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giúp em mấy câu hỏi này vs ạ . 1. The preparation .................... by the time the guest....... A. had been finished - arrived b. have finished - arrived C. had finished - were arriving D. have been finished - were arrived 2. The boy......... by the teacher yesterday . A punish B.punished C. punishing D. was punishing 3. '' Ms Jones, please type those letters before noon'' - " They 've already ........., sir, They're on your desk" A. typed B. been being typed C. being typed D. been typed 4. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It ....... of cotton A. be made B. are made C. is made D. made 5. They had a boy..... that yesterday . A. to do B. done C. did D. do 6. We got our mail ........ yesterday. A. been delivered b. delivered C. delivering D. to deliver 7. James ...... news as soon as possible A. should tell B. should be told C. should told D. should be telled 8. My wedding ring ......... yellow and white gold. A. is made B. is making C. made D. make 9. Mr. Wilson is.... as Willie to his friend . A. known B. knew C. is known D. know 10. Refrences........ in the examination room. A. not are used B. is not used C. didn't used D. are not used 11. there's somebody behind us. i think we are .................. A. being followed B. are followed C. follow D. following 12. Have you ..... by a dog? A. bite B. bit C. ever been bitten D. ever been bit 13. It ......... that the strike will end soon. A. is expected B. expected C. are expected D. was expected 14. it is ........ that many people are homeless after the floods. A. was reported B. reports C. reported D. reporting 15. beethoven's Fifth sympony.... next weekend. A. is going to be performed B. has been performed C. will be performing D. will have perform 16. english has become a second language in countries like India, nigeria or Singapore where ....... for administration, boardcasting and education A. is used B. it is used C. used D. being used 17. ............ yet ? A. Have the letters been typed B. Have been the letters typed C. Have the letters typed D. Had the letters typed 18. The telephones .......... by Alexander Graham Bell. A. is invented B. is inventing C. invented D. was invented 19. Lot of houses .... by the earthquake . A. are destroying B. destroyed C. were destroyed D. is destroyed 20. Gold..... in california in the 19th century . A. was discovered B. has been discovered C. was discover D. they discover

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