Giáo án Tiếng anh 10 Unit 4: Special Education mới nhất



I. Objectives:

- Students know more about the study of disabled children

- Students know about special education and the Braille Alphabet.

II-Language focus:

1.Grammar:- Used to + infinitive

- The +adjectives

-Which as a conector.


- Vocabulary concerning special education.

III- Skill: Reading:

-Reading comprehension: to match words in column A with their meaning in column B, to choose the best answers.

IV. Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm-up:

- Aims: Sts get used to the topic.

- Ask sts to match an adjective in A with its meaning in B:


1. deafa. unable to see.

2. dumbb. unable to hear.

3. blindc. unable to use a part of

of their body normally.

4. disabledd. unable to speak

- Ask sts to work in groups to match the items.

- Ask one st from one group to present the ideas.

- Ask other sts to give remarks.

- Check and ask sts to read the adjectives in A aloud.

2. Before you read:

- Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic.

- Ask sts to work in groups of three or four to list out their daily activities.

- Ask some sts from different groups to report their ideas.

- Write the list on the board ask sts to point out what activities would be difficult for disabled people to do.

- Ask sts to study the Braille Alphabet and then work in pairs to work out the message below the alphabet.

- Introduce some new words:

+ retarded ( adj) : less developed than normal.

+ Proper schooling(phr): enough and good study at schooling.

+ Opposition(n): opposing ideas/ disagreeing ideas(viewpoints).

Opposed to ( adj)

+ Make efforts (v): try, attempt.

+ To be proud of..... (phr): = To take pride in.....

+ add( v) : + ; subtract ( v ) : -

+ finger (n) ( demonstration )

- Ask sts to listen and read the words again then ask some sts to read again.

- Listen and check.

3.While you read:

- Aims: Read the passage for information to do the tasks.

+ Task 1: Matching.

- Ask the sts to read the passage individually and do Task 1: the words in A appear in the reading passage. Match them with their definition in B.

- Encourage sts to guess the meaning of the words in the context.

- Tellsts to compare their answers with a partner.

- Call on some sts to read their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Give correct answers and explain all the words carefully to make sure the students understand the meaning of the words

+ Task 2:Multiple choice.

- Ask the students to read the passage more carefully and complete the sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask sts to share the answers with their partners.

- 5-6 students are required to give answers in front of the class(1 students/ 1 time/ 1 answer).

- Listen and help the sts to do the exercise correctly

- Give explanation to some words/ phrases or expressions if needed

4. After you read:

- Aims: Give the summary of the topic.

- Ask sts to work individually and read the summary of the passage carefully.

- Encourage them to guess the missing words.

- Have sts complete the summary.

- Note: Sts may not be familiar with this kind of exercise. T should provide help when necessary.

- Call on some sts to read the completed summary aloud in front of the class.

- Give feedback and correctanswers:

5. Homework:

- Asks students to learn by heart the new words.

-Prepare part B.

- Look at the board and listen to the teacher.

- Work in groups to match an adjective in A with its meaning in B.

- One st presents the ideas.

1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - a; 4 - c

- Listen to the teacher's remarks.

- Listen and repeat.

- Work in groups to list out.

Eg: get up, wash my face, have breakfast, go to school by bike, listen to the teachers, write the lessons, talk to friends, play soccer, watch TV, etc.

- Point out some activities.

Eg: go to school by bike, listen to the teachers, write the lessons, talk to friends, play soccer, watch TV, etc.

- The message:

" We are the world"

- Copy the words into their notebooks.

- listen and repeat.

- some sts stand up to read the words again.

-Read the passage and do the task individually.

- Share their answers with their partners.

- Some sts give out their answers.

1.– c; 2 – e; 3 – a;4 - b ; 5 - d.

-Listen and self-correct the exercise.

- Copy down

- Students do the work individually

- Compare their answers with their partners.

- 5-6 students do orally while others listen to them.

1. D2. B3. A4. C5. D

- Self-correct the work

- Read the summary passage carefully.

- Do the task individually.

- 10 students give answersorally

1. disabled     2. read

3. write          4. efforts

5. opposition  6. time-consuming

7. maths        8. arms

9. figures       10. proud

- self-correct



Date of preparing:



I. Objectives

- Sts can talk about someone’s school life and actively engage in an interview

II-Language focus:

1.Grammar:- Used to + infinitive

- The +adjectives

-Which as a conector.


- Vocabulary concerning special education.

III- Skill:Speaking:

- Making an interview : Matching

- Asking and answering about school life of a student.

- Reporting on results.

IV. Teaching aids

-textbook, chalk, board.

V. Procedures


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Warm-up

Aims: Stsrecall the words on school.

- Asks sts to work in groups and make a list of words relating to school. The words must be correctly spelled and related to the topic.

- Ask some groups to report.

- The group with the longest list will be the winner.

2.Before you speak:

Aims: Sts can match the words, give the correct answers

- Asks sts some questions:

+ What are your favourite subjects?

+ Which one don’t you like?

+ How much time do you prepare for your lessons every day?

+ Task 1: Fill in blankswith the right questions

- Asks sts to study the questions in the interview carefully and work in pairs.

- Ask some sts to give their answers in front of the class.

- Listen and give the correct answers.

- Ask sts to work in pairs and carry out the interview using the right questions .

3. While you speak:

Aims: Sts can ask and answer about school life of their partner.

+ Task 2

- Write the questions in task 1 on board and ask sts to work in pairs ,ask and answer about their school life using the questions on board.

- Go round to help sts when necessary. T can play the role of the interviewee to help sts if necessary.

- Ask one pair to present in front of the whole class.

- Listen and ask other sts to give remarks.

- Give remarks.

4. After you speak:

Aims: Sts can tell about their partner’s school life.

+ Task 3:

- Ask some sts to tell the whole class what they know about their partner using the notes from the interview.

- Ask other ststo listen to their classmates and comment on presenters’ work.

- Listen and make necessary corrections.

5 Homework:

Write a paragraph about their partner's study at school( about 150 words)

- Work in groups.

- Suggested words:

Subjects: English, maths, literature,...........

Tests, breaks, homework, teacher, students,.....Secondary school , high school.......

Sts answer:

- My favourite subjects are Math, English....

- I don’t like ..........

- It takes me about ........

- Work in pairs to fill the right questions into the blanks.

- Some sts give their answers

A - 4 ; B - 1 ; C - 2 ; D -6;

E - 3 ; F - 5 ; G - 7

- Two sts read the interview aloud

- Work in pairs , ask and answer the questions on board using his or her own information to answer the questions.

- The student in role of the interviewer takes notes the information of the partner in their notebook.

- One pair stand up to present their interview.

S1: Which lower- secondary school did you go to?

S2: I went to Nguyen Luong Bang lower- secondary school in Thanh Mien District.


- Work individually using the example in the textbook as the beginning:

" Hanh went to Lequi don lower – school......"



Date of preparing:



I. Objectives:

- Sts know about a special photography club.

II-Language focus:

1.Grammar:- Used to + infinitive

- The +adjectives

-Which as a conector.


- Vocabulary concerning special education

- Verbs to describe everyday activities

- Vocabulary on photography

III- Skill:Listening:

Sts develop the following skills:- marking True/false statements, filling in the gaps

-retelling the story.

IV. Teaching aids: textbook, chalk, board.

V. Procedures:


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities






1. Homework checking:

Two sts talk about their school.

2. Before you listen:

Aims: to focus sts on the topic and review/ introduce the words in the listening text.

a. Ask sts to discuss the following questions in groups:

+ Have you ever taken part in a club? What kind of club is it?

+ What are the club activities?

+ What do you think of the club activities?

- Ask sts to present.

b. Introduce some words related to photographs:

- 'photograph (n) = photo

- pho'tography (n) : the art of taking photos.

- photog'raphic (adj)

- pho'tographer (n): the person whose job is to take photos.

- photo'genic(n): looking more beautiful in photos

- Ask sts to read the words after T and calls on some sts to read individually

- Ask sts to read the text carefully and use the given words to fill in the gaps. Sts work in pairs.

- Ask some sts to give answers and give remarks .

* Introduce some new words/ phrases

- sur'roundings (n): everything around you/ the placewhere you live

-'sorrow (n): sadness

- mute (v): = dumb (unable to speak)

- exhi'bition (n) an exhibition of paintings/ photos ...

ex'hibit (v)

- 'labourer (n): a person who does hard work (with hishands and body)

- 'stimulate(v): = encourage(v)

- Read the words and ask sts to repeat.

- Ask sts to read the words in pairs.

- Ask some sts to read the words again.

3. While you listen:

+Task 1

Aims: Practice listening for specific information by deciding if the given statements are true or false.

- Introduce the talk about a very special photography club: The Vang Trang Khuyet Club. T asks sts to listen and tick on the box to indicate True or False statements.

- Ask sts to have a look at the statements and read them in pairs and make sure they understand the statements.

- Ask sts to listen to the tape/T and tick the box to indicate if the statements are true or false. T reads/plays the tape twice.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answer.

- Read/ play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

+ Task 2

- Ask sts to listen to the talk again and fill in the gaps with the suitable word.

- Encourage sts to fill in / guess the most suitable words to fill in the gaps

- Read the conversation / play the tape twice.

- Ask sts to compare their answer in pairs.

- Check sts’ answers.

- Read/ play the tape once again, stop the tape where necessary and conduct the correction.

IV. After you listen:( for advanced students}

- Ask sts to work in groups and tell each other about the photography club. Sts may need to use the following suggested questions:

- Who are the members?

- What are they doing?

- How many photos are on display?

- What are the photos about?

- What does the passion help them?

- Move round to check the activities and to make sure that sts are working effectively.

- Ask one or two sts to present in front of the whole class.

- Give remarks.

IV. Homework:

- Write a short paragraph about the Vang Trang Khuyet Club/ another club.

Others listen and give remarks

- Work in groups to discuss the questions.

- Some sts present.

- Read the words after T and some read individually

- Work in pairs read the text and do the task

-Some sts give answers and give remarks

- Copy the words and phrases.

- Listen and repeat.

- Read the words in pairs and correct each other’s mistakes.

- Some individuals read the words aloud

- Listen to the T

- Work in pairs to read the statement.

- Listen and do the task.

- Compare their answers

- Give their answers.

Key: 1-T; 2-F; 3-T; 4-F; 5-T.

- Check their answers and then correct their work if they have the wrong answers.

- Listen to the tape / the teacher and do the task

- Compare their answers.

- Give their answers.

1. photography6. simple

2. 197. peaceful

3. exhibition8. chickens

4. 509. stimulated

5.beauty10. escape

- Check their answers, say it aloud, and then correct their work if they have the wrong answers.

Sts ask and answer in groups.

One/ two pairs present.



Date of preparin



I. Objectives:

- Students can write a letter of complaint.

II-Language focus:

1.Grammar:- Used to + infinitive

- The +adjectives

-Which as a conector.


- Vocabulary concerning special education.

III- Skill:Writing:

- Reading: read the advertisement.

- Speaking: work in pairs to complete the dialogue.

- Writing: complete a letter of complaint using the suggested information.

IV. Teaching Aids: - board, textbook, chalk.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities






1. Warm-up:

- Aims: to introduce the topic and to raise sts' interest in the topic.

- Ask sts: " What kind of letter do you write when you feel angry about something or unhappy with something?"

- Suggest: " A letter of complaint or a thank-you letter?"

- " Have you ever written a complaint letter?"

- " Do you know how to write a complaint letter?"

- Introduce the topic of the lesson.

2. Before you write:

- Aims: to help sts to prepare vocabulary and information before theywrite.

+ Ask sts to work in pairs and read the advertisement.

- Explain some new words:

+ native teacher(n): teacher from English - speaking counties( England, The USA, Australia...)

+ free (a): cost nothing

+ air-con'ditioned (a): to be equipped with air- conditioner.

- Ask sts to listen and repeat and then some sts stand up to read again.

- Move round to conduct the activity and to help sts if necessary.

- Ask some questions to make sure that sts understand the advertisement.

T: Do Vietnamese teachers teach in this center?

T: How many students are there in a class?

T: Do you have to pay for books and cassette tapes?

T: Are there air- conditioners in the classrooms.

T: What time do the classes start and finish?

- Give the correct answers.

+ Task 1:

- Ask sts to read the requirement of this task and make sure they know what they are going to do.

- Ask sts to work in pairs to complete the dialogue.

- Give the first example:( ask one st to play A's role)

T:( reply) No, I'm not happy with it at all.

T: No, not all of them are native speakers.

- Note sts that their answers may vary from one to another.

- Move round to help sts and to encourage them to speak naturally.

- Ask two pairs to report .

- Ask other sts give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

+ Task 2:

- Ask sts to read the letter of complaint in the book.

- Introduce briefly the structure of a complaint letter.

A letter of complaint usually includes three main parts:- Opening

- Explaining the problem.

- Suggesting a resolution

- Ask sts to write the second part of the letter basing on the dialogue in task 1.

- Remind sts that this is a formal letter so they should not use contractions and that they should use connectors to make their writing smoother.

- Suggest some connectors: first of all, firstly, secondly, furthermore, in addition, to make the matter worse, finally...

3. While you write:

- Aims: Sts practise writing the second part of the letter basing on the information in task 1 .

- Let sts write the letter.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

4. After you write:

- Get feedback by asking one or two sts to read their work aloud.

- Ask some other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answer.

5. Homework:

- Part D ( page 16- workbook)

- Listen to the teacher's question.

- " a letter of complain"

- "Yes/ No"

- Read the advertisement in pairs .

- Copy these words into theit notebooks.

- Listen and read after the teacher.

- Some sts stand up and read aloud, other sts listen and give remarks.

- Answer teacher's questions:

S1: No, there are only native teachers.

S2: No more than 20 students.

S3: No, they are free.

S4: Yes, all the rooms are air- conditioned.

S5: They start at 5.30 p.m and finish at 8.30p.m

-one st asks the teacher and other listen carefully.

S: Are you happy with your study at English For Today Center?

S: Are all the teachers native speakers?

- Work in pairs to complete the dialogue.

- Two pairs report their answers .

- Sample answers:

3. that's not true. My class has over 30 students.

4. I had to pay for them.

5. only some of them. Mine is not.

6. in fact classes often start late and finish early.

- Read the incomplete letter.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Copy to their notebooks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the dialogue in task 1 again and prepare to write.

- Do the writing task.

- Read their writing:

" First of all you say that there are only native teachers, but my class has one Vietnamese teacher and two native teachers. You also say that each class has no more than 20 students but there are over 30 students in my class. In the advertisement , you say we can have books and cassette tapes free of charge but in fact we had to pay for them. To make the matter worse, the classroom is not air-conditioned. That is quite different from the advertisement. Finally, the class time is not the same as what the advertisement says. Classes not only start late but also finish early."



Date of preparing



I. Objectives:

- Students can distinguishthe sound /o/ from the sound / o:/ and pronounce them correctly.

- Students can use " the + adjective" as a noun, review "used to + infinitive" and combine two sentences with " which".

II-Language focus:

1.Grammar:- Used to + infinitive

- The +adjectives

-Which as a conector.

- Pronunciation: /o/ and / o:/


- Vocabulary concerning special education.

III- Skill:Language focus

- Read words and sentences aloud.

- Read the sentences silently to do the exercises.

IV. Teaching aids: -board, chalk, textbook.

V. Procedures:


Teacher's activities

Students' activities





1. Homework checking: ( 5mins)

- Ask one st to do the homework on the board

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- check and give a mark.

2. Pronunciation:( 10 mins)

- Aims: to introduce two sound /o/ and / o:/ and help sts to practise these sounds.

a. Write two sounds on the board and pronounce them clearly twice, then ask sts to repeat.

- Tell sts the difference between two sounds.

- Ask them to look at the textbook, listen and repeat.

- Then ask sts to work in pairs to read the words again so that they can check for each other.

- Move around to help .

- Ask two sts to read again and give remarks.

b. Ask sts to look at sentences in page 52in the book.

- Ask them to work in pairs to read the sentences and then find outthe words containing sound /a/ and the words containing sound / o:/.

- Ask them to work in 2 minutes.

- Move around to conduct the activity.

- Ask one st to report and other sts to give remarks.

- Check and give the correct answers.

- Ask some sts to read these sentences aloud.

- Listen and give remarks.

3. Grammar:

a. Aims: to introduce " the + adjective"as a noun and have sts do Ex 1.

- Present the use of " the + adjective" by giving examples.

E.g: The young are very active.

Her real joy is looking after the old.

- Focus sts on the underlined words and ask them to try to guess their meaning.

- Give the answer: " we use "the + adjective" to describe a group of people."

- Ask sts to look at Ex1 and to do the task.

- Explain any new words if necessary

+ 'ambulance (n) : a kind of vehicles used to carry sick/injured people.

+ unemp'loyed (n) : without a paid job.

- Read these words aloud and ask sts to listen and read these words again.

-Ask some sts to read again and check.

- Ask sts to do the exercise individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check the exercise sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

b. Aims: to review " used to + infinitive" and get sts to do Ex 2.

- Ask sts to recall the use of " used to" by giving an example:

" She used to get bad marks when she was at primary school"

- Ask sts to do Ex 2 individually and then share the answers with their friends.

- Move round to help if necessary.

- Ask two sts to do this exercise on the board.

- Ask one st to give remarks.

- Check and give remarks.

c. Aims: to revise the use of " which" as a connector and ask sts to do exercise 3.

- Recall sts of the relative clauses with " which" used to refer to the whole of the earlier clause.

- Ask sts to read the requirement of Ex2 and read the example carefully.

- Explain the example if necessary.

- Ask sts to do this exercise.

- Go round to conduct the activity.

- Ask some sts to read sentence by sentence.

- Listen and give remarks.

5. Homework

- Part B ( Page 24- workbook)

- One does the exercise on the board.

- Look at their friend's task.

- Give remarks.

- Listen to the teacher.

- Write down two sounds.

- Listen to the teacher and repeat.

- Look at the book , listen and repeat.





- Read these words in pairs and check for their partners.

- Look at the book and work in pairs.

- Answers:

/o// o:/







- Read the examples.

- Try to guess the meaning

S: - The young =young people

- The old=old people.

- Copy these words.

- Listen and repeat.

- Some sts read again.

EX 1:

1. the injured

2. the unemployed

3. the sick

4. the rich..... the poor

- Think about the teacher's question and answer:

- S: We use " used to + infinitive" to talk about past actions or past habits that no longer exist.

- Do the exercise individually and compare their answers with their partners.

- Do the exercise on the board.

2. used to have3. used to live

4. used to eat5. used to be

6. used to take7. used to be

8. did you use to go

- Listen to the teacher.

- Read the requirement and the example carefully.

- Do Ex 3.

2 - c     5 - a

3 - f     6 - d

4 - g    7 - b

