Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 4 Unit 4: When's your birthday - Lesson 3


Lesson 3: part 1-2-3

I. Objectives:

After the lesson, students are able to:

- Pronounce correctly the sound of the letters “th” in fourth and “ch” in March .

- Listen and read for specific information.

- Develop: listening, reading skills.

- Ss look after, solve problems and study themselves.

- Studious and obedient students and love their friends.

II. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: months in a year, birthday

- Sentence patterns: When is your birthday?- It’s on ....

- Phonics: “th” and “ch”

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

IV. Procedures

1. Class organization:- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test: Have pupils asking and answering about months in a year.

3. New lesson:

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm up

- Have Ss play the game: Slap the board.

1. Listen and repeat.

- Have Ss look at the part 1 (p. 28) .

- Let Ss pay attention to the letters coloured differently.

- Play the tape and ask Ss to listen.

- Play the tape again and ask Ss to repeat each line of the text in chorus.

- Have Ss read in groups/ in pairs.

2.Listen and circle. Then write and say aloud.

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the suitable words to circle .

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and circle.

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers. T give the answer:

- Have pupils to givethe key.

- Check and correct.

3. Let’s chant(p10)

- Introduce the Chant Hello

-Turn on the tape.

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant.

-Teacher reinforce their pronunciation

Reinforcement and homelink:

- Ask Ss to do exercises in C, D at home.

- Work in groups to play the game.

- Identify:

- Pay attendant. Ss learn to produce the sound of the letters “ th”& “ ch.

- Listen.

- Listen.

- Repeat.

- Read in groups./ in pairs.

- Read 4 sentences

- Listen and circle.

- Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner.

- 4 Ss. The rest of the class write in the notebooks.

Keys: 1. b2. a3.a4.b

- Ps listen to the tape and chant

- Ps chant in group and individual.

- Ps chant and do the action

- Check in pairs.

- Do at home.