Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 bài Kiểm tra học kỳ I mới nhất


Name: ................................. Subject: English


MarkTeacher's comments

I.Pronunciation :

1. a. readb. teachc. deadd. sleep

2. a. pictureb. sunburntc. excursiond. nurse

3. a. pityb. childrenc. fingerd. blind

4. a. shootb. bookc. foodd. smooth

5. a. spendb. paidc. mend. can

II.Vocabulary and structure : Choose the best answer:

6.My parents …………..tomorrow to stay with me for a few days.

a. are comingb. comec. will have comed. is coming

7. Hue is famous for its __________________spots.

a. beautifulb. beautifyc. beautifullyd. beauty

8.Marie,…………….. I met at the party, caked me last night.

a. thatb. whosec. whichd. who

9. He got bad marks _____________________his laziness.

a. becauseb. in spite ofc. althoughd. because of

11.The street is very noisy, ……………makes sleeping difficult.
a. itb. whatc. thatd. which

12.Fax machine ………………send or receive letter quickly. used forb. used toc. is used tod. used for

13.When I arrived the theatre, the play …………….. I missed the first part.
a. had startedb. started c. was startingd. has started

14. A(n) ______________ person can't hear any kind of sound.

a. unemployedb. blindc. injuredd. deaf

15.What programme is____________ VTV3 _____________7:00?

a. at / inb. on / atc. on / ond. in / in

16. Now we don't go to school on foot as we ________________.

a. used tob. didc. had beend. was

17. Some of the more time - consuming jobs can now be done by machines.

a. oddb. taking little timec. taking much timed. not affected by time

18. What ________________when you met her yesterday?

a. did she dob. she didc. has she doned. was she doing

19. My aunt has talent in _______________ and she has won many prizes.

a. photographb. photographyc. photogenicd.photographic

20. The little girlis helping ____________cross the street.

a. the richb. the youngc. the poord. the blind


Read the text and answer the questions below:

Almost a hundred thousand people were killed and half a million homes destroyed as a result of an earthquake in Tokyo in 1923. The earthquake began a minute before noon when the people of Tokyo were cooking their midday meals. Thousands of stoves were overturned as soon as the earth began to shake. As a result, small fires broke out everywhere and quickly spread. It was impossible to use fire fighting equipment because most of the water pipes had burst. Consequently, over ninety per cent of the damage was caused by fire rather than by the collapse of buildings. If the earthquake had occurred at night while people were sleeping, fewer people would have died.

1. Where and when did the earthquake happen?


2. How many people were killed?


3. What were people doing when the earthquake happened?


4. Why was it impossible to use fire fighting equipment?


5. What caused most of the damage, the fire or the collapse of buildings?



A. Put the verbs inbracketinto the correct form.

1) I (take).......................... a walk if the weather were nice.

2) We would buy a house if we (have).................... enough money.

3) If I (be)...................... you, I (tell) …………………………… Brian the truth.

4) If I (be not) .................. tired, I would go to the movie with you.

5) If I (not have) ....................... class today, I would go shopping.

6) I don’t understand that sentence. If I (understand)…………………………… that sentence, I (explain) …………………………………. it to you.

B.Write the sentences using the words given :

1.Marie Curie / born /November 7th,1867/ Warsaw

2.She/want / become / sciencetist.

3.Elvis Presley/ be /famous singer / America / 20th century.