Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 3: People’s background mới nhất




Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students know more about famous scientists especially about Marie Curie, and admire her.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:Words to describe people’s background and studying.

2. Grammar:

- The pastperfect tense.

- Past perfect vs Past simple

III. Skills: - Reading: read the text and doMatching and True or False exercise and answer the questions.

- Speaking: discuss inpairs and in groups.

IV. Teaching Aids: textbook, chalk, board.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm-up:Network...

+ Aims: to raise sts' interest in the reading text.

- Ask students to work in groups of 3-4 students .

- Ask the students to give a list of famous scientists and their inventions.

- Move round to check the activity.

- Ask them to work in 4 minutes and then get feedback. The group which has the longest list will be the winner

2. Before you read:

- Aims; to introduce the content of the text and provide sts with some new words.

- Students are required to work in pairs to answer the following questions:

+ Have you ever heard of Marie Curie?

+ What do you know about her?

- give the correct information.

- Read and write new words on the board.

+ background (n): lai lÞch

+ ease (v): lµm dÞu

+ mature (adj): full-grown

+ interrupt (v): §øt qu·ng

+ humanitarian (adj): Nh©n ®¹o

humane (adj): Nh©n ®øc

+ tragic(adj): bi th­¬ng

+ ambitious(adj): tham väng

+ atomic(adj): thuéc vÒ nguyªn tö

- Read each word 3 times and ask the sts to repeat it.

- Leavests 1 minute to self-practice.

- Ask 4-5 sts to read all the words aloud in front of the class

- Listen and help the sts to read the words correctly.

3. While you read:

- Aims: Sts practise reading and do the tasks

+ Task 1: Matching.

- Ask the students to read the passage independently and match the words or phrases in A with their meaning in B.

- Tell sts to refer to Vocabulary for help and encourage them try to guess the meanings of the words in the context of the reading.

- Ask them to compare the answers with their friends.

- Call on some sts to read and explain their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Give feedback and correct answers:

+ Task 2: True or False.

- Ask the sts to read the passage more carefully and decide whether the statements are true(T) or false(F). Correct the false information.

- Ask the sts to highlight or underline the information in the passage that helps the students to find the correct answers.

- Move round to help sts if necessary, then ask them to share their answers with their partners.

-Ask some sts to give answers.

- Listen and help the students to do the exercise correctly

+Task 3: Answering questions.

- Ask students to work in pairs to answer the questions.

- Tell the students to compare their answers with other pairs. Let them discuss and correct for one another.

- Call some pairs of students to read aloud the questions and answers in front of the class.

- Feedback and give correct answers.

4. After you read:

- Aims: to check sts' understanding and to summarize the text.

* For advanced students doing at home.

5. Homework:

- Ask students to write a passage of about 60 words about a famous scientist.

- Work in groups

-Some Students report orally.

- Discuss in pairs and then answer the questions.

- Some sts stand up to answer.

-Listen to the teacher and Copy down

- Repeat the words.

-Work in pairs to check for each other.

- 1 student/ 1 time

- Work individually.

- Discuss in pairs to share their ideas.

-Listen and self-correct the exercise.

- Copy down

* Key:

1.c2. e3. a4. d5. b

- listen to the teacher.

- Students do the work individually.

- Discuss the answers with their partners.

- some sts do orally while others watch

+ Key:

1. T

2. F( Her dream was to become a scientist)

3. T

4. F (She married Pierre Curie in 1895)

5. T

- Self-correct the work

- Work in pairs orally

- Share their ideas.

- 9-10 pairs work orally in front of the class.


1.Marie Curie was born in Warsaw on November 7,1867

2.She was a brilliant and mature students .

3. She work as a tutor to save money for a study tour abroad.

4.She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium.

5. No it wasn’t. her real joy was “ easing human suffering






Date of teaching

Students absence









- Sts know how to interview a person and talk about a person's background.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:Words to describe people’s background and studying.

2. Grammar:

- The pastperfect tense.

- Past perfect vs Past simple

III. Skills:

- Speaking: - Asking about another person's background.

- Talking about a person's background basing on what they have interviewed

IV. Teaching aids:

- board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities





2.Before you speak

Aims: to guide sts how to do and to provide them with needed vocabulary and grammar.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to think about people's background, and then read the cues in this task.

- Ask them to discuss in pairs to choose which items to tell about someone's background.

- Get feedback and give the correct answers.

- Ask sts to continue working in pairs to discuss what questions they can ask when they want to know about these things.

- Move round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some pairs to give answers.

- Write the questions on the board and give remarks.

3. While you speak:

Aims: Sts can practise making an interwiew and then talking about the person they have interwiewed.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to imagine they are journalists and ask them to work in pairs to interview their partners about his/her background or that of a person he/ she knows well.

- Ask them to follow the stages in the textbook.

- Go around to suggest the questions if necessary.

- Ask one pair to report.

- Give remarks so that other pairs can correct their mistakes.

+ Task 3:

- Ask sts to work in small groups to talk about the person they have learnt about from the interview.

- Ask them to work in 7 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4- After you speak:

Aims: Sts present what they have discussed in the previous stage.

- Ask two sts to tell the whole class about the people they interviewed about.

- Listen to them attentively and correct the mistakes.

- Give remarks on the whole activity.

5- Homework:

- Write about the people they have interviewed about.

- Think about people's background.

- Work in pairs to choose the correct items.

+ family+ education

+ experience

- Work in pairs to discuss the questions.

- Some pairs stand up to give answers.


- How many people are there in your family?

- What does your father/ mother do?


- Where did you study at primary school/ junior secondary school?

- What subject do you like best?

- What degree do you have?


- How long have you been a member of our school's speaking club?

- Have you ever won any prizes?

- Work in pairs to ask and answer.

- One pair stand up and report:

S1: Hello. Can you tell me something about yorself?

S2: Oh, of course. What do you want to know?

S1: When and where were you born?

S2: I was born on September 11th, 1991 in Hai Duong.

S1: How many people are there in your family?

S2: There are four: my parents, my sister and I.

S1: What do your parents do?

S2: my dad is adoctor and my mum is a nurse.


- Discuss in groups using the information they have got from the interview.

- Sample answer:

" Quan's cousin, Minh, was born on November 2nd, 1985 in Hai Duong City. He is the only child in his family. His father is an engineer and his mother is a teacher. As a brilliant student, he always got good marks when he was a student at To Hieu Primary School and then at Le Quy Don Secondary School. When he was fifteen , he passed the exam to Nguyen Trai High School. He said he liked all subjects at school but among them he liked English best. He has attended the English Speaking Contest twice and won the fisrt prize in 2003. At the moment he is studying at a university in Australia and he is very successful..."






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Sts know about the background of a famous person

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:Words to describe people’s background and studying.

2. Grammar:

- The pastperfect tense.

- Past perfect vs Past simple

III. Skills: Sts develop the following skills:

- Listening and marking True/False

- Listening and filling in gaps

- Asking and answering about sb’s background.

IV. Teaching aids:

- Handouts

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Homework checking:

- Two sts tell the whole class about two people's background.

- Listen and give remarks and marks.

2. Before you listen:

Aims: focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words and phrases used to describe the background of a sports star.

+ Ask sts to work in groups and make a list of sports and the names of the sports competitions, then compare their list with other groups’

- Introduce the topic of the listening text: ‘A conversation between a reporter and an Olympic Champion’ and ask sts to open their books.

T asks sts to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions in the textbook

Can you name any Olympic champions?

What would you like to know about these people?

- Move around to help sts.

- Ask some pairs to present and gives remarks

- Ask sts to work in pairs and recall the forms of question used to get the information.

- Ask some sts to speak aloud.

+ Ask sts to look at the words in the book and read after T / the tape.

- Introduce some new words

- Olympic champion (n): (in the picture)

- di'ploma (n): sb receive this when he finishes a course /graduates from college or university.

- ro'mantic (adj): Romeo and Juliet is a romantic play.

- Read the words and ask sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

3. While you listen:

+ Task 1:

Aims: Practice listening for specific information by deciding whetherthe given statements are true or false.

- Introduce the conversation between a reporter and an Olympic champion then ask sts to listen to the conversation and tick on the box to indicate True or False statements.

- Ask sts to have a look at the statements and read them in pairs and make sure they understand the statements.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/T and tick the box to indicate if the statements are true or false.

- Read/ play the tape twice.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answers.

- Read/play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2:

- Aims: sts listen for specific information to fill in the blanks.

- Ask sts to listen to the conversation again and fill in the gaps with the suitable words/ phrases.

- Read the conversation twice.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answers.

- Read/play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

4. After you listen:

- Aims: to check sts'comprehension in the previous stage.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and use the information in Task 1 and 2 to ask and answer about the Olympic champion.

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Check and give remarks.

- T can ask sts to ask and answer about the sports star(s) they like

5. Homework:

- Write a short paragraph about the Olympic champion .

- Two sts stand in front of the class to speak.

- Work in groups and recall the names of sports and the names of the sports competitions then make a list on a sheet of paper

- Compare theirs notes.

- Listen to the T and open the book

- Work in pairs.

- Some pairs stand up and report.

S1: Can you name any Olympic champions?

S2: Tran Hieu Ngan, Sergey Bubka…

S3: What would you like to know about these people?

S4: Date and place of birth, study, family, achievements, hobbies…

- Note down the forms of questions:

When/where were you born?

Where did you get a general education?

What achievement have you got?

What do you like doing in your free time?

- Look at the words and read after T /the tape.

- Copy the words and phrases.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud.

- Work in pairs to read the statements.

- Listen and do the task.

- discuss their answers in pairs.

- Gives their answers:

1T; 2T; 3F; 4T; 5F.

- Say their answers aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answer.

- Listen to the tape / the teacher and do the task

- compare their answers.

- Give their answers.

1. a general education4. love stories

2. lives; family5. teacher's diploma

3. different; swimming

- Check their answers, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answers.

- Ask and answer in pairs.

- One/ two sts present.






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students can write a simple C. V( curriculum vitae)

- They can write about a person's background basing on a C. V

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:Words to describe people’s background and studying.

2. Grammar:

- The pastperfect tense.

- Past perfect vs Past simple

III. Skills:

- Reading: read a model curriculum vitae.

- Speaking:discuss in pairs.

- Writing: fill in a curriculum, write about a person's background.

IV. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities






1. Homework checking:

- Aks one st to talk about Sally in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks and a mark.

2. Before you write:

- Aims: to focus sts on the topic and to introduce the structure of a simple C.V, to guide sts to fill in the C.V.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to look at the C.V in the textbook and introduce some new words:

+ C.V( curriculum vitae) : a form with details about somebody's past education and jobs.

+ tourist guide (n): a person who goes with tourists to point out interesting sights on a journey.

+ hotel telephonist (n): a person who answers the phone in a hotel.

+ travel agency ( n) : a business of organising travelling for people.

- Read these words aloud and ask sts to listen and repeat.

- Ask some sts to read again and check.

- Ask sts to read the model C.V in the textbook about Mr. Brown and then answer the questions:

T: What is his full name?

T: When and where was he born?

T: What school did he attend?

T: What exams did he pass?

T: What did he do before?

- Ask sts another question:

" What kind of information do you find in the C.V?"

- Ask sts to discuss this question in pairs then ask one st to answer.

- Give remarks.

- Introducethe elementsof a C.V:

+Personal information: name, sex, date of birth, place of birth.

+ Education : name of a high school/ a university...

+ Previous jobs: teacher/ tourist guide/ etc. ( time)

+ Interest: dancing/ swimming/ etc.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to read the incomplete form in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs in 5 minutes to ask and answer about their partner's father/ mother then complete the form with suitable information.

- Move round to conduct the activity and to help if necessary.

- Ask some sts to read aloud the information they have collected and ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practise writing about a person's background using the information in a C.V and the cues in the textbook.

- Ask sts to look at Task 1 again.

- Ask them to work independently and write a paragraph about Mr. Brown ,using the suggested words and phrases.

- Ask sts to use the past simple to write.

- Move around to help if necessary.

- Ask sts to write in about 9 minutes, then compare their paragraph with their partners'.

4. After you write:

- Get feedback by asking some sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

5. Homework:

- Because time is not allowed, the writing activity in Task 3 will be assigned as homework.

- One st speaks.

- Others listen to their friend.

- Give remarks.

- look at the C.V.

- Copy these words into their notebooks.

- Listen to the teacher and read these words again.

- Read the C.V in the textbook and answer T's questions.

S1: His full name is David Brown.

S2: He was born on November 12th, 1969 in Boston.

S3: He attended Kensington High School.

S4; He passed exams in English, French and Mathematics.

S5: He was a tourist guide and a hotel telephonist.

- Discuss the question in pairs then one of them will answer.

S: We can find some information such as his name, his date of birth and his place of birth, his education and his previous jobs, etc.

- Copy this part into their notebooks.

- Read the form .

- Work in pairs to ask and answer.

- Complete the form with suitable information.

- Some sts stand up and read aloud, other sts listen and give remarks.

- Read Mr. Brown's C.V again.

- Use the suggested words/ phrases to write a paragraph about Mr. Brown.

- Share their paragraph with their friends'.

- Some sts stand up and read their work aloud.

- Other sts give remarks.

" Mr. Brown was born on November 12th, 1969 in Boston. He went to Kensington High School and passed examed in English, French and Mathematics. He worked as a tourist guide in a travel agency from June 1991 to December 1998. And from 1999 to 2002 , he worked as a hotel telephonist. He likes music and dancing."






Date of teaching

Students absence








I. Objectives:

- Students can distinguishthe sound / e /from the sound / æ / and pronounce them correctly.

- Students revise the past perfect and distinguish it from the past simple.

II. Language focus

1. Vocabulary:Words to describe people’s background and studying.

2. Grammar:

- The pastperfect tense.

- Past perfect vs Past simple

III. Skills:+ Pronounciation:

- Work in pairs to discuss the exercises.

- Read words and sentences aloud.

+Grammar- Read the passages and sentences silently to do the exercises.

IV. Teaching aids: -board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to read aloud the paragraph that he/she wrote abouthis/ her partner's parent.

- Listen to him/her.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation:

- Aims: to introduce two sounds /e/ and /æ/ and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts the difference between two sounds.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 39in the book.

- Ask the to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound /e/ and the words containing sound /æ /.

- Ask them to work in 4 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar:

- Aims: To revise the past perfect tense and the past simple tense as well as to give them some exercises to do.

- Write an example on the board.

"When I arrived at the cinema,the film had started"

- Ask sts to look at the example and identifythe verb in the past perfect.

- Ask sts to recall the form of the past perfect tense and to tell the whole class.

- Revise the use of the past perfect by giving some examples.


When the police came , the robbers had escaped.

The train had left when Mary arrived at the station.

- Tell sts about the chronological order between the past perfect and the past simple.

Eg 2:

I was nervous because I had never spoken before an audience.( I spoke before an audience yesterday)

The house was dirty. We hadn't cleaned it for weeks.

- Ask sts to read these examples again.

+ EX1:

- Ask sts to readEx 1 in page 39, then do the task.

- Ask them to work individually to put the verbs into the past perfect, then compare their answers with their partners.

- Let them work in 5 minutes and then ask some ststo report.

- Check and give remarks.

+ EX2:

- Ask sts to read the sentences in Ex 2 and then give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

- Ask sts to pay attention to the difference between the past perfect and the past simple.

- Ask them to work alone in 3 minutes and then check it with their partners.

- Ask some sts to read the answers aloud.

- Check and give remarks.

4. Homework:

- Because time is not allowed, Ex3 is assigned as homework.

- Part B ( page 19,20- workbook)

- One st read his/ her paragraph aloud.

- Listen to their friends.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.





- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:

/ e //æ /







- Look at the example .

- One st stands up and answers:

" had started"

- Form:(+ )S +had +PII ............

( - )S+ had + not + PII .........

( ? )Had+ S+ PII ..........?

- Uses:

+ The past perfect refers to a past activity or situation that took place before another past activity or situation.

- Copy the examples and listen to the teacher.

+ The past perfect can be used as the past form of the present perfect.

- Copy the examples.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read through all sentences in this exercise.

-Do the exercise and then share their answers with their partners.

EX 1:

1. had broken6. had been

2. had done7. had left

3. had met8. had moned

4. hadn't turned on

9. hadn't seen

5. had ever seen 10.had broken in.

- Read the sentences carefully and do the exercise individually.

- Share their answers with their partners.

EX 2:

1. had just finished..... came.

2. had seldom travelled ....... went.

3. went...... had already taken.

4. Did you manage........ had he gone.

5. had just got.... phoned...... had been.

