Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 5: Technology and You mới nhất

Date of preparing:


Period: 27 + 28LESSON 1: READING

I. Objectives:

- Students know more about computers.

II. Language focus:

1Vocabulary: -Words to talk about modern technology.

2.Grammar: -Present perfect.

-Present perfect passive.

-Relative pronouns: who, which,that

III. Skills:Reading

-Reading comprehension: to match words in column A with their meaning in column B, to find the best title for the reading passage and then answer the questions.

IV. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Homework checking

- Ask two sts to do EX2 and EX4 in the workbook on the board.

- Ask other sts to give remarks.

- Give remarks and marks.

2. Before you read

- Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic.

- Ask sts to look at the textbook and work in pairs to match each numbered item with one of words or phrases in the box.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some sts to give feedback.

- Check and give remarks.

- Introduce some new words:

+ mi'raculous ( adj ) : remarkable.

+ de'vice ( n ) : a thing for special purposes.

+ a'ppropriate ( adj ) : suitable

+ 'storage ( n ) : the storing of information

+ 'data ( n - U ) : information.

+ 'memo ( n ) : a record of agreement.

+ leave ( n ) : the time that a person is permitted to be absent from work.

- Ask sts to listen and read the words again then ask some sts to read again.

- Listen and check.

3.While you read:

- Aims: Read the passage for information to do the tasks.

+ Task 1: Matching.

- Ask the sts to read the passage individually and do Task 1: the words in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their definition in B.

- Encourage sts to guess the meaning of the words in the context.

- Tellsts to compare their answers with a partner.

- Call on some sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Give correct answers and explain all the words carefully to make sure the students understand the meaning of the words

+ Task 2: Passage Headings.

- Ask the students to read the passage more carefully and choose the best title for it.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Let sts dicuss the answer with their partners.

- Ask one st to give the answer and encourage them to explain their choice.

- Give further explanation and tyhe correct answer.

- Give explanation to some words/ phrases or expressions if needed.

+ Task 3: Answering questions.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and answer the questions using the cues.

- Go around the class and provide help if necessary.

- Call on some pairs to report in front of the whole class.

- Listen and give remarks.

4. After you read

- Aims: Give sts a chance to discuss the topic..

- Ask sts to work in groups to discuss two questions:

1. What are the advantages of computers?

2. What are the disadvantages of computers?

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask some representatives to report.

5. Homework:

- Part A ( page 28 ).

EX 2:

1. stimulate2. origin3. disabled4. sorrow5. professional6. opposition7. time - consuming8. exhibit

EX 4:

1. She used to play the piano but she hasn't played the piano for years.

2. She used to be very lazy but she works very hard these days.


- Look at the board and listen to the teacher.

- Work in pairs to match the items with the words/ phrases.

- Key: 1- D ; 2 - E ; 3 - G ; 4 - C ;

5 - A ; 6 - F ; 7 - B ; 8 - H

- Listen to the teacher's remarks.

- Copy the words into their notebooks.

- listen and repeat.

- some sts stand up to read the words again.

-Read the passage and do the task individually.

- Share their answers with their partners.

- Some sts give out their answers.

1. c; 2 - e; 3 – a; 4 - b ; 5 - d.

-Listen and self-correct the exercise.

- Copy down

- Students do the work individually

- Compare their answers with their partners.

- C . What can the computer do?

- Self-correct the work

- Work in pairs to to ask and answer.

- Answers:

S1 : What can the computer do to help us in our daily life?

S2: It can help us visit shops, offices and places of interest; pay bills; read newspapers.

S3: Why is a computer a miraculous device?

S4: Because it is capable of doing anything you ask; it can speed up the caculations, ect.

- Suggested ideas:

1. Advantages:

- storing data

- a means of entertainment

- a useful device in many services.

2. Disadvantages

- a waste of time and money on games.

- being harmful to people's health

- spam or electronic junk mail.






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Sts know about the uses of modern inventions

- General knowledge: Sts can talk about the uses of the modern inventions in daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner......

. II. Language focus:

1Vocabulary:-Words to talk about modern technology.

2.Grammar: -Present perfect.

-Present perfect passive.

-Relative pronouns: who, which,that.

III. Skills:

+ Speaking: - Asking and answering about the uses of the modern inventions.

-Talking about the uses of the information technology.

+ Reading:- Using the suitable verbs to complete the sentences.

IV.Teaching aids

Textbook, chalk, board, pictures of some modern inventions.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Homework checking

- Ask two sts to talk about the uses of computers in daily life.

- Listen and give the corrections.

2. Before you speak

Aims: Sts get used to the topic and then they ask and answer about the uses of modern inventions.

- Give some picturesand writes the names of these inventions on board:

a. Electric cookere. Computer

b. Refrigeratof. Cassette player

c. Televisiong. Air conditioner

d. Washing machine

h. Fax machine

- Ask sts to give name for the each modern invention.

- Ask somests to read their names aloud and then give remarks.

+ Task 1: Asking and answering

- Ask sts to work in pairs to ask and answer about the uses of mordern inventions basing on the cues.

- Do the first example:

+ Have you got a cell phone?

Yes, ....../ No,........

+Could you tell me what the cell phone used for?

Well, it’ s used to talk to people when you are away from home.

- Give sts the form of the questions and answer:


What is the ............. used to..........?


It is used to ........+ infinitive or infinitive phrase.

- Go around to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some pairs to report.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. While you speak

Aims: Sts practice completing the suitable verbs to talk about the uses of modern inventions.

+ Task 2: Completingsentences

- Ask sts to read all the verbs in the box and explain some of them:

+ transmit ( v ) truyÒn th«ng tin

+ process( v ): xö lÝ th«ng tin

+ make use of: sö dông, tËn dông

- Ask sts to read the new words.

- ask sts to work in pairs

- Go around to help sts.

- Ask some sts to read the sentences aloud in front of the class.

- Listen and give correct answers:

5. After you speak

Aims: Sts can talk about the uses of modern inventions

+ Task 4:

- Ask sts to work in groups totalk about the uses of information technology usingthe information above.

- Go around to help sts.

- Ask one or two sts to present in front of the class.

- Listen and give remarks .

5. Homework

Write a passage about the uses of information technology.

- Look at the board and think about these inventions.

- Stsread the name of the inventions in chorus and then individually.

- Work in pairs.

-Suggested answers:

1. Could you tell me what the radio is used for?

Well, it’s used to listen to the news and learn foreign languages.

2. Could you tell me what the TV is used for?

Well, it’s used to watch the news, performances and football matches.

3. Could you tell me what the fax machine is used for?

Well, it’s used to send and receive letters quickly.

4. Could you tell me what the electric cooker is used for?

Well, it’s used to cook rice, meat, fish and keep food, rice warm.

5. Could you tell me what the air conditioners is used for?

Well, it’s used to keep the air cool or cold when it’s hot or cold.

- Read all the new words and make sure they know them.

- Read the new words .

- Work in pairs to find the suitable verbs

- Some sts to read the sentences

1. store  2. transmit    3. process

4. send  5. hold          6. make

7. send  8. receive

- Work in groups to discuss.

- Work in group.

- One or two students talk about the uses of information technology:

- It allows us to .......

- It can help us store ....

transmit ......

process .......



Date of preparing:




- Sts know how difficult it is for the elderly to learn how to use a computer.

II. Language focus:

1Vocabulary:-Words to talk about modern technology.

2.Grammar: -Present perfect.

-Present perfect passive.

-Relative pronouns: who, which,that.

III. Skills:

- Listening and marking True/False

- Listening and filling in gaps

- Speaking: Discussing and retelling the story

IV. Teaching aids:

- chalk, board, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Homework checking:

- Two sts tell the whole class about the roles of information technology in our daily life.

2. Before you listen:

Aims: to focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used in the listening text.

- Ask sts to work in groups and make a list of modern electronic/ digital devices that they use daily and then compare their list with other groups’

- Ask sts to discuss if it is difficult to learn how to use these devices

- Ask some sts to give their answer.

- Asks S to look at the words in the book and read after T / the tape.

- Introduce some new words

- 'memory (n): the power to remember things

- re'fuse (v): say 'no' when someone asks you to do st.

- ex'cuse (n) saying sorry for doing st wrong

- Read the wordsagain and ask sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

3. While you listen:

+ Task 1

Aims: Practise listening and marking True/ false.

- Introduce the topic: An old company director talking about his experience of learning how to use the computer.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/ teacher’ reading and decide whether the given statements are true or false.

- Ask sts to read the statements to see if they understand them.

- Play the tape/ read the text twice and ask sts to tick to the box to indicate T/ F statement and underline the false information

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2

Aims: Practice listening for specific information by filling in the gaps.

- Ask sts to have a look at the passage and read them in pairs and make sure they understand it. T encourages sts guess the word to fill in the gaps.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/T once or twice again fill in the gaps with the missing words.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

4. After you listen:

- Ask sts to work in pairs and use the suggested sentence and the information in Task 1 and 2 to retell the story about the old director.

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask one or two sts to retell the story in front of the whole class.

- Check and give remarks.

IV. Homework:

Write a short paragraph about how they learnt to use the computer

- Work in groups and make a list of the modern devices on a sheet of paper

Sts compare theirs notes.

- TV- radio

- camcorder- computer

- camera- cell phone


- Discuss in groups

- Some sts stand up and give their answer.

- Look at the words and read after T /the tape.

- Copy the words and phrases.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud

- Listen to the T.

- Read the statements in pairs.

- Listen to the tape / the teacher and do the task

- Compare their answer.

- Give their answer.

1. F    2. T     3. T     4. F     5. F     6. F

- Check their answer, say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Work in pairs to read the passage and try to fill in the gaps.

- Listen and do the task.

- Give their answer.

- Check their answer, say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

1. invited   2. still    3. refused

4. excuse                5. anything

- Work in pairs.

- One/ two sts present.



Date of preparing:



I. Objectives:

- Students can write simple instructions on how to use some household appliances.

II. Language focus:

1Vocabulary:-Words to talk about modern technology.

2.Grammar: -Present perfect.

-Present perfect passive.

-Relative pronouns: who, which,that

III. Skill : Writing

-Read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone.

- Speaking: work in pairs and in groups to read the set of instructions and to answer the questions.

- Writing: write a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control.

IV. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities






1. Warm-up:

- Aims: to introduce the topic and to raise sts' interest in the topic.

- Ask sts to in groups to matchthe word in A with the words in B.


1. insert   a. the long pips

2. make    b.abutton

3. press    c. a card

4. hear     d. a call

- Ask a member of a group to present the ideas.

- Listen and check.

- Introduce the topic of the lesson.

2. Before you write:

- Aims:to give sts a chance readsamplesof some instructions andto help sts to prepare vocabulary and information before theywrite.

- Explain some new words:

+ lift ( v ) : raise something

+ re'ceiver ( n ) : the part of a telephone that receives the sound.

+ slot ( n ): a narrow opening to put a card or a coin in

+ 'ambulance ( n ): a special vehicle used to for carrying sick people to hospital.

+ remote control ( n ): ( picture )

+ cord ( n ): ( realia )

- Ask sts to listen and repeat and then some sts stand up to read again.

+ Task 1:

-Ask sts to work in pairs and read the set of instructions on how to use a public telephone.

- Move round to conduct the activity and to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some questions to make sure that sts understand the instructions.

T: What should I have to make a call?

T: How many stages are there to operate the telephone?

T: What number shoudl I dial to call the fire service?

- Listen and check.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to work in pairs to read the instructions again and find out the connectors and the imperative form of the verbs.

- Move around to help sts if necessary.

- Ask sts to compare their answers with other pairs.

- Ask 2 sts to read their answers aloud.

- Ask other sts give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to look at the TV and the remote control in the picture and then work in pairs to answer the questions.

- Move round to conduct the activity and to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some pairs to report and check.

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practise writing a set of instructions on how to operate a TV with a remote control.

- Let sts write the instructions.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4. After you write:

- Get feedback by asking one or two sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

5. Homework:

- Part D (Page 33- workbook)

- Listen to the teacher.

- Work in groups to match.

- A st stands up to present the ideas:

1 - c ; 2 - d ; 3 - b ; 4 - a.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Copy these words into theit notebooks.

- Listen and read after the teacher.

- Some sts stand up and read aloud, other sts listen and give remarks.

- Read the set of instructionsin pairs .

- Answer teacher's questions:

S1: You will need a phone card and the number you are calling.

S2: There are four stages.

S3: You should dial 114.

- Work in pairs to do the task.

- Two sts read their answers aloud:

+ Connectors : first, next, then, until.

+ Verbs : lift, insert, press, wait.

- Check their answers and correct them ifthey are wrong .

- Listen to the teacher and then work in pairs.

- Some pairs report:

S1: What do you have to make sure if you want to operate the ... ?

S2: If you want to operate ..., you have to make sure that the cord is plugged in and the main is turned on.


- Do the writing task.

- Read their writing:


To turn on the TV, press the POWER button

To turn off the TV, press the POWER button again.

To select a programme, press the PROGRAMME button.

To watch VTV1, press button number 1.

To watch VTV2, press button number 2.




Date of preparing:



I. Objectives:

- Students can distinguishthe sound / u / from the sound /u:/ and pronounce them correctly.

- Students revise the present perfect, the present perfect passive and the relative clauses with " who, which" and "that."

II. Language focus:

1Vocabulary:-Words to talk about modern technology.

2.Grammar: -Present perfect.

-Present perfect passive.

-Relative pronouns: who, which,that

III. Skill : Pronunciation and grammar

+ Speaking: - Work in pairs to discuss the exercises.

+ Reading: - Read words and sentences aloud.

                 - Read the sentences silently to do the exercises.

IV. Teaching aids: - board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to tell their friends how to make tea in front of the whole class.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation:

- Aims: to introduce two sound / u / and /u:/ and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts the difference between two sounds.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 60in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound / u / and the words containing sound /u:/.

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar:

a. Aims: to revise the present perfect tenseand have sts do Ex 1.

- Ask sts to think about the present perfect and tell the teacher the form and the use of this tense.

- Ask one st to present.

- Ask some sts to give examples.

- Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to do the task.

- Ask sts to do the exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Ask two sts to do this task on the board.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Listen and give remarks.

b. Aims: to review the present perfect passive and get sts to do Ex 2.

- Ask sts to tell the teacher the form of the present perfect passive.

- Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask two sts to do this exercise on the book.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

c. Aims: to revise the use of "who, which, that" as relative pronouns and ask sts to do exercise 3.

- Recall sts of the relative clauses with " who,which, that".

- Ask sts to read the requirement of Ex3 and then do the task individually.

- Go round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some sts to read sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

5. Homework

- Part B ( Page 30 - workbook)

- One st speaks aloud in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.

/ u//u:/





- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:

/ u /      /u:/

could  Miss June

put     Moon

book   shoes

full      boots

looks   chool


+ Form:

( + ) S + have/ has + PII

( - )S + have/has + not + PII

( ? ) Have/ Has+ S + PII ?

+ Uses:

- The present perfect expresses the idea that something happened in the past before now at an unspecified time in the past.

- Do the task individually and then share their ideas with their friends.

- Two sts do this task on the board.

EX 1:

2. He has turned on the TV.

3. He has tidied the house.

4. He has cleaned the floor.


- Listen and correct their work if necessary.

+ Form:

( + ) S + have/ has + been + PII

( -)S + have / has + not + been + PII

( ? ) Have / Has + S +been + PII ?

- Do the exercise individually and compare their answers with their partners.

- Do the exercise on the board.

1. A new hospital for children has been built in our city.

2. Another man-made satellite has been sent up into space.

3. More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers.


- Listen to the teacher.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the requirement carefully.

- Do Ex 3.

1. which      6. who

2. which      7. who

3. which      8. which/ that

4. who        9. which

5. who        10. who

