh Hoa.

2. It is about 160 km.

3. They come to see the work being done to protect endanger species.

4. Nguyen Hue defeated the Qing invaders in the spring of 1789

5. They live mainly on bee keeping and farming.

- Check their answer say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

-Work in groups to discuss.

- One/ two sts present.






Date of teaching

Students absence





I. Objectives:

- Students can write a letter of acceptance or refusal.

II. Skill:

- Writing: write a letter of acceptance or refusal.

III. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

IV. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking :

- Ask one st to talk about the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park.

- Ask other sts to listen to their friend and give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

2. Before you write:

- Aims: to getsts to read the expressions in the table and to do task 1 and task 2.

+ Task 1:

- Introduce the topic of the lesson: Write a letter of acceptance or refusal.

- Introduce some new words:

+ a'cceptance (n): the noun of "accept"

+re'fusal (n) : the noun of " refuse"

+ dec'line (v) : refuse sth offered ( politely)

- Ask sts to listen and repeat and then copy down these words into their notebooks.

- Ask sts to read the expressions in the table in 2 minutes .

- Remind sts of three invitation letters that they have already read in Unit 10 and ask them to work in pairs to complete three reply letters by using the expressions in the table.

- Ask sts to do in 3 minutes and move around to help if necessary.

- Get feedback and give remarks.

+ Task 2:

- Remind sts of the letter Nam wrote to Lam to invite Lam to spend a weekend with him. And now Lam write a letter accepting Nam's invitation.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to rearrange the sentences into a letter.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Get feedback and give remarks.

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practise writing aletter of acceptance or refusal.

- Ask sts to read the requirement of task 3.

- Ask them to write a letter accepting or declining his/her friend's invitation.

- Ask them to pay attention to the structure of a letter: greeting, organisation ( introduction, body...)

- Suggest that they use letters in task 1 and task 2 as sample letters.

- Let sts write in 13 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4. After you write:

Aims: to get feedback and check sts' work.

- Get feedback by asking some sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

- If there is enough time, T can have sts exchange their writing among sts within a group so that they can check their friend's work and give remarks

5. Homework:

- Part D (page 68- workbook).

- Listen to their friend and give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher carefully.

- Copy down the words into theit notebooks.

- Do the task in pairs.

- Share their answer with their friends.

- Present their ideas.

1. Accepting: Yes, I'd like/love to.

2. Refusing: I'm afraid I can't come because

3. Accepting: I'd be delighted to.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs to rearrange the sentences into a letter.

- Present their ideas:

1.d2. e3. c

4. a5. f6. b

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the requirement.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Do the writing task.

- Read their writing: ( a sample paragraph)

"Dear Binh,

It's lovely to hear that you are going for a picnic to Cuc Phuong National Park next weekend. Thank you for inviting me to join you but I'm afraid I can't come.

My English friend, Maria, is coming to Vietnam next weekend and I have promised to cook her some of our traditional dishes on Saturday morning. After that, I'm going to take her to some famous places in Hai Duong.

I hope that you will have a wonderful day in Cuc Phuong. Remember to show me the photos you take in Cuc Phuong whem you get home.

Your friend,






Date of teaching

Students absence





I. Objectives:

- Students know how to pronounce the sound /t/ and /d/ correctly.

- Students revise conditional sentence type 3.

II. language focus:

1 . Grammar:-Conditional sentence: type .

2. Vocabulary:- Vocabulary concerning natural environment and conservation.

III. Skill:- Pronunciation: /t/ and/d/ .

- Conditional sentence type 3.

IV. Teaching aids: -board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to read the letter they wrote at home aloud.

- Ask another st to give remarks.

- Check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation:( 10 mins)

- Aims: to introduce twosounds /t/ and /d / and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts how to pronounce these sounds accurately.

/ d /: a voiced sound

/ t /: a voiceless sound

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 119 in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound / t / and sound / d / .

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar:

Aims: to revise conditional sentence type 3and have sts do Ex1 and EX2.

+ Conditional sentence type 3:

- Recall conditional sentence type 1 and type 2.

- Revise conditional sentence type 3 by giving an example.

eg: Tom didn't study hard so he fail the exam.

=> I can say: " IfTom had studied hard, he would have passed the exam."

- Ask sts to tell the T the formand the use ofconditional sentence type 3.


- We can use could/might/should instead of would in main clause.

- We can also use the past perfect continuous in If - clause.

- Ask sts to give some examples.

+ Exercise 1:

- Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to do the task.

- Ask sts to do the exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Check the exercise sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

+ Exercise 2:

- Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask two sts to write the sentences on the board.

- Ask twosts to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

5. Homework

- EX 3 ( page 120 -st's book)

- One st reads his/her letter aloud aloud in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.

/ t // d /





- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:

/ t // d /

next tothird




- Read the sentences.

- Listen to the teacher

- Read the example and tell the whole class their ideas.

+ Form:

If - clause,main clause

If + S + V( past perfect), S + would +have + V( PII)

+ Use:

- to talk about something that might have happened in the past but didn't.

- Listen to the teacher and take note.

- Give examples.

- Some sts report.

1. had known2. had had

3. would have gone4. would have passed

5. could have enjoyed6. had known

7. had stopped8. had called

- Listen and correct their work if necessary.

- Do the Ex individually.

EX 2: Each st writes three sentences

1. .... hadn't stopped so suddenly, the accidents wouldn't have happened.

2. .... that Lam had to get up early, I would have woken him up.

3. ... lent me the money, I would have been able to buy the car.

4. ... been wearing a seat belt, she would have been injured.

5. ..... had braekfast, you wouldn't behungry now.

6. ... had some money on me, I would have got a taxi.

- Listen to the teacher.

