Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 bài Test yourself D mới nhất



Date of teaching

Students absence





I. Objectives:

- Sts revise what they have learned in unit 9, unit 10 and unit 11.

* Knowledge:- General knowledge inunit 9, unit 10 and unit 11.

- Language: pronunciation and grammar in the above units.

II. Skills: listening, speaking and writing.

III. Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, board.

IV. Procedures:

Teacher's activities

Students' activities

1. Homework checking:

- Ask one st to do Ex 3 in the workbook on the board.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Give remarks and marks.

2. The new lesson:

- Ask sts to do part II, part III and part IV at homein advance to save time.

- Give sts the time duration for each part : part II: 10 minutes, part III: 10 minutes, part IV: 15 minutes.

- Ask sts to do listening in class.

2.1. Listening:

- Ask sts to read the requirement of the task.

- Introduce new words:

+ campground (n) : a place for camping

+ trail (n) : a path

+ geyser (n): m¹ch n­íc phun

- Play the tape twice and ask sts to do the task.

- Ask sts to share their ideas with their partners.

- Get feedback and play the tape againso that sts can check their answers.

- Ask other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give feedback.

2.2. Reading:

- Ask sts to work in groups to compare their answers.

- Ask some sts to report his/ her answers aloud.

- Listen and check.

2.3. Grammar:

- Ask sts to discuss their answers in groups.

- Ask 2 sts to write their answers on the board.

- Ask two other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

2.4. Writing:

- Ask some sts toread their writing aloud.

-Ask some sts to give remarks.

3. Homework:

- Part B ( Page 65 - workbook)

EX 3:

1. If I had been working at the restaurant last night, I would have waited on your table.

2. If they had been paying attention, they would have seen the sign markin. .

3. If Carol hadn't been studying, she would have answered the phone.

4. If the sun hadn't been shining, we wouldn't have gone to the beach yesterday.

5. If the music hadn't been playing loudly at the restaurant, I would have heard ...

- One st gives remarks.

- Look at the textbook and read the statements.

- Try to focus on the important words.

- Copy down these words into their notebooks.
- Listen and read after the teacher.

- Listen carefully and do the task.

- Work in pairs to discuss their answers.

1. they go to a national park to enjoy the nature.

2. It became a national park in 1872.

3. No, it isn't. It's the world's largest park.

4. It has about 70 geysers.

5. They mustn't pick the flowers, feed or hunt the animals.

- work in groups to share their ideas.

- Some sts stand up to report.

1. a. junk and litterc. highway

b. landscaped. healthy.

2. a. Tb. Tc. F

d. Fe. Tf. T.

- Discuss in groups.

- Answers:

a. 1. has been cleaned......2. have been turned on..........3. are waiting

b. 1. knew ......2. would help.....3. knows

c. 1. decided ....2. to stay......3. would have gone out ......4. hadn't been

- Read their writing aloud

" Dear Alex,

You will be delighted to know Father is giving a party to celebrate the New Year. He has invited some of our relatives and his friends to make the party a success.

I too have invited a number of my friends in the neighbourhood. Mother has asked me to tell you to come home for the New Year celebration.

I'm sure you will be here in time to share the fun with us on that day.

Your sister,


- Listen to the teacher's remarks.


