Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 4 Unit 2: I’m from Japan - Lesson 2


Lesson 2: part 1-2-3

I. Objectives:

After the lesson, students are able to:

- Asking and answering questions about one’s nationality ”.

- Listen and read for specific information.

- Develop: Listening and speaking.

- Ss look after, solve problems and study themselves.

- Studious and obedient students and love their friends.

II. Language focus:

- Vocabulary: nationality,American, Malaysian, Japanese, English, Australian.

- Sentence patterns: What nationality are you?- I’m...

III. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

IV. Procedures

1. Class organization:

- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test:

- Have pupils ask and answer questions about someone, intro-duce someone.

3. New lesson

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Warm up:

- Have ss play the game: Jumbled letters.

+ Show ss words in which all the letters have got mixed up.

+ Have ss put the letters in the correct order to make a word.

+ Call ss to give the answer.

- Have ss read aloud all words.

1. Look, listen and repeat.

- Have Ss to look at the book at page 14.

Set the scene: we are going to ask and answerquestions about one’s nationality.

- Have Ss listen to the recording as they read the lines in the speech bubbles

- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles two times.

- Divide the class into two groups. One repeat Mai’s part and the other repeat Nam’ part.

- Play the recording again for the whole class to repeat each line in the speech bubbles to reinforce their pronunciation.

- Teach vocabulary:

- Sentence: What nationality are you?- I’m...

2. Point and say

- Have ss look at the picture and identify the characters.

- Say: “ You are going to practice answering the question What nationality are you?- I’m...

- Do picture a as a model.

- Have Ss work in pairs to practice.

- Call some pairs to talk in front of the class.

3. Let’s talk

Have Ps work in pair to ask and answerquestions:

Listen and correct.

Reinforcement and homelink:

- Ask Ss to do Ex in Part E.

- Play the game:






- Read in chorus.

- Look at the pictures in the book. Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they are saying.

- Listen and repeat

- Read in groups.

- Read in pairs.

- Read after T. Then note down

- Identify the people.

- Listen to the T.

- Practice in pairs.

- 6-7 pairs. Others observe and comment.

- Ss work in pairs.

- Some Ss volumteer come to the class, the other give the comment.