Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 2: School Talks mới nhất




Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students know more about school and related problems.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:- Words to ask for personal information in a form.

2. Grammar:

- Wh- questions.

- V-ing and To-infinitive.

III. Skills:- Speaking : talk in pairs and in groups.

-Reading comprehension: to fill in the blanks and to answer the questions

IV. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm-up:

- Aims: to raise sts' interest and to introduce the topic.

-Ask students to work in pairs and discuss this question:

"When you meet your friends, which of the following topics do you often talk about?"

- Ask sts to look at the cues in the textbook.

- Encourage them to think of other topics.

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes then ask some pairs to report.

- Check and give remarks.

- Introduce the topic of this lesson.

2. Before you read:

- Aims: to introduce vocabulary and the grammatical item relatingto the reading text.

a. Vocabulary pre-teach:

- Provide the students with these new words/phrases in this way:

+ Read and write each word/phrase on the blackboard then give the meaning of the word/phrase

+ corner shop(NP): a shop at the corner of a street

+ pro'fession(n): = job, occupation .

+ stuck(adj): bÞ t¾c, bÞ kÑt

+ 'attitude(n): what you think about or behave toward something.

+ mall (n): an area containing a lot of shops .

eg: a shopping mall

- Ask sts to listen and repeat, then practise with their partners.

- Ask some sts read all the word/phrases aloud, listen and help the students to read the words/phrases correctly.

b. Gerund and to- infinitive introduction:

-Recall the usages of gerund and to-infinitive to the students.

- Ask sts to tell the teacher the cases to use gerund and to-infinitive.

- Ask sts to discuss quickly in 1 minute, then one of them stand up to report.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. While you read:

- Aims: sts practise reading and then do the tasks relating to the text.

- Introduce briefly the content of the reading text.

"You are going to read three talks given by a student, a teacher and a student’s father about school. You read them and do the tasks assigned."

- Ask sts to read through three talks and tell teacher the main ideas of these talks.

Task 1: Gap-filling.

- Ask the students to read again these talks, then

work independently and fill each blank with one of the words in the box. There are more words than the blanks.

-Have sts compare the answer with a partner.

-Get feedback and give correct answers.

Task 2: Finding who...…

- Ask students to work in pairs. Read the small talks again and find out who.....

- Move round to check sts'work.

- Ask sts to share their answers with other pairs'.

- 9-10 pairs are required to give answers in front of the class(1 pair/ 1 time/ 1 answer).

- Listen and check.

Task 3: Answering questions.

- Ask students to keep on working in pairs. Read the talks more carefully and answer the questions.

- Move round to check the activity.

- Ask some pairs to reportin front of the class.

- Get feedback and give correct answers.

4. After you read:

- Aims; to give sts a chance to talk about themselves.

- Tell students to work in groups: Choose one of the following topics and talk about it for about 5 minutes.

a.What subjects you like learning best and why.

b. What you like and dislike doing at school .

c. What you worry about at school .

- Go round to help students with their work.

- Ask some sts to talk about their topic in front of the class.

- check and give remarks.

5. Homework:

- Part A ( page 10- workbook)

- Work in pairs orally.

- some sts report.

S1: When I meet my friends, I often talk about films, our study, and otherstudents.

S2: I often talk about my favourite singers, some film stars, ormy hobbies.

S3: I usually talk sports and games .

- Copy down

- Listen to the teacher then repeat.

- Practise reading these words with their partners.

- Some sts read these words aloud.


love+ V- ingwant+ to- V


- Listen to the teacher.

- Read through the talks, then discusstheir contents.

- Read the text again and do the task.

- Share their ideas with their partners.

- Some sts read their answers aloud.

1. enjoy2. traffic3. worry4. crowded5. language

- Work in pairs to discuss.

- Share their ideas with other pairs'.

- Some pairs stand up and report.

- S1: enjoys teaching

S2: Miss phuong

- S3: has to get up early


- S5: lives far from school


- S7: loves working with children- S8: Miss Phuong


- Discuss in pairs.

- Some pairs report .

P1:He studies at Chu Van An high school

P2: He studies many subjects such as Math, Physics, Chemistry.....

P3:Because it is an international language.

P4:She says that teaching is hard work, but she enjoys it because she loves working with children.

P5:Because his son has to ride his bike in narrow and crowded streets on the way to school

- Discuss in groups of three or four one of three topics.

- Assign one member of each group to be the secretary to take notes their group's ideas.

- Some sts stand up to present their ideas.






Date of teaching

Students absence









- Sts can make small talks in daily situations

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:- Words to ask for personal information in a form.

2. Grammar: - Wh- questions.

- V-ing and To-infinitive.

III. Skills:

- Speaking: - Asking and answering in small talks..

- Starting and closing a conversations.

- Reading:- Reading the sentences and then rearranging them into a conversation

IV. Teaching aids:

- board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1-Warm - up:

- Aims: to focus sts on the topic of the lesson and to raise their interest.

- Introduce the situation and write ashort dialogue on board:

"Suppose that you meet a friend at the supermarket. You are very busy .What will you say to open and end the conversation."

A: ............................... ( 1)

B: Hi Lan.How are you?

A: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

B: I’m very well. Thanks. I haven’t seen you for a long time. Let’s go somewhere for a drink

A: Sorry, ..................... ( 2)

- Ask sts to complete the dialogue in pairs.

- Ask some pairs to report.

"Today we will practicespeaking conversation having starting and closing sentences."

2.Before you speak:

Aims: Introduce phrases used to start or to close a conversation.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to look at the phrases in the book and to work in pairs to put the expressions in starting and closing a conversation

- Make sure that sts understand all the expressions = + How’s everything at school?= How 's your studying?

+ Catchyou later = See you later.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Ask two sts to give answers.

- Get feedbackand give remarks.

- Ask sts to read all the expressions aloud in chorus.

3. While you speak:

Aims: Sts can practise making a conversation using the suggested words.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to read through all the sentences andrearrange them into an appropriate conversation.

- Ask sts to do the taskindividually and thendiscuss with their partners.

- Go around to help sts

- Get feedback and give correct answers.

- Ask sts practise reading this dialogue in pairs.

- Ask some pairs to read aloud.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to read all the given expressions and theincomplete dialogue.

- Ask sts to complete the conversation with suitable words, phrases or sentences in the box.

- Ask sts to work individually first and then work in pairs

- Get feedback and give correct answers.

- Ask some pairs to practise in front ofthe class.

- Listen and help sts if necessary.

4- After you speak:

Aims: Sts can make small talk on suggested topics.

+ Task 4:

- Introduce the topics:

The weather

Last night’s TV programmes


Plans for the next weekend

- Divide the class in to four groups. Each groupgets one topic and use the starting and ending of a conversation to practise.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to make small talks about the topic they are assigned.

- Go round to help sts.

- Call on some pairs to act out the dialogues in front of the class.

- Ask others sts to comment on their conversations.

-Get feedback and correct any mistakes if there are

5- Homework:

- Write down what they have discussed.

- Look at the boardand listen.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Some pairs stand up to report.

(1) Hello, Mai/ Hi Mai

(2) I’m very busy now .

I really must go now, Perhaps another time.

- Work in pairs to put the phrases into the correct columns.

- Ask two sts to give feedback.

Starting a conversation

Closing a conversation

Good morning

Goodbye. See you later

How’s everything?

Well, it’s been nice talking to you.

Hello. How are you?

Sorry. I’ve got to go. Talk to you later.

Hi. How is school?

Great. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Hello. What are you doing?

Catch up with you later.

- Read and rearrange the sentences into a conversation.

- Share their ideas with their partners.

Answers : D - F -B -H -E -C -G -A.

- Practise reading in pairs.

- Some pairs stand up to read the dialogue aloud.

- Read all the words and phrases as well as the dialogue.

- Work individually ,then work in pairs.

- Some pairs read the dialogue aloud.

A: ..................... What’s the matter with you?

B: ....... I feel tired .I’ve got a headache

A: .................. You’d better go home and have a rest

- Listen to the teacher and try to brainstorm about the topics.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs to make small talks.

- Some of sts act out in front of the class.

1. The weather:

A: Hi, Lan. How was your trip to Vung Tau?

B: Hi Hung. It was wonderful|. I really enjoyed it.

A: What did you like most in Vung Tau?

B: The weather.

A: What was the weather like in Vung Tau?

B: It was warm. I prefer the weather in Vung Tau to Nha Trang.

A: Oh, really? I love it, too.

B: By the way, do you want to see my photos?

: Sure ...






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Sts are able to make mini conversations about daily topics such asstudy at school, wheather and travelling....

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:- Words to ask for personal information in a form.

2. Grammar: - Wh- questions.

- V-ing and To-infinitive.

III. Skills: Sts develop the following skills:

- Listening and numbering the pictures in the correct order.

- Listening and answering given questions

- Listening and filling in the gaps.

- Speaking : describe the pictures and talk about their problems at school.

IV. Teaching aids:

-textbook, chalk, board.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1 Homework checking:

Two pairs of sts make small talks about their daily life

2. Before you listen:

Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and sentence models used in small talks.

- Ask sts to read the questions and answers in the book and work in pairs to match the question with the appropriate answer, and then compare their list with other pairs’.

- Check sts’ work

- Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Move around to help sts.

- Ask some pairs to present and gives remarks

- Introduce some new words/ phrases

+ semester (n): e.g.:

Semester 1: 5 Sept -> Jan.

Semester2: January -> May

+ enjoy oneself (n): somebody does something and likes it.

+ go for a swim (v): e.g.: go for a walk/ a drive

- Read the words sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

3. While you listen:

- Aims: Sts practise listening and numbering pictures, listenning for specific information by answering questions and by filling in the blanks with missing words.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to work in pairs, look at the pictures in the textbook and use the following suggestions to ask and answer about each picture.

What/ who/ see?

Who/ they?

Where/ they?

What / think / talk about?

- Give one example:

T: What can you see in picture a?

T: Who do you see?

T: What do you think they are talking about?

- Ask sts to do the same.

- Move around to help sts.

- Introduce that sts will listen to four short conversations and ask sts to look at the pictures and listen to the T.

- Play the tape/ read the conversations once.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answers.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape after each conversation and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to read the questions in pairs and make sure they understand the statements and know what information they need to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/T twice and take short notes to answer the questions.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Ask some sts to report the answers.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to read the conversation in pairs and see what information they need to fill in the gaps. They may guess the answers in some gaps.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/T once and fill in the gaps.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Ask some sts to report their answers.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

4. After you listen:

- Ask sts to work in groups and talk about the problems they have experienced at school (difficulties in learning, having bad marks, being late for school, disobeying the regulations ...) Sts may use the following suggested questions to ask and answer.

+What problems have you experienced at school?

+ What are the reasons?

+ What have you done to solve them?

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask one or two pair to retell theirs problems in

front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks

5. Homework

Write a short paragraph about their problems at school .

-Work in pairs and do the matching.

1-c; 2-e; 3-a; 4-b; 5-d.

- Work in pairs to ask and answer:

- Some pairs stand up and present.

S1:What subjects are you taking this semester?

S2: I’m taking maths.

S1: How do you like the class?

S2: I really like it


- Copy the words and phrases.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud

-Look at the pictures and listen to the T.

S: A hotel

S: Two people

S: Maybe they are talking about the hotel or the holiday.

- Ask and answer about the pictures in pairs.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the tape / the teacher and do the task

- Compare their answers and then correct their work if they have wrong answers.

- Report their answers.

Key: b – c – d – a

- Work in pairs to read the questions.

- Listen and do the task.

- Compare their notes.

- Report their answers.

1.(She is taking) English;

2. (She is) in Miss Lan Phuong’s Class;

3.(He is) at a party;

4. (He plans to stay there) for a week.

5.No, she doesn’t. She travels alone.

- Work in pairs to read the conversation and try to fill in the gaps before they listen.

- Listen and do the task.

- Compare their answer in pairs.

- Report the answers.

1: it here5: travelling

2: very nice6: No

3: big7: alone

4: comfortable 8: for a drink

- Listen to the teacher.

-Ask and answer in groups.

- One/ two pairs present.






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students know how to fill in an English form.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:- Words to ask for personal information in a form.

2. Grammar:

- Wh- questions.

- V-ing and To-infinitive.

III. Skills: Sts develop the following skills:

- Speaking:discuss in pairs.

- Writing: fill in a form.

IV. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities






1. Homework checking

- Ask one st to tell the whole class about his or her problems at school in front of the whole class.

- Check and give marks.

2. Before you write:

- Aims: To introduce the topic of this lesson, and to guide sts to fill in a form.

- Introduce the topic of this lesson:" Filling in a form" and ask sts to look at the textbook.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to work in pairs to discuss two questions in 2 minutes.

1. On what occasions do you have to fill in a form?

2. What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill in a form?

- Move round to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some pairs to stand up to report their ideas.

- Add some more ideas.

- Give remarks.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to look at the introduction in task 2 and explain more clearly.

- Ask them to look through column A and column B.

- Explain the phrase: "'marital 'status"= Are you married or single?

- Ask sts to listen and repeat this phrase.

- Ask sts to match a line in A with a question in B individually 2 minutes.

- Ask them to share their answers with their partners after completing the task.

- Get feedback and check.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer about the questions in column B.

- Ask them to give short answers.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some pairs to report.

- Give remarks.

+ Task 3:

- Tell sts that forms ask them to do certain things so they should follow the requirements.

- Ask sts to read through five points , then explain some new words:

- de'lete( v) : to omit something.

- 'applicable (adj): suitable.

- Ask sts to listen and read these words again.

- Ask sts to read the task again and fill in the blanks as they are required.

- Ask them to work individually in 2 minutes and then compare their answers with their partners.

- Move round to check the activity.

- Ask 2 two sts to write their answers on the board.

- Check and give remarks.

- Ask sts to look at Task 4 and read through this task.

- Explain some new words:

- en'rol (v): to become a member/ a student in a course.

en'rolment( n)

- natio'nality( n):eg: Vietnamese, French, etc

- 'specify (v): tell clearly.

- Ask sts to listen and read these words again.

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practse filling in a form.

- Ask sts to read the form again and fill in it.

- Ask them to work individually in 8 minutes .

- Copy the form on the board.

- Go round the classroom to make sure that all sts are writing and they know how to do.

- Ask them to share their answers with their partners.

4. After you write:

- Aims: to get feedback.

- Ask one st to fill in the form on the board.

- Ask another st to give remarks.

- Check and correct any mistakes.

- Ask sts to read their forms again and correct the mistakes if there are.

5. Homework:

- Part D ( page 27- textbook)

- Listen to their friend attentively.

- Open their books and look at the tasks.

- Pair 1:

1. When you want to send some money/ parcels at a post office.

2. Your surname, your first name, your age.

- Pair 2:

1. When you apply for a job or attend an examination to a high school/ a university.

2. Your address, your job, your date of birth....

- Look at task 2 and listen to the teacher.

- Read through the task .

- Write this phrase in their notebooks.

- listen and repeat.

- Do the task individually.

- discuss in pairs.

- Give feedback.

1- d; 2 - f; 3 - e; 4 - g; 5 - b; 6 - c; 7 - a.

S1: What do you do?

S2: I'm a student.

S3: Where are you living at the moment?

S4: At 32 Tran Hung Dao Street.

S5: Are you married or single?

S6: Single.

S7: What 's your first name?

S8: Binh..........

- Listen to the teacher.

- write these words into their notebooks.

- Read thes e words again.

- Do the task silently and the share their answers with their partners.


2. Nhung

3. I am a student.(Delete other choices)


5. Ú

- Write these wordsin their notebooks.

- Listen and repeat.

- Fill in the form.

- Discuss in pairs .

+ Sample :

Mr/ Mrs/ miss

Surname: PHAM

First name: VAN TUNG

Date of birth: FEBRUARY 20th, 1991.

Nationality: VIETNAMESE.


- Self- correct.






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students can distinguishthe sound / Ù /from the sound /a:/ and pronounce them correctly.

- Students revise Wh-questions and V-ing and to infinitive.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:- Words to ask for personal information in a form.

2. Grammar: - Wh- questions.

- V-ing and To-infinitive.

III. Skills: Sts develop the following skills:

+ Speaking: - work in pairs to ask and answer Wh- questions.

+ Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud.

-Read the passages and sentences silently to do the exercises.

IV. Teaching aids: -board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Warm-up:

- Aims: to introduce the topic and to raise sts' interest.

- Write on the boards two sentences:

eg: My cousin is my uncle's son.

I want to read this example.

- Ask one st to read the examples aloud.

- Check whether they pronounce correctly, then ask the whole class to read the sentences again.

- Point at underlined words and introduce the topic;" Today we will practise pronouncing two sounds / Ù / and /a:/.

2. Pronunciation:

- Aims: to introduce two sounds /Ù/ and /a:/ and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts the difference between two sounds.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 29 in the book.

- Ask the to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound /Ù/ and the words containing sound /a:/.

- Ask them to work in 4 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

3. Grammar and vocabulary:

- Aims: to revise Wh- questions and the use ofgerund and To- infinitive as well as give sts a chance to practise these grammar issues by doing some exercises.

a. Wh- questions:

- T: What are Wh- questions?

- Ask sts to give examples.

- Ask some sts to say aloud.

- Ask sts to look at Ex 1 in page 29, then make questions for the answers.

- Ask them to work individually , then work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Let them work in 4 minutes and then ask some pairs to report.

- Check and give remarks.

b. V-ing and To infinitive:

- Ask some sts to tell the whole class the cases to use V-ing:

- Ask them about the cases to use to infinitive.

- Check and add any information if necessary.

- Ask sts to read the letter in Ex 2 and then give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

- Ask them to work alone in 5 minutes and then check it with their partners.

- Ask two sts to write the answers on the board.

- Check and give remarks.

- Ask sts to do Ex 3 in 3 minutes .

- Ask 2 sts to do this exercise on the board.

- Tell sts to work individually , then share their answers with their parters.

- Ask one st to give remarks on their friends ' task.

- Check and give remarks.

4. Homework:

- Part B ( page 11- workbook)

- Look at the board.

- One st read the sentences aloud.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.





- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.-


/ Ù//a:/



cousinMartha, Charles



- S: They are questions beginning with" what, who, where, how,etc".

- S1: What 's his job?

- S2: How do you go to school?

- S3: Who teach you maths?


- Look at the textbook.

- make questionsthen ask and answer with their partners.

S1: When did you come?

S2: Just a few days ago.

S3: How long did you stay in Quang Ninh?

S4: For a few days.
S5: Who did you come with?

S6: I came with a friend.



- After some verbs:

admit, avoid,admit,give up, like, love, enjoy, finish, keep, mind, postpone, practise, suggest, consider,etc.

- Go + V-ing:go camping

go dancing, go shopping, go swimming, etc.

- After prepositions.

To infinitive:

- after some verbs:afford, arrange, choose, manage, refuse, promise, want, need, hope, agree, plan, decide, etc.

- V + O + to infinitive:

want, advise, tell, request, order, etc.

EX 2:

1. to hear6. to pay

2. going7. to go

3. remembering8. visiting

4. doing9. seeing

5. worrying10. hearing.

EX 3:

1. to go6. making

2. waiting7. to call

3. having8. to lend

4. to find9. talking

5. living10. to post.

